Command Line Interface#

The goal of this API is to require little to no meta data to create a command line. Instead, a complete command line interface is automatically built given a class and follows from the structure and meta data of the class itself.

Harness and Simple Example#

To start, and a good place to jump right in, the template section’s example is expanded (see for the complete example). It provides an example of how to use the command line harness, which is a class that provides a command line interface, Jupyter notebooks and the Python REPL to the an application context.

In the example, this application context is defined inline in INI format:

CONFIG = """
apps = list: log_cli, app
class_name = fsinfo.Application
executor = instance: executor

The next enumeration class provides a programmatic way to identify a short verses long output format when listing a directory for our application. However, it is also used by the command line API to generate a help message and validate command line arguments:

class Format(Enum):
    short = auto()
    long = auto()

The next part of the example application defines a dataclass which is not only invoked by the command line API glue code, but also used to create the help usage for the command line:

class Application(object):
    """Toy application example that provides file system information.

    # tell the framework to not treat the executor field as an option
    CLI_META = {'option_excludes': {'executor'}}

    executor: Executor = field()
    """The executor."""
    def echo(self, text: str):
        """Repeat back what is given as text.

The top level usage documentation comes from the class documentation, method documentation for actions, and the parameters themselves for the arguments. The CLI_META is a class level hint to the API glue code to not add the executor class as part of the command line, which it would by default otherwise. This parameter is added based on the application context adds this to the class when one of the methods are run based on the user selected action that maps to the called method.

Finally we create and run a harness based on the configuration we’ve created, which in turn points to our application dataclass:

if (__name__ == '__main__'):
            None, default='fsinfo').create_section(),
        proto_args='ls -f long',
        proto_factory_kwargs={'reload_pattern': '^fsinfo'},

We provide the app_config_resource as a stream based object. If this were a string or pathlib.Path, it would get the application context from the file system.

Next, the app_config_context parameter uses a first pass application (see the Two Pass Command Line Parser section) to create a section given to the application context that has the program info used by the logging setup.

The proto_args parameter are the command line arguments used when prototyping the application in the Python REPL as if the application were run from the command line.

Finally the proto_factory_kwargs tell the API to reload any module (matched as a regular expression) starting fsinfo, which is the module defined by this script. This is more useful for larger applications with multiple module name spaces.


This tutorial covers the command line API in a breadth first manner. Please read the configuration documentation first as this document builds on it. We will start with a simple application and build it up, with the final version being the CLI example directory.

The remainder of the tutorial shows by example of how to use the framework. The working example code at the end of each sub section can be found in the example directory. A more complete full example is given as a template as described in the main documentation template section.


Every introspective CLI application needs an application context (see the configuration documentation), which is just a specialized grouping of data specific to an application that has two forms: file(s) on the file system and their in-memory isomorphic form. The files that make up the application context are those already detailed in the configuration section. The application context file, which by default, is resources/app.conf, which is added as a resource file to a package distribution built with setuptools since the file is located in resources. Our initial application context just provides the cli section with it’s referenced app:

class_name = zensols.cli.ActionCliManager
apps = list: app

class_name = payroll.Tracker

The class ActionCliManager is the framework class that builds the command line and links it to the target class(es). The app section gives the class to instantiate, which has the method to call from the command line __main__. The apps line in the cli section lists all the application to create, each of which maps as an action using a mnemonic for each of it’s methods.

Note: in this example, the cli section can be omitted since it uses the default entry of the apps property set to the singleton app section.

Since this example creates a simple payroll application, we’ll create a hello world like class in that will evolve in to a more complex application:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Tracker(object):
    def print_employees(self):
        print('hello world')

Finally, we need the entry point main, which is added to

#!/usr/bin/env python

from zensols.cli import ApplicationFactory

def main():
    cli = ApplicationFactory('payroll', 'app.conf')

if __name__ == '__main__':

The ApplicationFactory is the framework entry point that requires only one parameter, which is the package distribution name and usually the name space of the application. Large organizations or projects prefix the string with their name and the name is used in to resources that make up the package distribution.

The second parameter is the resource application context, which as mentioned usually goes in the resources directory. However, to keep things simple, ours points to a file in the root directory for this example. When we run this application from the command line using a help flag (--help), we get:

$ ./ --help

Usage: [options]:


  --version   show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

The help usage message is built automatically, so the flag is always present in the usage. The Tracker() is automatically generated program level documentation since we have not given any docstrings in our class.

