zensols.cli.lib namespace


zensols.cli.lib.config module

Configuration merging first pass applications. These utility applications allow a configuration option and then merge that configuration with the application context.

class zensols.cli.lib.config.ConfigurationImporter(name, config, expect=True, default=None, config_path_environ_name=None, type=None, arguments=None, section=None, config_path_option_name='config_path', debug=False, cache_path=None, config_path=None)[source]

Bases: ApplicationObserver, Dictable

This class imports a child configuration in to the application context. It does this by:

  1. Attempt to load the configuration indicated by the --config option.

  2. If the option doesn’t exist, attempt to get the path to load from an environment variable (see get_environ_var_from_app()). For example, for package zensols.util, the environment variable UTILRC environment variable’s path is used.

  3. If the environment variable is not found, then look for the UNIX style resource file (see get_environ_path()). For example, package zensols.util would point to ~/.utilrc.

  4. Loads the child configuration.

  5. Copy all sections from the child configuration to config.

The child configuration is created by ConfigurableFactory. If the child has a .conf extension, ImportIniConfig is used with its child set as config so the two can reference each other at property/factory resolve time.

Special mnemonic ^{config_path} can be used in an :class`.ImportIniConfig` import section in the config_files property to load the referred configuration file in any order with the other loaded files. The special mnemonic ^{override} does the same thing with the ConfigurationOverrider one pass application as well.

CLI_META = {'first_pass': True, 'mnemonic_includes': {'merge'}, 'mnemonic_overrides': {'merge': '_merge_config_as_import'}, 'option_includes': {'config_path'}, 'option_overrides': {'config_path': {'long_name': 'config', 'short_name': 'c'}}}

Command line meta data to avoid having to decorate this class in the configuration. Given the complexity of this class, this configuration only exposes the parts of this class necessary for the CLI.

CONFIG_PATH_FIELD = 'config_path'

The field name in this class of the child configuration path.



ENVIRON_VAR_REGEX = re.compile('^.+\\.([a-z]+?)$')

A regular expression to parse the name from the package name for the environment variable that might hold the configuration (i.e. APPNAMERC).

IMPORT_TYPE = 'import'

The string value of the type parameter in the section config identifying an ImportIniConfig import section.

__init__(name, config, expect=True, default=None, config_path_environ_name=None, type=None, arguments=None, section=None, config_path_option_name='config_path', debug=False, cache_path=None, config_path=None)
arguments: Dict[str, Any] = None

Additional arguments to pass to the ConfigFactory when created.

cache_path: Path = None

A path to a binary file of the cached configuration. This is useful for large application contexts that have a lot of imports that take a long time to load.

When this file is set, the imported configuration files and their modify timestamps are written along with the loaded configuration to this specified file. On subsequent runs, previous configuration is used if none of the configuration files have changed. Otherwise, they are reloaded and cached again.

config: Configurable

The parent configuration, which is populated from the child configuration (see class docs).

config_path: Path = None

The configuration file.

config_path_environ_name: str = None

An environment variable containing the default path to the configuration.

config_path_option_name: str = 'config_path'

If not None, the name of the option to set in the section defined for this instance (section = name).

debug: bool = False

Printn the configuration after the merge operation.

default: Path = None

Use this file as the default when given on the command line, which is not used unless :obj:expect is set to False.

If this is set to skip, then do not load any file. This is useful when the entire configuration is loaded by this class and there are configuration mentions in the app.conf application context.

expect: bool = True

If True, raise an ApplicationError if the option is not given.


Return the path to the resource configuration file. This first uses get_environ_var_from_app() to attempt to find an environment variable with a reference to file, then looks for it using the UNIX style file naming conventions (i.e. package zensols.util would point to ~/.utilrc).

Return type:



Return the environment variable based on the name of the application. This returns the config_path_environ_name if set, otherwise, it generates it based on the name returned from the packge + RC and capitalizes it.

