Source code for zensols.persist.annotation

"""Contains general purpose persistence library classes.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import Union, Any, Dict, Type, Tuple, ClassVar
import logging
import sys
import re
from copy import copy
import pickle
import time as tm
from datetime import datetime
import os
from pathlib import Path
from zensols.util import APIError
import zensols.util.time as time
from . import Deallocatable

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class PersistableError(APIError): """Thrown for any persistable API error""" pass
[docs] class FileTextUtil(object): """Basic file naming utility methods. """ _NORMALIZE_REGEX: ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile( r"""[ \\\[\]()\/()<>{}:;_`'"!@#$%^&*,+=.-]+""") """The default regular expression for :meth:`normalize_text`."""
[docs] @classmethod def normalize_text(cls: Type, name: str, replace_char: str = '-', lower: bool = True, regex: re.Pattern = None) -> str: """Normalize the name in to a string that is more file system friendly. This removes special characters and replaces them with ``replace_char``. :param name: the name to be normalized :param replace_char: the character used to replace special characters :param lower: whether to lowercase the text :param regex: the regular expression that matches on text to remove :return: the normalized name """ if lower: name = name.lower() regex = cls._NORMALIZE_REGEX if regex is None else regex name = re.sub(regex, replace_char, name) # remove beginning and trailing dashes nlen = len(name) if nlen > 1: if name[0] == replace_char: name = name[1:] if nlen > 2 and name[-1] == replace_char: name = name[:-1] return name
[docs] @staticmethod def byte_format(num: int, suffix: str = 'B') -> str: """Return a human readable string of the number of bytes ``num``. :param num: the number of bytes to format :param suffix: the suffix to append to the resulting string :attribution: `Fred Cirera <>` """ for unit in ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return f'{num:3.1f}{unit}{suffix}' num /= 1024.0 return f'{num:.1f}Yi{suffix}'
[docs] @staticmethod def unique_tracked_name(prefix: str, include_user: bool = True, include_time: bool = True, extension: str = None) -> str: """Create a unique file name useful for tracking files. :param prefix: the file name that identifier :param include_user: whether to add the user name in the file """ time: str = '' user: str = '' if include_time: time = '-' +'%b%d-%H%M') if include_user: user = os.environ['USER'] if 'USER' in os.environ else os.getlogin() user = f'-{user}' if extension is None: extension = '' else: extension = f'.{extension}' return f'{prefix}{user}{time}{extension}'.lower()
# class level persistance
[docs] class PersistedWork(Deallocatable): """This class caches data in the instance of the contained class and/or global level. In addition, the data is also pickled to disk to avoid any expensive recomputation of the data. In order, it first looks for the data in ``owner``, then in globals (if ``cache_global`` is True), then it looks for the data on the file system. If it can't find it after all of this it invokes function ``worker`` to create the data and then pickles it to the disk. This class is a callable itself, which is invoked to get or create the work. There are two ways to implement the data/work creation: pass a ``worker`` to the ``__init__`` method or extend this class and override ``__do_work__``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, path: Union[str, Path], owner: object, cache_global: bool = False, transient: bool = False, initial_value: Any = None, mkdir: bool = False, deallocate_recursive: bool = False, recover_empty: bool = False): """Create an instance of the class. :param path: if type of ``pathlib.Path`` then use disk storage to cache of the pickeled data, otherwise a string used to store in the owner :param owner: an owning class to get and retrieve as an attribute :param cache_global: cache the data globals; this shares data across instances but not classes :param transient: the data not persisted to disk after invoking the method :param initial_value: if provided, the method is never called and this value returned for all invocations :param mkdir: if ``path`` is a :class`.Path` object, then recursively create all directories needed to be able to persist the file without missing directory IO errors :deallocate_recursive: the ``recursive`` parameter passed to :meth:`.Deallocate._try_deallocate` to try to deallocate the object graph recursively :param recover_empty: if ``True`` and a ``path`` points to a zero size file, treat it as data that has not yet been generated; this is useful when a previous exception was raised leaving a zero byte file """ super().__init__() if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'pw inst: path={path}, global={cache_global}') self.owner = owner self.cache_global = cache_global self.transient = transient self.worker = None if isinstance(path, Path): self.path = path self.use_disk = True fname = FileTextUtil.normalize_text(str(self.path.absolute()), '_') else: self.path = Path(path) self.use_disk = False fname = str(path) cstr = owner.__module__ + '.' + owner.__class__.__name__ self.varname = f'_{cstr}_{fname}_pwvinst' if initial_value is not None: self.set(initial_value) self.mkdir = mkdir self.deallocate_recursive = deallocate_recursive self.recover_empty = recover_empty
