Source code for zensols.cli.lib.config

"""Configuration merging first pass applications.  These utility applications
allow a configuration option and then merge that configuration with the
application context.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import Dict, Any, Set, List, Tuple, Iterable, Optional, Type, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import os
import logging
from string import Template
import parse as par
import re
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
from zensols.util import PackageResource
from zensols.persist import persisted
from zensols.config import (
    rawconfig, Configurable, ConfigurableFactory,
    IniConfig, ImportIniConfig, StringConfig, DictionaryConfig,
from .. import (
    Dictable, ActionCliError, ApplicationError, OptionMetaData, ActionMetaData,
    ApplicationObserver, Action, Application,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _ConfiguratorImporterTemplate(Template):
    delimiter = '^'

class _PreLoadImportIniConfig(ImportIniConfig):
    _PRELOAD_FORMAT = 'preload:{}'

    def __init__(self, *args, preloads: Dict[str, Configurable], **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.preloads = preloads

    def format_preload(self, name: str) -> str:
        return self._PRELOAD_FORMAT.format(name)

    def parse_preload(self, s: str) -> Optional[str]:
        pres: par.Result = par.parse(self._PRELOAD_FORMAT, s)
        if pres is not None:
            return pres[0]

    def _create_config(self, section: str,
                       params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Configurable:
        conf: Configurable = None
        key: str = None
        config_file: Union[Path, str] = params.get(self.SINGLE_CONFIG_FILE)
        if isinstance(config_file, str):
            key = self.parse_preload(config_file)
        if key is not None:
            conf = self.preloads.get(key)
            if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                logger.debug(f"create config '{key} -> {conf} ({type(conf)})")
            if conf is None:
                logger.warning(f"matched a preload format '{config_file}' " +
                               f"with non-existing preload: '{key}'")
        if conf is None:
            conf = super()._create_config(section, params)
        return conf

