Source code for zensols.introspect.intsel

"""A class that parses a slice or element of an array.

from __future__ import annotations
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import ClassVar, Union, Any, Set, Tuple, Iterable, Type, List
from enum import Enum, auto
from ..util import APIError
import re

[docs] class IntegerSelectionError(APIError): """Raised for errors parsing or working with :class:`.IntegerSelection`. """ pass
[docs] class Kind(Enum): """The kind of integer selection provided by :class:`.IntegerSelection`. """ single = auto() list = auto() interval = auto()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_class(cls: Type) -> Kind: kind: str = { int: Kind.single, list: Kind.list, tuple: Kind.interval }.get(cls) if kind is None: raise IntegerSelectionError(f'Unknown selection kind: {cls}') return kind
[docs] class IntegerSelection(object): """Parses an string that selects integers. These (:obj:`kind`) include: * :obj:`Kind.single`: ``<int>``: a singleton integers * :obj:`Kind.interval`: ``<int>-<int>``: all the integers in the inclusive interval * :obj:`Kind.list`: ``<int>,<int>,...``: a comma separated list (space optional) To use, create it with :meth:`from_string` and use :meth:`tuple`, :meth:`list`, then use as an iterable. """ INTERVAL_DELIM: ClassVar[str] = ':' _DICTABLE_ATTRIBUTES: ClassVar[Set[str]] = {'kind'} _INTEGER_REGEX: ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile(r'^[-]?\d+$') _INTERVAL_REGEX: ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile( r'^(\d+?)' + INTERVAL_DELIM + r'(\d+)$') _LIST_REGEX: ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile(r'^\d+(?:,\s*\d+)+$')
[docs] def __init__(self, raw: str) -> IntegerSelection: """Parse an integer selection from string ``raw``.""" v: Any = None if self._INTEGER_REGEX.match(raw): v = int(raw) if v is None: m: re.Match = self._INTERVAL_REGEX.match(raw) if m is not None: v = int(, int( if v is None and self._LIST_REGEX.match(raw) is not None: v = list(map(int, re.split(r'\s*,\s*', raw))) if v is None: raise IntegerSelectionError(f"Bad selection format: '{raw}'") self._select = v
@property def selection(self) -> Union[int, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int]]: """The selection data based on what was parsed in the initializer (see class docs). """ return self._select @property def kind(self) -> Kind: """The kind of selection (see class docs).""" return Kind.from_class(type(self.selection))
[docs] def select(self, arr: Tuple[Any, ...]) -> List[Any, ...]: """Return element(s) ``arr`` based on the :obj:`selection`. """ if self.kind == Kind.single: return [arr[self.selection]] elif self.kind == Kind.interval: return arr[self.selection[0]:self.selection[1]] else: return list(map(lambda i: arr[i], self.selection))
def __call__(self, arr: Tuple[Any, ...]) -> Union[Any, List[Any, ...]]: """See :meth:`select`.""" return def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[int]: return { Kind.single: lambda: iter((self.selection,)), Kind.interval: lambda: iter( range(self.selection[0], self.selection[1] + 1)), Kind.list: lambda: iter(self.selection), }[self.kind]() def __len__(self) -> int: return sum(1 for _ in self) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.selection)