The version, when built and installed as an entry point command line file, will print the version. Since there is only one method, and thus one action mapped to that method, the CLI calls it and produces the expected output.

$ ./ --help
hello world


Let’s add some container classes in to hold data for our payroll system, which are employees and their salaries and a grouping for them by department:

from typing import Tuple
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from zensols.config import Dictable

class Person(Dictable):
    name: str
    age: int
    salary: float

class Department(Dictable):
    name: str
    employees: Tuple[Person] = field(default_factory=lambda: ())

    def __str__(self):
        emp_names = ', '.join(map(lambda p:, self.employees))
        return f"{}: {emp_names}"

To access our container classes, we’ll create a data access object and add it to the file:

class EmployeeDatabase(object):
    departments: Tuple[Department]

We’ll create a mock set of data directly in the app.conf file to go along with our mock DB instance and add the DB instance to the main app:

class_name = domain.Person
age = 40
salary = 5.25

class_name = domain.Department
name = hr
employees = instance: list: homer

class_name = payroll.EmployeeDatabase
departments = instance: list: human_resources

class_name = payroll.Tracker
db = instance: emp_db

Application Class and Actions#

We’ll flesh out our main application class with documentation and data class field dry_run.

class Tracker(object):
    """Tracks and distributes employee payroll."""
    db: EmployeeDatabase = field()
    """An instance not given on the commnd line."""

    dry_run: bool = field(default=False)
    """If given, don't do anything, just act like it."""

    def print_employees(self, format: Format = Format.short):
        """Show all employees."""'printing employees using format: {format}')

which gives the following help:

Usage: [options]:

Show all employees.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r, --dryrun          if given, don't do anything, just act like it
                        an instance not given on the commnd line

The print_employees method is now identified as the method to run on a new instance of the class that will later be instantiated by the ImportConfigFactory class by the framework. The name for the framework plumbing that ties the command line to this method is called an action. Each action has it’s own respective arguments used as fields at the class level, and optionally, any arguments given to the method (keyword or positional).

Note: By default, only the subclass is used to generate the CLI. If you want to include the sub class for additional actions and options, set the class attribute CLASS_INSPECTOR (see INSPECT_META) to {}.

Action Decorators#

Now we have the try run boolean flag generated from our data class field attribute and we see the method docstring used as the program documentation. However, the -d EMPLOYEEDATABASE is the framework misinterpretation of the reference to the data base object, which it should instead ignore. There are two ways to tell it to ignore it: a class space or a decorator class given in the configuration.

The former is defined by creating the class space attribute CLASS_META that contains what to make options, option name changes and mnemonic to method mappings (see LogConfigurator.CONFIG_META for an example).

The latter is done by creating a new instance of a class in a section with the same information as the CONFIG_META attribute. The section name uses the same section it decorates appended with _decorates in app.conf, such as:

class_name = zensols.cli.ActionCli
option_excludes = set: db

which tells the framework to ignore the db field. The ActionCli is the framework’s aforementioned plumbing that connects the class and method pair to the command line. Each ActionCli describes the class and at least one of it’s methods, each of which is an action with it’s respective command line metadata given as an ActionMetaData.

The format of decorator sections can be modified with decorator_section_format given to the ActionCliManager.

Domain and Choices#

We’ll want to be able to allow different formats to print employees for our print_employees method However, this parameter will only apply to this method and not every method of the class (unlike the dryrun field), so it’s given to our Python method as an optional keyword argument.

How we tell the program how to format is implemented as one of a set of predefined constants, which is usually given as a choice in OptionParser parlance. The framework understands how to deal with choices as a Python Enum class, so we’ll add an enumeration for each format type with the corresponding keyword argument to the method:

from enum import Enum, auto

class Format(Enum):
    short = auto()
    verbose = auto()

def print_employees(self, format: Format = Format.short):
	"""Show all employees.