Return type:



Merge configuration at path to the current configuration.


config_path – the path to the configuration file

Return type:


name: str

The section name.

section: str = None

Additional which section to load as an import. This is only valid and used when type is set to import. When it is, the section will replace the string ^{config_apth} (and any other field in this instance using the same syntax) and load indicated remaining configuration using ImportIniConfig.

See the API documentation for more information.

type: str = None

The type of Configurable use to create in ConfigurableFactory. If this is not provided, the factory decides based on the file extension.



class zensols.cli.lib.config.ConfigurationOverrider(config, override=None, option_sep_regex='\\\\s*,\\\\s*', disable=False)[source]

Bases: object

Overrides configuration in the app config. This is useful for replacing on a per command line invocation basis. Examples could include changing the number of epochs trained for a model.

The override field either contains a path to a file that contains the configuration file to use to clobber the given sections/values, or a string to be interpreted by StringConfig. This determination is made by whether or not the string points to an existing file or directory.

CLI_META = {'first_pass': True, 'mnemonic_includes': {'merge'}, 'option_includes': {'override'}, 'option_overrides': {'override': {'metavar': '<FILE|DIR|STRING>', 'short_name': None}}}
OVERRIDE_FIELD = 'override'
__init__(config, override=None, option_sep_regex='\\\\s*,\\\\s*', disable=False)
config: Configurable

The parent configuration, which is populated from the child configuration (see class docs).

disable: bool = False

Whether to disable the application, which is useful to set to False when used with ConfigurationImporter.

Return type:



Merge the string configuration with the application context.

Return type:


option_sep_regex: str = '\\s*,\\s*'

The string used to delimit the each key/value pair.

override: str = None

A config file/dir or a comma delimited section.key=value string that overrides configuration.

zensols.cli.lib.log module

A first pass application to configure the logging system.

class zensols.cli.lib.log.LogConfigurator(log_name=None, default_level=None, level=None, default_app_level=LogLevel.info, config_file=None, format=None, loggers=None, skip_config=False, debug=False)[source]

Bases: object

A simple log configuration utility.

CLI_META = {'first_pass': True, 'mnemonic_includes': {'config'}, 'mnemonic_overrides': {'config': 'log'}, 'option_includes': {'level'}, 'option_overrides': {'level': {'short_name': None}}}

Command line meta data to avoid having to decorate this class in the configuration. Given the complexity of this class, this configuration only exposes the parts of this class necessary for the CLI.

__init__(log_name=None, default_level=None, level=None, default_app_level=LogLevel.info, config_file=None, format=None, loggers=None, skip_config=False, debug=False)

Configure the log system.

config_file: Path = None

If provided, configure the log system with this configuration file.

debug: bool = False

Print some logging to standard out to debug this class.

default_app_level: LogLevel = 20

The default log level to set the application logger when not given on the command line.

default_level: LogLevel = None

The root logger level.

format: str = None

The format string to use for the logging system.

level: LogLevel = None

The application logger level.

log_name: str = None

The log name space.

loggers: Dict[str, Union[str, LogLevel]] = None

Additional loggers to configure.

static reset()[source]

Reset the logging system. All configuration is removed.

classmethod set_format(format)[source]

Set the format of the logger after previously set using this class.

skip_config: bool = False

Whether to configure the logging system. Set this to False to allow the application to configure the logging system while still leveraging this class.

class zensols.cli.lib.log.LogLevel(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Set of configurable log levels on the command line. Note that we don’t include all so as to not overwhelm the help usage.

crit = 50
debug = 10
err = 40
info = 20
notset = 0
trace = 5
warn = 30

zensols.cli.lib.package module

First pass application to provide package information.

class zensols.cli.lib.package.PackageInfoImporter(config, section='package')[source]

Bases: ApplicationObserver

Adds a section to the configuration with the application package information. The section to add is given in section, and the key/values are:

  • name: the package name (PackageResources.name)

  • short_name: a shorter package name useful for setting in logging messages taken from PackageResources.name

  • version: the package version (PackageResources.version)

This class is useful to configure the default application module given by the package name for the LogConfigurator class.