def _info(self, msg, *args): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(self.varname + ': ' + msg, *args)
[docs] def clear_global(self): """Clear only any cached global data. """ vname = self.varname if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'global clearing {vname}') if vname in globals(): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('removing global instance var: {}'.format(vname)) del globals()[vname]
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the data, and thus, force it to be created on the next fetch. This is done by removing the attribute from ``owner``, deleting it from globals and removing the file from the disk. """ vname = self.varname if self.use_disk and self.path.is_file(): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('deleting cached work: {}'.format(self.path)) self.path.unlink() if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'owner exists: {self.owner is not None} ' + f'has {vname}: {hasattr(self.owner, vname)}') if self.owner is not None and hasattr(self.owner, vname): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('removing instance var: {}'.format(vname)) delattr(self.owner, vname) self.clear_global()
[docs] def deallocate(self): super().deallocate() vname = self.varname if self.owner is not None and hasattr(self.owner, vname): obj = getattr(self.owner, vname) self._try_deallocate(obj, self.deallocate_recursive) delattr(self.owner, vname) self.clear_global() self.owner = None
def _do_work(self, *argv, **kwargs): t0: float = tm.time() obj: Any = self.__do_work__(*argv, **kwargs) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): self._info('created work in {:2f}s, saving to {}'.format( (tm.time() - t0), self.path)) return obj def _load_or_create(self, *argv, **kwargs): """Invoke the file system operations to get the data, or create work. If the file does not exist, calling ``__do_work__`` and save it. """ load_file: bool = self.path.is_file() if load_file and self.recover_empty and self.path.stat().st_size == 0: load_file = False if load_file: self._info('loading work from {}'.format(self.path)) with open(self.path, 'rb') as f: try: obj = pickle.load(f) except EOFError as e: raise PersistableError(f'Can not read: {self.path}') from e else: self._info('saving work to {}'.format(self.path)) if self.mkdir: self.path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not self.path.parent.is_dir(): raise PersistableError( f'Parent directory does not exist: {self.path.parent}') with open(self.path, 'wb') as f: obj = self._do_work(*argv, **kwargs) pickle.dump(obj, f) return obj
[docs] def set(self, obj): """Set the contents of the object on the owner as if it were persisted from the source. If this is a global cached instance, then add it to global memory. """ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'saving in memory value {type(obj)}') vname = self.varname if self.owner is None: raise PersistableError( f'Owner is not set for persistable: {vname}') setattr(self.owner, vname, obj) if self.cache_global: if vname not in globals(): globals()[vname] = obj
[docs] def is_set(self) -> bool: """Return whether or not the persisted work has been engaged and has data. """ vname = self.varname if self.cache_global: return vname in globals() else: return self.owner is not None and hasattr(self.owner, vname)
def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """We must null out the owner and worker as they are not pickelable. :see: :class:`.PersistableContainer` """ d = copy(self.__dict__) d['owner'] = None d['worker'] = None return d def __call__(self, *argv, **kwargs): """Return the cached data if it doesn't yet exist. If it doesn't exist, create it and cache it on the file system, optionally ``owner`` and optionally the globals. """ vname = self.varname obj = None if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('call with vname: {}'.format(vname)) if self.owner is not None and hasattr(self.owner, vname): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('found in instance') obj = getattr(self.owner, vname) if obj is None and self.cache_global: if vname in globals(): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('found in globals') obj = globals()[vname] if obj is None: if self.use_disk: obj = self._load_or_create(*argv, **kwargs) else: self._info('invoking worker') obj = self._do_work(*argv, **kwargs) self.set(obj) return obj def __do_work__(self, *argv, **kwargs): """You can extend this class and overriding this method. This method will invoke the worker to do the work. """ return self.worker(*argv, **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, indent=0, include_content=False, writer=sys.stdout): sp = ' ' * indent writer.write(f'{sp}{self}:\n') sp = ' ' * (indent + 1) writer.write(f'{sp}global: {self.cache_global}\n') writer.write(f'{sp}transient: {self.transient}\n') writer.write(f'{sp}type: {type(self())}\n') if include_content: writer.write(f'{sp}content: {self()}\n')
def _deallocate_str(self) -> str: return f'{self.varname} => {type(self.owner)}' def __str__(self): return self.varname def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] class PersistableContainerMetadata(object): """Provides metadata about :class:`.PersistedWork` definitions in the class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, container): super().__init__() self.container = container
@property def persisted(self): """Return all ``PersistedWork`` instances on this object as a ``dict``. """ pws = {} for k, v in self.container.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(v, PersistedWork): pws[k] = v return pws
[docs] def write(self, indent=0, include_content=False, recursive=False, writer=sys.stdout): sp = ' ' * indent spe = ' ' * (indent + 1) for k, v in self.container.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(v, PersistedWork): v.write(indent, include_content, writer=writer) else: writer.write(f'{sp}{k}:\n') writer.write(f'{spe}type: {type(v)}\n') if include_content: writer.write(f'{spe}content: {v}\n') if recursive and isinstance(v, PersistableContainer): cmeta = v._get_persistable_metadata() cmeta.write(writer, indent + 2, include_content, True)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear all ``PersistedWork`` instances on this object. """ for pw in self.persisted.values(): pw.clear()
[docs] class PersistableContainer(Deallocatable): """Classes can extend this that want to persist :class:`.PersistedWork` instances, which otherwise are not persistable. This class also manages the deallocation of all :class:`.PersistedWork` attributes of the class, which might be another reason to use it even if there isn't a persistence use case. If the class level attribute ``_PERSITABLE_TRANSIENT_ATTRIBUTES`` is set, all attributes given in this set will be set to ``None`` when pickled. If the class level attribute ``_PERSITABLE_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTES`` is set, all attributes given in this set will be set object deleted when pickled. If the class level attribute ``_PERSITABLE_PROPERTIES`` is set, all properties given will be accessed for force creation before pickling. If the class level attribute ``_PERSITABLE_METHODS`` is set, all method given will be accessed for force creation before pickling. .. document private functions .. automethod:: _clear_persistable_state """ def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'get state for {self.__class__}') removes = set() tran_attribute_name = '_PERSITABLE_TRANSIENT_ATTRIBUTES' remove_attribute_name = '_PERSITABLE_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTES' prop_attribute_name = '_PERSITABLE_PROPERTIES' meth_attribute_name = '_PERSITABLE_METHODS' if hasattr(self, prop_attribute_name): for attr in getattr(self, prop_attribute_name): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'for property get: {attr}') getattr(self, attr) if hasattr(self, meth_attribute_name): for attr in getattr(self, meth_attribute_name): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'for method get: {attr}') getattr(self, attr)() state = copy(self.__dict__) if hasattr(self, tran_attribute_name): tran_attribs = getattr(self, tran_attribute_name) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'transient attributes: {tran_attribs}') removes.update(tran_attribs) for k, v in state.items(): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'container get state: {k} => {type(v)}') if isinstance(v, PersistedWork): if v.transient: removes.add(v.varname) for k in removes: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'removed persistable attribute: {k}') state[k] = None if hasattr(self, remove_attribute_name): remove_attribs = getattr(self, remove_attribute_name) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'remove attributes: {tran_attribs}') for k in remove_attribs: del state[k] if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'state keys for {self.__class__}: ' + f'{", ".join(state.keys())}') return state
[docs] def _clear_persistable_state(self): """Clear all cached state from all :class:`.PersistedWork` in this instance. """ pws: Tuple[PersistedWork, ...] = tuple(filter( lambda v: isinstance(v, PersistedWork), self.__dict__.values())) for v in pws: v.clear()
def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]): """Set the owner to containing instance and the worker function to the owner's function by name. """ self.__dict__.update(state) for k, v in state.items(): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'container set state: {k} => {type(v)}') if isinstance(v, PersistedWork): setattr(v, 'owner', self) def _get_persistable_metadata(self) -> PersistableContainerMetadata: """Return the metadata for this container. """ return PersistableContainerMetadata(self)