[docs] @dataclass class ConfigurationOverrider(object): """Overrides configuration in the app config. This is useful for replacing on a per command line invocation basis. Examples could include changing the number of epochs trained for a model. The :obj:`override` field either contains a path to a file that contains the configuration file to use to clobber the given sections/values, or a string to be interpreted by :class:`.StringConfig`. This determination is made by whether or not the string points to an existing file or directory. """ OVERRIDE_FIELD = 'override' CLI_META = {'first_pass': True, # not a separate action 'mnemonic_includes': {'merge'}, # better/shorter long name, and reserve the short name 'option_overrides': {OVERRIDE_FIELD: {'metavar': '<FILE|DIR|STRING>', 'short_name': None}}, # only the path to the configuration should be exposed as a # an option on the comamnd line 'option_includes': {OVERRIDE_FIELD}} config: Configurable = field() """The parent configuration, which is populated from the child configuration (see class docs). """ override: str = field(default=None) """A config file/dir or a comma delimited section.key=value string that overrides configuration. """ option_sep_regex: str = field(default=r'\s*,\s*') """The string used to delimit the each key/value pair.""" disable: bool = field(default=False) """Whether to disable the application, which is useful to set to ``False`` when used with :class:`.ConfigurationImporter`. """
[docs] def get_configurable(self) -> Optional[Configurable]: if self.override is not None: path = Path(self.override) if path.exists(): cf = ConfigurableFactory() overrides = cf.from_path(path) else: overrides = StringConfig( self.override, option_sep_regex=self.option_sep_regex ) return overrides
[docs] def merge(self) -> Configurable: """Merge the string configuration with the application context.""" if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'overriding with: {self.override}') if not self.disable: conf: Optional[Configurable] = self.get_configurable() if conf is not None: self.config.merge(conf) return self.config
def __call__(self) -> Configurable: return self.merge()
@dataclass class _CacheConfigManager(object): path: Path = field() config: ImportIniConfig = field() watch_files: Dict[Path, int] = field(default_factory=dict) def _get_newer_files(self, files: Dict[Path, int]) -> Iterable[Path]: path: Path prev_mtime: int for path, prev_mtime in files.items(): cur_mtime = path.stat().st_mtime if cur_mtime > prev_mtime: yield path def load(self) -> ImportIniConfig: prev_config: ImportIniConfig = None if self.path.is_file(): with open(self.path, 'rb') as f: prev_mng: _CacheConfigManager = pickle.load(f) newer_files: Tuple[Path, ...] = tuple( self._get_newer_files(prev_mng.watch_files)) if len(newer_files) == 0: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):'reusing cached config: {self.path}') prev_config = prev_mng.config else: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): fnames: str = ', '.join(map(str, newer_files))'reloading since files changed: {fnames}') if prev_config is None: self.config.start_file_capture() return prev_config def save(self): visited: Set[Path] = set(self.config.stop_file_capture()) self.watch_files.update(dict(map( lambda p: (p, p.stat().st_mtime), visited))) self.path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(self.path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] @dataclass class ConfigurationImporter(ApplicationObserver, Dictable): """This class imports a child configuration in to the application context. It does this by: 1. Attempt to load the configuration indicated by the ``--config`` option. 2. If the option doesn't exist, attempt to get the path to load from an environment variable (see :meth:`get_environ_var_from_app`). For example, for package ``zensols.util``, the environment variable ``UTILRC`` environment variable's path is used. 3. If the environment variable is not found, then look for the UNIX style resource file (see :meth:`get_environ_path`). For example, package ``zensols.util`` would point to ``~/.utilrc``. 4. Loads the *child* configuration. 5. Copy all sections from the child configuration to :obj:`config`. The child configuration is created by :class:`.ConfigurableFactory`. If the child has a `.conf` extension, :class:`.ImportIniConfig` is used with its child set as :obj:`config` so the two can reference each other at property/factory resolve time. Special mnemonic ``^{config_path}`` can be used in an :class`.ImportIniConfig` import section in the `config_files` property to load the referred configuration file in any order with the other loaded files. The special mnemonic ``^{override}`` does the same thing with the :class:`.ConfigurationOverrider` one pass application as well. """ _OVERRIDES_KEY = ConfigurationOverrider.OVERRIDE_FIELD _OVERRIDES_PRELOAD = _PreLoadImportIniConfig.format_preload(_OVERRIDES_KEY) CONFIG_PATH_FIELD = 'config_path' """The field name in this class of the child configuration path. :see: :obj:`config_path` """ CLI_META = {'first_pass': True, # not a separate action # the mnemonic must be unique and used to referece the method 'mnemonic_overrides': {'merge': '_merge_config_as_import'}, 'mnemonic_includes': {'merge'}, # better/shorter long name, and reserve the short name 'option_overrides': {CONFIG_PATH_FIELD: {'long_name': 'config', 'short_name': 'c'}}, # only the path to the configuration should be exposed as a # an option on the comamnd line 'option_includes': {CONFIG_PATH_FIELD}} """Command line meta data to avoid having to decorate this class in the configuration. Given the complexity of this class, this configuration only exposes the parts of this class necessary for the CLI. """ IMPORT_TYPE = 'import' """The string value of the ``type`` parameter in the section config identifying an :class:`.ImportIniConfig` import section. """ ENVIRON_VAR_REGEX = re.compile(r'^.+\.([a-z]+?)