CLI_META = {'always_invoke': True, 'first_pass': True, 'mnemonic_includes': {'add'}, 'mnemonic_overrides': {'add': '_add_package_info'}, 'option_includes': {}}

Command line meta data to avoid having to decorate this class in the configuration. Given the complexity of this class, this configuration only exposes the parts of this class necessary for the CLI.

__init__(config, section='package')

Add package information to the configuration (see class docs).

Return type:


config: Configurable

The parent configuration, which is populated with the package information.

section: str = 'package'

The name of the section to create with the package information.

zensols.cli.lib.support module

General purpose first pass applications to support the build and configuration functionality.

class zensols.cli.lib.support.CacheClearer(dry_run=False, config_factory=None, clearables=None)[source]

Bases: DryRunApplication

Clear cached data by iterating through a list of application context instances that have a clear method.

CLI_META = {'mnemonic_includes': {'clear'}, 'option_excludes': {'clearables', 'config_factory'}, 'option_overrides': {'clean_level': {'long_name': 'clevel', 'short_name': None}, 'dry_run': {'short_name': 'd'}}}
__init__(dry_run=False, config_factory=None, clearables=None)

Clear all cached data

clearables: Tuple[str, ...] = None

A list of instance aliases (<section>:<option>), each with their own list of instances to invoke clear to remove cached data.

config_factory: ConfigFactory = None

The parent application context factory, which is populated from the child configuration (see class docs).

class zensols.cli.lib.support.Cleaner(dry_run=False, paths=None, clean_level=0)[source]

Bases: DryRunApplication

Clean (removes) files and directories not needed by the project. The first tuple of paths will get deleted at any level, the next needs a level of 1 and so on.

CLI_META = {'mnemonic_includes': {'clean'}, 'option_excludes': {'paths'}, 'option_overrides': {'clean_level': {'long_name': 'clevel', 'short_name': None}, 'dry_run': {'short_name': 'd'}}}
__init__(dry_run=False, paths=None, clean_level=0)

Clean up unecessary files.

clean_level: int = 0

The level at which to delete.

paths: Tuple[Tuple[Union[str, Path], ...], ...] = None

Paths to delete (files or directories) with each group corresponding to a level (see class docs).

class zensols.cli.lib.support.ConfigFormat(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Options for outputing the action list in ShowConfiguration.

ini = 2
json = 3
shell = 5
text = 1
yaml = 4
class zensols.cli.lib.support.DryRunApplication(dry_run=False)[source]

Bases: object

CLI_META = {'option_overrides': {'dry_run': {'short_name': 'd'}}}
dry_run: bool = False

Don’t do anything; just act like it.

class zensols.cli.lib.support.EditConfiguration(config_factory, section_name='config_cli', command='emacsclient -n {path}')[source]

Bases: object

Edits the configuration file given on the command line. This must be added after the ConfigurationImporter class.

CLI_META = {'mnemonic_overrides': {'edit_configuration': 'editconf'}, 'option_includes': {}}
__init__(config_factory, section_name='config_cli', command='emacsclient -n {path}')
command: str = 'emacsclient -n {path}'

The command used on the :function:`os.system` command to edit the file.

config_factory: ConfigFactory

The configuration factory which is returned from the app.


Edit the configuration file.

section_name: str = 'config_cli'

The section of the CLI configuration that contains the entry.

class zensols.cli.lib.support.ExportEnvironment(config, section, output_path=None, export_output_format=ExportFormat.bash)[source]

Bases: object

The class dumps a list of bash shell export statements for sourcing in build shell scripts.

CLI_META = {'option_includes': {'export_output_format', 'output_path'}, 'option_overrides': {'export_output_format': {'long_name': 'eformat', 'short_name': None}, 'output_path': {'long_name': 'eout', 'short_name': None}}}
OUTPUT_FORMAT = 'export_output_format'
OUTPUT_PATH = 'output_path'
__init__(config, section, output_path=None, export_output_format=ExportFormat.bash)
config: Configurable

The configuration used to get section information used to generate the export commands.