	:param format: the detail of reporting

	"""'printing employees using format: {format}')
	dept: Department
	for dept in self.db.departments:
		if format == Format.short:

Our generated help reflects the option as a keyword parameter and its default to the method:

Usage: [options]:

Show all employees.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --dryrun          if given, don't do anything, just act like it
  -f <short|verbose>, --format=<short|verbose>
                        the detail of reporting

Finally, we run the program with no options to invoke the print_employees method:

$ ./ 
printing employees using format: Format.short
human_resources: homer

$ ./ -f verbose
printing employees using format: Format.verbose
name: human_resources
    name: homer
    age: 40
    salary: 5.25

User Configuration#

So far all the configuration we’ve seen is tied closely to the code, and not the kind of configuration the end user cares about or should want to see. This framework allows a separation by inclusion of configuration with other files. Typically the user indicates what file with a flag on the command line, which the program then reads.

These files can reference each other, and for most use cases and this example, refer from the application context to the user given data. This user data will have things like paths, user names, parameters to scientific applications etc. The framework supports this and non-cyclical two way references: from the application context to the user configuration and vice versa.

The framework implements this user configuration injection with the ConfigurationImporter class, which is just a data class with a method to load the configuration and add it to the application context. It is configured as a first pass class, which means it is run before the application.

Two Pass Command Line Parser#

Generally speaking, there are many first pass actions that prepare for one of many second pass actions indicated by the user using the action’s mnemonic. The framework parses the command line parameters given by the user in two passes:

  1. The first pass parses options common to all applications and pertinent to tasks that usually prepare the environment before the application runs. Examples are configuring the log system with a debugging level, and in this example, loads the configuration.

    In this phase, all options from all methods are added so we can “fish out” the action mnemonic, which is the string used to indicate which method to run as we’ve seen with the print_employees method in the application class example

  2. After the first pass completes, we know the action to run along with any other positional arguments given separated from the command line options. Now we know enough to build a new command line specialized for the action given by the user.

The ConfigurationImporter is both indicated it should run, and what file to load with a -c/--config option followed by a file name. Again, the this option can be renamed with an action decorator, which obviates its CLASS_META meta data. Adding this capability is as simple as adding it as an application:

class_name = zensols.cli.ActionCliManager
apps = list: config_cli, app

class_name = zensols.cli.ConfigurationImporter

We’ve added the section config_cli to the list of sections to read, which gives a definition for a new class of type ConfigurationImporter, which in turn adds the -c option:

Usage: [options]:

Show all employees.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --dryrun          if given, don't do anything, just act like it
  -f <short|verbose>, --format=<short|verbose>
                        the detail of reporting
  -c FILE, --config=FILE
                        the path to the configuration file

Note the config_cli section can type a type parameter to indicate what kind of configuration type, such as ini, importini, json, etc. A special type is import, which requires a section property. The section is then loaded just like the [import] of an import ini configuration.

Split Out the User Configuration#

Now we can move what we think the user might edit to the user context payroll.conf, and we’ll add a few defaults while we’re at it:

age = 32
high_cost = 11.50

class_name = domain.Person
age = ${default:age}
salary = 13.50

class_name = domain.Person
age = 40
salary = 5.25

class_name = domain.Department
name = hr
employees = instance: list: homer, bob

The high_cost user configuration option gives what the company determines is a high cost employee and needs to be used to separate employees.

Another Second Pass Action#

Now we need to report on high salaried employees using the high_cost option in the user configuration, so let’s add that capability to the “database”:

class EmployeeDatabase(object):
    departments: Tuple[Department]
    high_cost: float

    def costly_employees(self) -> Iterable[Person]:
        return tuple(filter(lambda e: e.salary > self.high_cost,
                                map(lambda d: d.employees, self.departments))))

add access it from the main application data class Tracker:

def report_costly(self):
    """Report high salaried employees."""
	emp: Person
	for emp in self.db.costly_employees:

which now yields the following help usage:

Usage: <printemployees|reportcostly> [options]:

Tracks and distributes employee payroll.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c FILE, --config=FILE
                        the path to the configuration file

printemployees     show all employees
  -d, --dryrun                         if given, don't do anything, just act like it
  -f, --format <short|verbose>  short  the detail of reporting

reportcostly       report high salaried employees
  -d, --dryrun                         if given, don't do anything, just act like it

We now see an Actions: section, where we did not before. Also notice the application expects either printemployees, reportcostly as indicated in the first usage line, and called mnemonics. As mentioned, these are used as a positional parameter by the user to invoke an action in the main class, which for us, is in the Tracker class.

Before adding this method, we saw no mnemonics or action usage because there was only a single second pass action given. Since the framework had everything it needed to know which method to run (the singleton of the class), it made all input as a single set of options without requiring the action mnemonic.

Also note that the top level program documentation under the Usage: line changed from:

Show all employees.


Tracks and distributes employee payroll.

This is because the framework can’t decide between which method’s documentation to use since we have more than one eligible action, so instead it uses the class’s docstring.

Renaming the Mnemonics#

While the help messages look natural for a command line program, the long mnemonic names look out of place and would be cumbersome to type. Again, we’ll address this with the decorated ActionCli class by adding to the decorated section:

class_name = zensols.cli.ActionCli
option_excludes = set: db
mnemonics = dict: {
    'print_employees': 'show',
    'report_costly': 'highcost'}

which has a new entry mnemonics as a dict with keys as method names and mnemonics as values, which produces a better usage:

Usage: <show|highcost> [options]:
show         show all employees
  -d, --dryrun                         if given, don't do anything, just act like it
  -f, --format <short|verbose>  short  the detail of reporting

highcost     report high salaried employees
  -d, --dryrun                         if given, don't do anything, just act like it

Now we can in run the report_costly method with the highcost mnemonic and user configuration file:

$ ./ -c payroll.conf highcost
Person(name='bob', age=32, salary=13.5)

Note that we now refer from the Tracker application’s emp_db instance reference in the application context file app.conf to the human_resources Department section in the user configuration file payroll.conf. Conversely, we link from the default section’s high_cost parameter to the “data base” emp_db section for the EmployeeDatabase.high_cost attribute.

Default Action#

A default_action attribute can be set on the ActionCliManager in the cli section when it is created to use an action by name if the user does not supply one. Usage identifies which action is the default and will condense the output when possible.

The choice of action becomes ambiguous when the positional arguments are given and the action name matches the argument. An error is raised when the application is configured in this way.

However, if the cli section contains force_default = True, the command parsing will insert the default action when the first non-option is not found as an action. However, this leads to the mentioned ambiguity and is inefficient (arguments are re-parsed) so exercise caution when using this setting.


It would be nice to be able to log some messages instead of print them for our application, but only our application. If we turn on information level logging for the entire run time we could eventually get “polluting” logs that just bury important information. We could use the default Python logging system to do this, and put our application logger in its own name space, then set the level for that name space. Here’s the first part added to

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Tracker(object):
...'printing employees using format: {format}')

However, when we run the program, the print statement made in to a logging statement won’t be seen. We need only to add a first pass action available in the framework as the LogConfigurator added to the cli section of the app.conf file. Part of it’s configuration, set as a data class field, is the application logger name payroll for the __name__ used in our code. We could add the name to the configuration, but then log messages would mysteriously disappear if the file name was changed. Instead, we make the assumption the entire application is in the name space given by the setuptools and refer to the name space by the package distribution meta data we’ve already given in the class. This can be done with the PackageInfoImporter class, which provides the name in a new section it creates called package and refer to it from the LogConfigurator section:

class_name = zensols.cli.ActionCliManager
apps = list: config_cli, package_cli, log_cli, app
doc = A payroll program.

class_name = zensols.cli.PackageInfoImporter

class_name = zensols.cli.LogConfigurator
log_name = ${package:name}

Note that we must add the package_cli before the log_cli in the apps option since they are processed in order and the log configurator needs the package section created first.

We also add a doc option to the cli section to manually provide the documentation since we now have more than one class, which doesn’t allow for taking it from the class docstring.

More Actions#

Speaking of the package, perhaps we want to report some information about it. Already we have a way of getting it’s version with the --version option. But we could print out, among other package meta data, the name. Since it doesn’t seem to fit as a method in our employee tracking class, we’ll add a new class to

class PackageReporter(object):
    config: Configurable

    def report(self):
        """Print package information."""
        name: str = self.config.get_option('name', section='package')
        print(f'package: {name}')

The config data class field is populated by the configuration factory that created it with the configuration used to create it (see the configuration documentation). We then only need to report it’s section’s contents.

We’ll add it to the list of applications:

class_name = zensols.cli.ActionCliManager
apps = list: config_cli, package_cli, log_cli, app, package_reporter

class_name = payroll.PackageReporter

which will register it as a second pass action, and thus a separate action and mnemonic:

Usage: <show|highcost|report> [options]:
report       print package information

and gives the same name of the package as provided in the main:

$ ./ report -c payroll.conf 
package: payroll

Positional Arguments#

Let’s suppose our formatting for employee printing changes and we no longer trust the default given on the command line. Instead we want to force the user to provide the format over specifying it as an option. To do this, we only need remove the default in the keyword argument making it a positional argument in the method:

def print_employees(self, format: Format):
	"""Show all employees.

