Clickbate Example#

This example provides a good starting point since it only contains code to parse a corpus. It also shows how to use your own model your own data by synthesizing a positive and negative dataset sources in to one, which is provided in the only source code file for the project (excluding the entry point script).

The example shows how to create, train, validate and test a model that determines if a headline is clickbate or not (see the corpus for details). It comes with two models: one that uses word vectors (GloVE 50 dimension and the fasttext news pre-trained embeddings) with additional language features, and a BERT word embedding example.

Note that there is quite a bit of inline documentation in the app.conf and obj.yml configuration files. so it is recommended the reader follow it while reading this tutorial.

Command Line Interface#

All of the examples for this package are written as an Zensols CLI applications. The entry point program is However, the command line is configured in app.conf and the application in obj.yml, which is where almost all of the example. These files configure the file system paths, tell where to load other resource libraries, point to corpus resources and are also used by the Jupyter notebook example to allow for more rapid prototyping and experimentation.

Because the examples (including this one) use resource libraries, the configuration is much smaller and more manageable. First we start with adding the application defaults allowing name to be overridden with the --override command line option:

lang_features = dependencies, enums,
embedding = ${name}_embedding

The --override command line option takes a string (or file) containing any configuration in a comma delimited <section>.<option> and given on the command line to specify which word embeddings to use. For example: --override, would specify the 50 dimension GloVE resource library.

Now we add defaults for the deep learning package that set the model name, appears in results and file system naming. In this example, we simply set the model name as the embeddings we’ll use:

model_name = ${cb_default:embedding}

The following configuration adds default applications, which is invoked from the command line by the CliHarness defined in the entry point and imported from resource libraries as first pass actions:

apps = list: ${cli_config_default:apps}, ${cli_deeplearn_default:apps}, ${cli_deepnlp_default:apps},
  deepnlp_fac_text_classify_app, cleaner_cli
cleanups = list: ${cli_config_default:cleanups}, ${cli_deeplearn_default:cleanups},
  ${cli_deepnlp_default:cleanups}, deepnlp_fac_text_classify_app, cleaner_cli
cleanup_removes = set: log_cli

The application defined in the sections loaded are simply Python dataclasses who’s class and method docstrings as help for the command line interface. Each method is mapped to an action with positional and optional parameters.

Note the log_cli section is mentioned because it is listed as a clean up in a resource library. However, we must keep this section because it is useful to configure child processes when batches are created to keep a consistent logging configuration.

We can also configure a default for the --override flag that indicates the word embedding with:

option_overrides = dict: {'override': {'default': ''}}

While a user can create a model specific configuration file specified with the --config option (such as in the other examples), this example is so simple as to not need it. For this reason, we make it optional:

expect = False

The configured actions and their options for the CLI in the cli section described earlier must be imported from their respective resource libraries, which is done with:

config_files = list:
    resource(zensols.util): resources/default.conf,
    resource(zensols.deepnlp): resources/cleaner.conf

Finally we import the model configuration from the resource libraries with a special section used by the --config option’s first pass action. This provides special directives for loading the overridden --override and the configuration file. We reference the default and cb_default as they are utilized in the loaded in the subordinate configuration files:

references = list: default, cb_default
sections = list: app_imp_conf

type = import
config_files = list:
    resource(zensols.deeplearn): resources/default.conf,
    resource(cb): resources/obj.yml,

This first loads the override with --override, then the configuration importer from a user provided configuration file with --config (if provided). Then the defaults and model configuration is loaded. Finally the configuration file is loaded again providing the user the option to override anything clobbered by the resource libraries as everything loaded is either added over overwritten in order. Nested in this list of resource files includes the obj.yml file, which is this application example’s specific configuration.

Application Configuration#

As mentioned in the previous section, the app.conf specifies resource libraries to load allowing the obj.yml to add and modify existing configuration. This file could have been written as an ini file (like app.conf). However, it contains the hierarchical vectorizer to batch mappings lending itself better to a hierarchical data format such as YAML.

Generally, the term section refers to both a configuration section (like those described in the INI format). However, for the remainder of this document, section group refers to a grouping of sections that are demarcated by two hashes (##) in the configuration file such as ## Install the corpus.

The obj.yml contains the application specific configuration for reading the corpus files and parsing it in to features that will later be vectorized. It also contains the model. All of this is described in each sub section in this document with the respective named group section (root YAML nodes) in the obj.yml application configuration file.

Install the Corpus#

First the configuration defines where to download the corpus uncompress the files to make it available to the program. The Install the corpus sections tell where the resources are on the Internet, and the file naming, which by default takes the naming from the URL.

  class_name: zensols.install.Resource
  url: ''
  class_name: zensols.install.Resource
  url: ''

  resources: 'instance: list: cb_data_resource, non_cb_data_resource'

The installer has a list of resources it uses to download the files and uncompress them on the file system. This local directory is set in the feature resource library.

Feature Creation#

This section contains several sections that describe Stash instances that cache the vectorized batches to the file system (see batch encoding in the paper). This process as it relates to this section includes:

  1. Parse the downloaded corpus from the sentence text files (dataframe_stash).

  2. Randomly split the dataset in to train, validation and test set, then store the data from the dataframe as a picked file on the file system (dataframe_stash).

  3. Parse the English sentences from the dataframe_stash using spaCy across as many processes as the CPU has cores (feature_factory_stash) and persisting them to the file system in directories by feature (feature_dir_stash only found in the deeplearn resource library).

  4. Read only certain files (based on feature selection for the particular model) from the file system to reconstruct batches (see batch decoding in the paper).

  5. Train, validate and test the model using the same ordering and splits sampled by the dataframe_stash from step 1.

Natural Language Processing#

The doc_parser section tells the parser to create instances of a different class that what was defined in its resource library (FeatureDocument) using the classification resource library set up (loaded by the classify resource library by app.conf). The class we provide for this example contains an attribute to carry a label for our text classification task.

  doc_class: 'class: zensols.deepnlp.classify.LabeledFeatureDocument'
  components: 'instance: list: remove_sent_boundaries_component'

  categories: ${dataframe_stash:labels}

The classify_label_vectorizer comes from the feature resource library, which needs the output nominal label names for encoding/vectorization.


The Batch section provides all the configuration necessary to batch the vectorized data in to chunks usable by the model. Specifically, the batch_stash section describes how to map between the vectorized output to entries in the batches and their grouping. It also gives the default set of attributes to test with at experimentation and the number of sub-process workers to use during batching.

  batch_feature_mappings: 'dataclass(zensols.deeplearn.batch.ConfigBatchFeatureMapping): cb_batch_mappings'
  decoded_attributes: 'set: label, ${cb_default:lang_features} ${cb_default:embedding}'
  workers: -2

    - 'dataclass(zensols.deeplearn.batch.BatchFeatureMapping): classify_label_batch_mappings'
    - 'dataclass(zensols.deeplearn.batch.BatchFeatureMapping): lang_batch_mappings'
  field_keep: [label, enums, dependencies, glove_50_embedding, fasttext_news_300_embedding]

The cb_batch_mappings section indicates to reuse the text classification mappings from the classify resource library, and the more general language features (such as spaCy parsed vectorized data) from the lang-batch resource library. The workers: -2 says to use all but two cores for the number of sub-processes for vectorization/batch creation.


The executor in the Model section sets net_settings to classify_net_settings to provide the top level text classification for the application using a BiLSTM-CRF. This model is provided in the classify resource library in deepnlp (this project), with little left to specify. These remaining portions of the model that are specified are:

  • Dense output layer that connects the LSTM to the CRF and specifies the output label cardinality, which is set to two (either clickbate or not).

  • The embedding layer to use, which is string substituted with the cb_default:embedding section/option injected with the overridden (--override) option.

  • The section containing the LSTM configuration (recurrent_settings).

  • Model settings that include the model name, learning rate, default epoch count and the component that decodes model output to labels and softmaxes (confidence like scores).

  net_settings: 'instance: classify_net_settings'

  out_features: "eval: '${dataframe_stash:labels}'.count(',') + 1"

  embedding_layer: 'instance: ${cb_default:embedding}_layer'
  recurrent_settings: 'instance: recurrent_settings'
  dropout: 0.2

  model_name: 'clickbate: ${cb_default:name}'
  learning_rate: 1e-3
  epochs: 35

Imported from Resource Libraries#

Other important components of the application not specified in the obj.yml but present from being imported from resource libraries include:

  • The facade class (ClassifyModelFacade) provided in the classify resource library, which is used by a second pass CLI application to predict ad-hoc text.

  • Model events (i.e. when training or validation starts/end) to track model train/test time consumption using an observer pattern in observer resource library.

  • Vectorizer configuration, vectorizer manager and manager sets, which take data (in our case English text) and vectorize in to binary form usable by the model. See the paper for more information.

  • A Stash that stratifies each dataset by label and other components that enable batching from the feature resource library.


All the code for this example is in the is in the that merges the corpus CSV files and the entry point application that invokes the command line interface API.


The movie review data set example can be run from the command line or as a Jupyter notebook.

Command Line#

Everything can be done with the harness script:

Get the command line help using a thin wrapper around the framework:

$ ./ -h

Usage: <actions> [options]:

  -h, --help                                     show this help message and exit
  --version                                      show the program version and exit
  --level X                                      the level to set the application logger, X is one of: debug, err, info, warn
  -c, --config FILE                              the path to the configuration file
  --override <FILE|DIR|STRING>  cb_default.n...  a config file/dir or a comma delimited section.key=value string that overrides
                                                 configuration with default

list                                             list all actions and help
  --lstfmt <json|name|text>     text             the output format for the action listing

The executor tests and trains the model, use it to get the stats used to train:

$ ./ info
clickbate: glove_50:
    model: clickbate: glove_50
    feature splits:
        split stash splits:
            train: 25598 (80.0%)
            validation: 3201 (10.0%)
            test: 3201 (10.0%)
            total: 32000
        total this instance: 32000
        keys consistent: True

Print a sample Glove 50 (default) batch of what the model will get during training:

$ ./ info -i batch
clickbate: glove_50:
    size: 200
        label: torch.Size([200])
        glove_50_embedding: torch.Size([200, 20])
        enums: torch.Size([200, 20, 174])
        dependencies: torch.Size([200, 20, 1])

Train and test the model but switch to model profile with optimized:

$ ./ traintest -p
2022-06-14 13:55:06,094 resetting executor
2022-06-14 13:55:06,947 training model <class 'zensols.deepnlp.classify.model.ClassifyNetwork'> on cpu for 35 epochs using learning rate 0.001

All model, its (hyper)parameters, metadata and results are stored in subdirectory of files:

$ ./ result
Name: clickbate: glove_50: 1
Run index: 2
Learning rate: 0.001
        started: 06/14/2022 13:55:06:957329

Predict and write the test set to a CSV file:

$ ./ preds
2022-06-14 13:58:57,186 wrote predictions: clickbate-glove_50.csv

Predict ad-hoc a few sentences:

$ ./ predtext "Can't Wait For Summer?  You've Got To See These Pics"
pred=y, logit=0.9994343519210815: Can't Wait For Summer?  You've Got To See These Pics

$ ./ predtext "Biden is fired up over inflation."
pred=n, logit=0.9951714277267456: Biden is fired up over inflation.

Note the script in the same directory provides a simpler API and more prediction examples as a way of calling the entry point. It also serves as an example of how one might simplify a command line for a specific model.

Jupyter Notebook#

There is a Jupyter notebook that executes the entire download, train, validate, test and report process for both models. In notebook directory is the notebook, a Python source (facade manager factory) file that “glues” the CLI to the notebook API, and the output of a previous run of the notebook.

The file contains a convenience class used by the notebook to add directories to the Python path, which is useful for debugging when the package isn’t installed. It also has life cycle methods to manage instances of ModelFacade and configure the Jupyter notebook for things such as logging and page width.

To run the Jupyter notebook:

  1. Pip install: pip install notebook

  2. Go to the notebook directory: cd examples/clickbate/notebook

  3. Start the notebook: jupyter notebook

  4. Start the execution in the notebook with Cell > Run All.