$') """A regular expression to parse the name from the package name for the environment variable that might hold the configuration (i.e. ``APPNAMERC``). """ name: str = field() """The section name.""" config: Configurable = field() """The parent configuration, which is populated from the child configuration (see class docs). """ expect: bool = field(default=True) """If ``True``, raise an :class:`.ApplicationError` if the option is not given. """ default: Path = field(default=None) """Use this file as the default when given on the command line, which is not used unless :obj:``expect`` is set to ``False``. If this is set to ``skip``, then do not load any file. This is useful when the entire configuration is loaded by this class and there are configuration mentions in the ``app.conf`` application context. """ config_path_environ_name: str = field(default=None) """An environment variable containing the default path to the configuration. """ type: str = field(default=None) """The type of :class:`.Configurable` use to create in :class:`.ConfigurableFactory`. If this is not provided, the factory decides based on the file extension. :see: :class:`.ConfigurableFactory` """ arguments: Dict[str, Any] = field(default=None) """Additional arguments to pass to the :class:`.ConfigFactory` when created. """ section: str = field(default=None) """Additional which section to load as an import. This is only valid and used when :obj:`type` is set to `import`. When it is, the section will replace the string ``^{config_apth}`` (and any other field in this instance using the same syntax) and load indicated remaining configuration using :class:`~zensols.config.ImportIniConfig`. See the `API documentation <>`_ for more information. """ config_path_option_name: str = field(default='config_path') """If not ``None``, the name of the option to set in the section defined for this instance (section = :obj:`name`). """ debug: bool = field(default=False) """Printn the configuration after the merge operation.""" cache_path: Path = field(default=None) """A path to a binary file of the cached configuration. This is useful for large application contexts that have a lot of imports that take a long time to load. When this file is set, the imported configuration files and their modify timestamps are written along with the loaded configuration to this specified file. On subsequent runs, previous configuration is used if none of the configuration files have changed. Otherwise, they are reloaded and cached again. """ # name of this field must match # :obj:`ConfigurationImporter.CONFIG_PATH_FIELD` config_path: Path = field(default=None) """The configuration file.""" @persisted('_rc_prefix') def _get_rc_prefix(self) -> str: """Return the resource prefix. For example, if the package resource is ``zensols.util`` the outupt is ``util``. """ pkg_res: PackageResource = self._app.factory.package_resource name: str = if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f"match environment variable '{name}' " + f'on {self.ENVIRON_VAR_REGEX}') m = self.ENVIRON_VAR_REGEX.match(name) if m is not None: name = return name
[docs] def get_environ_var_from_app(self) -> str: """Return the environment variable based on the name of the application. This returns the :obj:`config_path_environ_name` if set, otherwise, it generates it based on the name returned from the packge + ``RC`` and capitalizes it. """ name: str if self.config_path_environ_name is not None: name = self.config_path_environ_name else: name = f'{self._get_rc_prefix()}rc'.upper() if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f"using environment variable '{name}'") return name
[docs] def get_environ_path(self) -> Optional[Path]: """Return the path to the resource configuration file. This first uses :meth:`get_environ_var_from_app` to attempt to find an environment variable with a reference to file, then looks for it using the UNIX style file naming conventions (i.e. package ``zensols.util`` would point to ``~/.utilrc``). """ env_var: str = self.get_environ_var_from_app() env_var_path: str = os.environ.get(env_var) rc_path: Path = None if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('loading config from environment ' + f"varaibles '{env_var}' = {env_var_path}") if env_var_path is None: prefix: str = self._get_rc_prefix() path = Path(f'~/.{prefix}rc').expanduser() if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'trying UNIX style resource file: {path}') if path.is_file(): rc_path = path else: path = Path(env_var_path) if path.exists(): rc_path = path else: logger.warning(f'Environment variable {env_var} set to ' + f'non-existant path: {env_var_path}') return rc_path
def _get_config_option(self) -> str: """Return the long option name (with dashes) as given on the command line. """ ameta: ActionMetaData = self._action.meta_data ometa: OptionMetaData = ameta.options_by_dest[self.CONFIG_PATH_FIELD] return ometa.long_option def _application_created(self, app: Application, action: Action): """In this call back, set the app and action for using in the invocation :meth:`merge`. """ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'configurator created with {action}') self._app = app self._action = action def _get_override_config(self) -> Configurable: conf: Configurable = None ac: Action for ac in self._app.actions: ctype: Type = ac.class_meta.class_type if issubclass(ctype, ConfigurationOverrider): opts: Dict[str, Any] = ac.command_action.options sconf: str = opts.get(ConfigurationOverrider.OVERRIDE_FIELD) params = {ConfigurationOverrider.OVERRIDE_FIELD: sconf} co = ConfigurationOverrider(self.config, **params) conf = co.get_configurable() break if conf is None: conf = DictionaryConfig(parent=self.config) return conf def _validate(self): # the section attribute is only useful for ImportIniConfig imports if self.type != self.IMPORT_TYPE and self.section is not None: raise ActionCliError("Cannot have a 'section' entry " + f"without type of '{self.IMPORT_TYPE}'") def _populate_import_sections(self, config: Configurable) -> \ Tuple[Configurable, Set[str]]: sec: Dict[str, str] = self.config.get_options(self.section) secs: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {} populated_sec = {} vals = self.asdict() vals[self._OVERRIDES_KEY] = self._OVERRIDES_PRELOAD for k, v in sec.items(): populated_sec[k] = v.format(**vals) secs[ImportIniConfig.IMPORT_SECTION] = populated_sec preload_keys: Set[str] = set() if ImportIniConfig.SECTIONS_SECTION in populated_sec: sub_secs: List[str] = self.config.serializer.parse_object( self.config.get_option( ImportIniConfig.SECTIONS_SECTION, self.section)) for sec in sub_secs: repl_sec: Dict[str, str] = {} secs[sec] = repl_sec with rawconfig(config): for k, v in config.get_options(sec).items(): tpl = _ConfiguratorImporterTemplate(v) try: vr = tpl.substitute(vals) except KeyError as e: raise ActionCliError( f"Bad config load special key {e} in: '{v}'") if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'{sec}:{k}: {v} -> {vr}') pls = self.config.serializer.parse_object(vr) if isinstance(pls, (list, tuple)): pls = map( _PreLoadImportIniConfig.parse_preload, pls) pls = filter(lambda x: x is not None, pls) preload_keys.update(pls) repl_sec[k] = vr return DictionaryConfig(secs, parent=self.config), preload_keys def _load_configuration(self) -> Configurable: """Once we have the path and the class used to load the configuration, create the instance and load it. Special handling is required to make options forward *and* backward propogate. """ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):'configurator loading section: ' + f'{self.config.config_file}:[{}]') # the modified configuration that will returned modified_config: Configurable = self.config # sections created during this call to later be removed secs_to_del: Set[str] = set() # create the command line specified config do_back_copy: bool = True # config section sanity check self._validate() # create a configuration factory using the configuration file extension if self.type is None: args = {} if self.arguments is None else self.arguments cf = ConfigurableFactory(kwargs=args) if self.config_path is None: # this happens when expect=False and no configuration is given cl_config = DictionaryConfig(parent=self.config) else: cl_config = cf.from_path(self.config_path)'config loaded {self.config_path} as ' + f'type {cl_config.__class__.__name__}') # import using ImportIniConfig as a section elif self.type == self.IMPORT_TYPE: args: dict = {} if self.arguments is None else self.arguments children: Tuple[Configurable, ...] = \ self._app.factory.children_configs ini: IniConfig = IniConfig(self.config, parent=self.config) dconf: Configurable preload_keys: Set[str] dconf, preload_keys = self._populate_import_sections(ini) preloads: Dict[str, Configurable] = {} if self._OVERRIDES_KEY in preload_keys: preloads[self._OVERRIDES_KEY] = self._get_override_config() secs_to_del.update(dconf.sections) dconf.copy_sections(ini) if children is None: # unit test cases will not have children configurables children = () with rawconfig(ini): cl_config = _PreLoadImportIniConfig( preloads=preloads, config_file=ini, children=children, parent=self.config, **args) with rawconfig(cl_config): cl_config.copy_sections(self.config) modified_config = cl_config # remove sections that were removed removed_secs: Set[str] = self.config.sections - cl_config.sections if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'removing additional sections: {removed_secs}') secs_to_del.update(removed_secs) # avoid the two way copy that happens later do_back_copy = False # otherwise, use the type to tell the configuraiton factory how to # create it else: args = {'config_file': self.config_path} if self.arguments is not None: args.update(self.arguments) cf = ConfigurableFactory(kwargs=args) cl_config = cf.from_type(self.type)'configurator loading {self.config_path} from ' + f'type {self.type}') # For non-import configs, first inject our app context (app.conf) to # the command line specified configuration (--config) skipping sections # that have missing options. Examples of those missing include # cyclical dependencies such option references from our app context to # the command line context. if do_back_copy: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'copying app config to {cl_config}') with rawconfig(self.config): self.config.copy_sections(cl_config) # copy the command line config to our app context letting it barf with # any missing properties this time if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'copying to app config: {cl_config}') if do_back_copy: with rawconfig(cl_config): cl_config.copy_sections(self.config) # if we imported, we created ImportIniConfig sections we need to remove for sec in secs_to_del: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'removing (added) section: {sec}') self.config.remove_section(sec) if self.debug: print(self.config.get_raw_str()) return modified_config def _load(self) -> Configurable: """Load the configuration and update the application context. """ modified_config: Configurable = None cmng: _CacheConfigManager = None loaded: bool = False if self.cache_path is not None: if isinstance(self.config, ImportIniConfig): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'caching: to {self.cache_path}') cmng = _CacheConfigManager(self.cache_path, config=self.config) if self.config_path is not None: # TODO: add entry point app.conf to watch files cmng.watch_files[self.config_path] = \ self.config_path.stat().st_mtime modified_config = cmng.load() if modified_config is not None: with rawconfig(modified_config): modified_config.copy_sections(self.config) modified_config = self.config loaded = True else: logger.warning('configured to cache config at' + f'{self.cache_path} but configuration ' + f'is not ImportIniConfig: {type(self.config)}') if modified_config is None: modified_config = self._load_configuration() if cmng is not None and not loaded: if self.config_path_option_name is not None: val: str if self.config_path is None: val = 'None' else: val = f'path: {str(self.config_path)}' self.config.set_option(self.config_path_option_name, val, return modified_config def _reset(self): """Reset the Python logger configuration.""" root = logging.getLogger() tuple(map(root.removeHandler, root.handlers[:])) tuple(map(root.removeFilter, root.filters[:]))
[docs] def merge(self) -> Configurable: """Merge configuration at path to the current configuration. :param config_path: the path to the configuration file """ # the modified configuration that will returned modified_config: Configurable = self.config rc_path: Path = None if self.config_path is None: rc_path: Path = self.get_environ_path() if rc_path is not None: self.config_path = rc_path elif self.default is not None: if self.default == 'skip': self.config_path = None else: self.config_path = self.default if self.config_path is None: if self.expect: long_opt: str = self._get_config_option() raise ApplicationError(f'Missing option {long_opt}') else: modified_config = self._load() else: modified_config = self._load() return modified_config
def __call__(self) -> Configurable: return self.merge()