	:param format: the detail of reporting


which shows up in the help usage as a positional argument rather than an option:

show <format>     show all employees
  -d, --dryrun    if given, don't do anything, just act like it

and to run it:

./ show -c payroll.conf terse
INFO:payroll:printing employees using format: Format.terse
human_resources: homer, bob


It is important to easily supply environment information to the application, for which the framework has two means:

  1. Provide environment variables using the EnvironmentConfig using the import ini configuration as a section include.

  2. Provide it directly to the ApplicationFactory in the when we create it.

Any sophisticated application will probably involve both, so let’s start with the first, which is simply to add the following in the app.conf:

sections = imp_env

type = environment
section_name = env
includes = set: HOME

which creates a new section env with the indicated environment variable HOME. We can add all variables if we don’t provide includes, but some variables that contain dollar signs confuse the configparser.ConfigParser interpolation system.

Our application factory added to includes:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from zensols.config import DictionaryConfig
from zensols.cli import ApplicationFactory

class PayrollApplicationFactory(ApplicationFactory):
    def instance(cls: type, root_dir: Path = Path('.'), *args, **kwargs):
        dconf = DictionaryConfig(
            {'appenv': {'root_dir': str(root_dir)},
             'financial': {'salary': 15.}})
        return cls('payroll', 'app.conf', children_configs=(dconf,))

def main():
    cli = PayrollApplicationFactory.instance()

This gives the application appenv and financial sections with data we provide. This is very handy in setting application roots that might have different data directories for scientific data, models, etc.

Directory Structure#

So far, our examples have been small and had a simple flat directory structure. However, in larger applications, we’ll want to branch out and create a source directory tree and probably another for configuration. Here gives something simple, yet provides room for the application to grow:

  • root

    • resources: contains files packaged in the distribution

      • app.conf: the application configuration

    • etc: user directory tree (any name works)

      • payroll.conf: user configuration

    • mycom: company module

      • payroll: our source app



The final example provides this directory structure and provides a comprehensive example of the final product of this tutorial.

Overriding Configuration and Harness#

The final version of our application will simplify the CLI by removing the ApplicationFactory class and using a CliHarness in its place. Now the entire class has:

from zensols.cli import CliHarness

if (__name__ == '__main__'):
    harness = CliHarness(
        proto_factory_kwargs={'reload_pattern': r'^mycom\.payroll'},

The package_resource tells the harness the application module to find the application as a package. It also tells the framework where to find not only the app.conf but resolves the added obj.conf application resource file using resource(mycom.payroll): resources/obj.conf.

The app.conf application context file is much more simple now as well as it now imports path and command line defaults from the zensols.util resource library. Also notice the how the configuration is loaded in the config_imp section:

config_files = list: 
    resource(mycom.payroll): resources/obj.conf

The config_imp section is indicated as an importation section in the cli-config.conf resource library. The special syntax ^{config_path} indicates to load the file given by the --config option and ^{override} loads the configuration given in the --override option (see the ConfigurationOverrider first pass application).

Finally, the obj.conf is loaded after the user and overriding configuration all in this order. The developer can change this order to allow overriding or re-overriding configuration based on the needs of the application.

Since we have only one configuration file, we can set it as the default so the user need not specify it. To do this we add the following to app.conf with:

# set the default configuration file
option_overrides = dict: {'config_path': {'default': '${default:root_dir}/etc/payroll.conf'}}

The --override flag takes a configuration file, a directory of configuration files, or a string in the format <section>.<option>=<value> form. For example, if we invoke the script and override Homer’s salary by:

./ show -f verbose --override homer.salary=100.5

we get

name: hr
    name: homer
    age: 32
    salary: 100.5


This tutorial was meant to instruct quickly on how to create applications. There are many details and other features not covered, such as the listing actions and documentation second pass action given in the last example.

Complete Examples#

See the example directory the complete code used to create the examples in this documentation. There is one directory for each sub heading in this document, for example the boilerplate section’s steps are in the example/cli/1-boilerplate directory in the source repository.