[docs] def deallocate(self): super().deallocate() for pw in self._get_persistable_metadata().persisted.values(): pw.deallocate()
[docs] class persisted(object): """Class level annotation to further simplify usage with :class:`.PersistedWork`. :see: :class:`.PersistedWork` For example:: class SomeClass(object): @property @persisted('_counter', 'tmp.dat') def counter(self): return tuple(range(5)) """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, path: Path = None, cache_global: bool = False, transient: bool = False, allocation_track: bool = True, mkdir: bool = False, deallocate_recursive: bool = False, recover_empty: bool = False): """Initialize. :param name: the name of the attribute on the instance to set with the cached result of the method :param: path: if set, the path where to store the cached result on the file system :param cache_global: if ``True``, globally cache the value at the class definition level :param transient: if ``True`` do not persist only in memory, and not on the file system, which is needed when used with :class:`.PersistableContainer` :param allocation_track: if ``False``, immediately mark the backing :class:`PersistedWork` as deallocated :param mkdir: if ``path`` is a :class`.Path` object, then recursively create all directories needed to be able to persist the file without missing directory IO errors :deallocate_recursive: the ``recursive`` parameter passed to :meth:`.Deallocate._try_deallocate` to try to deallocate the object graph recursively :param recover_empty: if ``True`` and a ``path`` points to a zero size file, treat it as data that has not yet been generated; this is useful when a previous exception was raised leaving a zero byte file """ super().__init__() if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'persisted decorator on attr: {name}, ' + f'global={cache_global}') self.attr_name = name self.path = path self.cache_global = cache_global self.transient = transient self.allocation_track = allocation_track self.mkdir = mkdir self.deallocate_recursive = deallocate_recursive self.recover_empty = recover_empty
def __call__(self, fn): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'call: {fn}:{self.attr_name}:{self.path}:' + f'{self.cache_global}') def wrapped(*argv, **kwargs): inst = argv[0] if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'wrap: {fn}:{self.attr_name}:{self.path}:' + f'{self.cache_global}') pwork: PersistedWork if hasattr(inst, self.attr_name): pwork = getattr(inst, self.attr_name) else: if self.path is None: path = self.attr_name else: path = Path(self.path) pwork = PersistedWork( path, owner=inst, cache_global=self.cache_global, transient=self.transient, mkdir=self.mkdir, deallocate_recursive=self.deallocate_recursive, recover_empty=self.recover_empty) setattr(inst, self.attr_name, pwork) if not self.allocation_track: pwork._mark_deallocated() if pwork is None: raise PersistableError( f'PersistedWork not found: {self.attr_name}') pwork.worker = fn return pwork(*argv, **kwargs) # copy documentation over for Sphinx docs wrapped.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ # copy annotations (i.e. type hints) over for Sphinx docs wrapped.__annotations__ = fn.__annotations__ return wrapped
# resource/sql
[docs] class resource(object): """This annotation uses a template pattern to (de)allocate resources. For example, you can declare class methods to create database connections and then close them. This example looks like this: For example:: class CrudManager(object): def _create_connection(self): return sqlite3.connect(':memory:') def _dispose_connection(self, conn): conn.close() @resource('_create_connection', '_dispose_connection') def commit_work(self, conn, obj): conn.execute(...) """
[docs] def __init__(self, create_method_name, destroy_method_name): """Create the instance based annotation. :param create_method_name: the name of the method that allocates :param destroy_method_name: the name of the method that deallocates """ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'connection decorator {create_method_name} ' + f'destructor method name: {destroy_method_name}') self.create_method_name = create_method_name self.destroy_method_name = destroy_method_name
def __call__(self, fn): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'connection call with fn: {fn}') def wrapped(*argv, **kwargs): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'in wrapped {self.create_method_name}') inst = argv[0] resource = getattr(inst, self.create_method_name)() try: result = fn(inst, resource, *argv[1:], **kwargs) finally: getattr(inst, self.destroy_method_name)(resource) return result # copy documentation over for Sphinx docs wrapped.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ # copy annotations (i.e. type hints) over for Sphinx docs wrapped.__annotations__ = fn.__annotations__ return wrapped