Source code for zensols.multi.stash

"""Stash extensions to distribute item creation over multiple processes.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import Iterable, List, Any, Tuple, Callable, Union, Type
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import sys
import os
import logging
import math
from multiprocessing import Pool
from zensols.util.time import time
from zensols.config import Configurable, ConfigFactory, ImportConfigFactory
from zensols.persist import PrimablePreemptiveStash, chunks, Deallocatable
from zensols.cli import LogConfigurator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class ChunkProcessor(object): """Represents a chunk of work created by the parent and processed on the child. """ config: Configurable = field() """The application context configuration used to create the parent stash. """ name: str = field() """The name of the parent stash used to create the chunk, and subsequently process this chunk. """ chunk_id: int = field() """The nth chunk.""" data: object = field() """The data created by the parent to be processed.""" def _create_stash(self) -> Tuple[ImportConfigFactory, Any]: fac = ImportConfigFactory(self.config) with time(f'factory inst {} for chunk {self.chunk_id}', logging.INFO): inst = fac.instance( inst.is_child = True return fac, inst
[docs] def process(self) -> int: """Create the stash used to process the data, then persisted in the stash. """ factory, stash = self._create_stash() cnt = 0 self.config_factory = factory stash._init_child(self) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):'processing chunk {self.chunk_id} ' + f'with stash {stash.__class__}') with time('processed {cnt} items for chunk {self.chunk_id}'): for i, (id, inst) in enumerate(stash._process( if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'dumping {id} -> {inst.__class__}') stash.delegate.dump(id, inst) Deallocatable._try_deallocate(inst) cnt += 1 Deallocatable._try_deallocate(stash) Deallocatable._try_deallocate(factory) return cnt
def __str__(self): data = if data is not None: if isinstance(data, list) and len(data) > 0: data = data[0] dtype = data.__class__.__name__ else: dtype = 'None' return f'{} ({self.chunk_id}): data: {dtype}'
[docs] @dataclass class MultiProcessor(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A base class used by :class:`.MultiProcessStash` to divid the work up into chunks. This should be subclassed if the behavior of how divided work is to be processed is needed. .. automethod:: _process_work """ name: str = field() """The name of the multi-processor."""
[docs] @staticmethod def _process_work(processor: ChunkProcessor) -> int: """Process a chunk of data in the child process that was created by the parent process. """ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):'processing processor {processor}') with time(f'processed processor {processor}'): return processor.process()
[docs] def invoke_work(self, workers: int, chunk_size: int, data: Iterable[Any]) -> int: fn: Callable = self.__class__._process_work if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):'{}: spawning work in {type(self)} with ' + f'chunk size {chunk_size} across {workers} workers') return self._invoke_work(workers, chunk_size, data, fn)
@abstractmethod def _invoke_work(self, workers: int, chunk_size: int, data: Iterable[Any], fn: Callable) -> int: pass
[docs] class PoolMultiProcessor(MultiProcessor): """Uses :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` to fork/exec processes to do the work. """ def _invoke_pool(self, pool: Pool, fn: Callable, data: iter) -> List[int]: if pool is None: return tuple(map(fn, data)) else: return, data) def _invoke_work(self, workers: int, chunk_size: int, data: Iterable[Any], fn: Callable) -> int: if workers == 1: with time('processed singleton chunk'): cnt = self._invoke_pool(None, fn, data) else: with Pool(workers) as p: with time('processed chunks'): cnt = self._invoke_pool(p, fn, data) return cnt
[docs] class SingleMultiProcessor(PoolMultiProcessor): """Does all work in the current process. """ def _invoke_work(self, workers: int, chunk_size: int, data: Iterable[Any], fn: Callable) -> int: return super()._invoke_work(1, chunk_size, data, fn)
[docs] @dataclass class MultiProcessStash(PrimablePreemptiveStash, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A stash that forks processes to process data in a distributed fashion. The stash is typically created by a :class:`~zensols.config.importfac.ImportConfigFactory` in the child process. Work is chunked (grouped) and then sent to child processes. In each, a new instance of this same stash is created using ``ImportConfigFactory`` and then an abstract method is called to dump the data. Implementation details: * The :obj:`delegate` stash is used to manage the actual persistence of the data. * This implemetation of :meth:`prime` is to fork processes to accomplish the work. * The ``process_class`` attribute is not set directly on this class since subclasses already have non-default fields. However it is set to :class:`.PoolMultiProcessor` by default. The :meth:`_create_data` and :meth:`_process` methods must be implemented. .. document private functions .. automethod:: _create_data .. automethod:: _process .. automethod:: _create_chunk_processor """ ATTR_EXP_META = ('chunk_size', 'workers') LOG_CONFIG_SECTION = 'multiprocess_log_config' """The name of the section to use to configure the log system. This section should be an instance definition of a :class:`.LogConfigurator`. """ config: Configurable = field() """The application configuration meant to be used by a :class:`~zensols.config.importfac.ImportConfigFactory`. """ name: str = field() """The name of the instance in the configuration.""" chunk_size: int = field() """The size of each group of data sent to the child process to be handled; in some cases the child process will get a chunk of data smaller than this (the last) but never more; if this number is 0, then evenly divide the work so that each worker takes the largets amount of work to minimize the number of chunks (in this case the data is tupleized). """ workers: Union[int, float] = field() """The number of processes spawned to accomplish the work or 0 to use all CPU cores. If this is a negative number, add the number of CPU processors with this number, so -1 would result in one fewer works utilized than the number of CPUs, which is a good policy for a busy server. If the number is a float, then it is taken to be the percentage of the number of processes. If it is a float, the value must be in range (0, 1]. """ processor_class: Type[MultiProcessor] = field(init=False) """The class of the processor to use for the handling of the work.""" def __post_init__(self): super().__post_init__() self.is_child = False if not hasattr(self, 'processor_class'): # sub classes like `MultiProcessDefaultStash` add this as a field, # which will already be set by the time this is called self.processor_class: Type[MultiProcessor] = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def _create_data(self) -> Iterable[Any]: """Create data in the parent process to be processed in the child process(es) in chunks. The returned data is grouped in to sub lists and passed to :meth:`_process`. :return: an iterable of data to be processed """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def _process(self, chunk: List[Any]) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]: """Process a chunk of data, each created by ``_create_data`` as a group in a subprocess. :param: chunk: a list of data generated by :meth:`_create_data` to be processed in this method :return: an iterable of ``(key, data)`` tuples, where ``key`` is used as the string key for the stash and the return value is the data returned by methods like :meth:`load` """ pass
def _init_child(self, processor: ChunkProcessor): """Initialize the child process. :param processor: the chunk processor that created this stash in the child process """ self._config_child_logging(processor.config_factory) def _config_child_logging(self, factory: ConfigFactory): """Initalize the logging system in the child process. :param factory: the factory that was used to create this stash and child app configi environment """ warn = None config = factory.config if config.has_option('section', self.LOG_CONFIG_SECTION): conf_sec = config.get_option('section', self.LOG_CONFIG_SECTION) if isinstance(factory, ImportConfigFactory): log_conf = factory.instance(conf_sec) if isinstance(log_conf, LogConfigurator): log_conf.config() else: warn = f'unknown configuration object: {type(log_conf)}' else: warn = f'with unknown factory type: {type(factory)}', if warn is not None: print(f'warning: can not configure child process logging: {warn}', file=sys.stderr)
[docs] def _create_chunk_processor(self, chunk_id: int, data: Any) -> \ ChunkProcessor: """Factory method to create the ``ChunkProcessor`` instance. """ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self._debug(f'creating chunk processor for id {chunk_id}') return ChunkProcessor(self.config,, chunk_id, data)
def _spawn_work(self) -> int: """Chunks and invokes a multiprocessing pool to invokes processing on the children. """ multi_proc: MultiProcessor if self.processor_class is None: multi_proc = PoolMultiProcessor( else: multi_proc = self.processor_class( chunk_size, workers = self.chunk_size, self.workers if workers <= 0: workers = os.cpu_count() + workers elif isinstance(workers, float): percent = workers avail = os.cpu_count() workers = math.ceil(percent * avail) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'calculating as {percent} of ' + f'total {avail}: {workers}') data = self._create_data() if chunk_size == 0: data = tuple(data) chunk_size = math.ceil(len(data) / workers) data = map(lambda x: self._create_chunk_processor(*x), enumerate(chunks(data, chunk_size))) return multi_proc.invoke_work(workers, chunk_size, data)
[docs] def prime(self): """If the delegate stash data does not exist, use this implementation to generate the data and process in children processes. """ super().prime() if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self._debug(f'multi prime, is child: {self.is_child}') has_data = self.has_data if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self._debug(f'has data: {has_data}') if not has_data: with time('completed work in {self.__class__.__name__}'): self._spawn_work() self._reset_has_data()