Create exports for shell sourcing.

Return type:


export_output_format: ExportFormat = 1

The output format.

output_path: Path = None

The output file name for the export script.

section: str

The section to dump as a series of export statements.

class zensols.cli.lib.support.ExportFormat(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

The format for the environment export with the ExportEnvironment first pass application.

bash = 1
make = 2
class zensols.cli.lib.support.ListActions(list_output_format=ListFormat.text, type_to_string=<factory>)[source]

Bases: ApplicationObserver, Dictable

List command line actions with their help information.

CLI_META = {'option_includes': {'list_output_format'}, 'option_overrides': {'list_output_format': {'long_name': 'lstfmt', 'short_name': None}}}
LONG_NAME_SKIP = 'add_ConfigFactoryAccessor_to_app_config'

The ActionCliMethod name to skip,which indicates the first pass action used to get the application in the CliHarness used by ConfigFactoryAccessor.

OUTPUT_FORMAT = 'list_output_format'
__init__(list_output_format=ListFormat.text, type_to_string=<factory>)

List all actions and help.

list_output_format: ListFormat = 1

The output format for the action listing.

type_to_string: Dict[Type, str]

Map Python type to a string used in the JSON formatted list output.

class zensols.cli.lib.support.ListFormat(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Options for outputing the action list in ListActions.

json = 2
name = 3
text = 1
class zensols.cli.lib.support.ProgramNameConfigurator(config, section='program', default='prog')[source]

Bases: object

Adds a section with the name of the program to use. This is useful for adding the program name to the beginning of logging lines to confirm to UNIX conventions.

To add it to the logging output add it to the LogConfigurator section’s format property.


class_name = zensols.cli.ProgramNameConfigurator
default = someprog

class_name = zensols.cli.LogConfigurator
format = ${program:name}: %%(message)s
CLI_META = {'always_invoke': True, 'first_pass': True, 'mnemonic_includes': {'add_program_name'}, 'option_includes': {}}
__init__(config, section='program', default='prog')

Add the program name as a single configuration section and parameter.





config: Configurable

The parent configuration, which is populated with the package information.


Return a dict with the contents of the program and name section.


entry_path (str) – used to infer the program name from the entry point script, which defaults sys.argv[0]

Return type:

Dict[str, str]

default: str = 'prog'

The default progran name to use when can not be inferred.

classmethod infer_program_name(entry_path=None)[source]

Infer the program name using the system arguments.


entry_path (str) – used to infer the program name from the entry point script, which defaults sys.argv[0]

Return type:


section: str = 'program'

The name of the section to create with the package information.

class zensols.cli.lib.support.ShowConfiguration(config_factory, config_output_path=None, config_output_format=ConfigFormat.text, evaluate=False)[source]

Bases: object

The class dumps a list of bash shell export statements for sourcing in build shell scripts.

CLI_META = {'mnemonic_overrides': {'show_config': 'config'}, 'option_includes': {'config_output_format', 'config_output_path', 'evaluate', 'sections'}, 'option_overrides': {'config_output_format': {'long_name': 'cformat', 'short_name': None}, 'config_output_path': {'long_name': 'cout', 'short_name': None}, 'evaluate': {'long_name': 'eval', 'short_name': None}, 'sections': {'long_name': 'csec', 'short_name': None}}}
EVAL_NAME = 'evaluate'
OUTPUT_FORMAT = 'config_output_format'
OUTPUT_PATH = 'config_output_path'
SECTION_NAME = 'sections'
__init__(config_factory, config_output_path=None, config_output_format=ConfigFormat.text, evaluate=False)
config_factory: ConfigFactory

The configuration factory which is returned from the app.

config_output_format: ConfigFormat = 1

The output format.

config_output_path: Path = None

The output file name for the configuration.

evaluate: bool = False

Whether to evaluate as the application sees it.


Print the configuration and exit.


sections (str) – comma separated sections to show, all if not given, or - for names

Return type:
