"""This file contains utility classes for exploring complex instance graphs.
This is handy for deeply nested ``Stash`` instances.
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
import dataclasses
from typing import Set, Type, Any
import logging
import sys
import collections
from io import TextIOBase
from zensols.config import ClassResolver, Writable
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ClassExplorer(Writable):
"""A utility class that recursively reports class metadata in an object
"""The attribute name set on classes to find to report their fields. When
the value of this is set as a class attribute, each of that object
instances' members are pretty printed. The value is a tuple of string
attribute names.
def __init__(self, include_classes: Set[Type],
exclude_classes: Set[Type] = None,
indent: int = 4, attr_truncate_len: int = 80,
include_dicts: bool = False,
include_private: bool = False,
dictify_dataclasses: bool = False):
self.include_classes = include_classes
if exclude_classes is None:
self.exclude_classes = set()
self.exclude_classes = exclude_classes
self.indent = indent
self.attr_truncate_len = attr_truncate_len
self.include_dicts = include_dicts
self.include_private = include_private
self.dictify_dataclasses = dictify_dataclasses
def _get_dict(self, inst: dict, include_classes: Set[Type],
exclude_classes: Set[Type]) -> dict:
oid = id(inst)
if oid not in self.visited:
children = []
for k, v in inst.items():
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'desc {k} -> {type(v)}')
v = self._get_metadata(v, include_classes, exclude_classes)
if v is not None:
children.append({'attr': k, 'child': v})
return {'class_name': '<dict>', 'children': children}
def _is_traversable(self, inst: Any, include_classes: Set[Type],
exclude_classes: Set[Type]) -> bool:
return isinstance(inst, include_classes) and \
not isinstance(inst, exclude_classes)
def _get_metadata(self, inst: Any, include_classes: Set[Type],
exclude_classes: Set[Type]) -> dict:
oid = id(inst)
if oid in self.visited:
return None
dat = None
if self.include_dicts and isinstance(inst, dict):
dat = self._get_dict(inst, include_classes, exclude_classes)
elif self._is_traversable(inst, include_classes, exclude_classes):
dat = collections.OrderedDict()
cls = inst.__class__
class_name = ClassResolver.full_classname(cls)
children = []
dat['class_name'] = class_name
is_dataclass = self.dictify_dataclasses and \
has_attr_meta = hasattr(cls, self.ATTR_META_NAME)
if hasattr(inst, 'name'):
dat['name'] = getattr(inst, 'name')
if has_attr_meta or is_dataclass:
attrs = {}
dat['attrs'] = attrs
if not has_attr_meta and is_dataclass:
attr_names = dataclasses.asdict(inst)
except Exception as e:
f'can not get attr names for {type(inst)}: {e}')
attr_names = ()
elif has_attr_meta:
attr_names = getattr(cls, self.ATTR_META_NAME)
# TODO: skip attributes that will or have already been
# traversed as a "traversable" object on a recursion
for attr in attr_names:
v = getattr(inst, attr)
if isinstance(v, dict):
v = self._get_dict(v, include_classes, exclude_classes)
if v is not None:
children.append({'attr': attr, 'child': v})
attrs[attr] = v
for attr in inst.__dir__():
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'desc meta: {type(inst)}.{attr}')
if self.include_private or not attr.startswith('_'):
child_inst = getattr(inst, attr)
except Exception as e:
msg = f'error: can not traverse attribute {attr}: {e}'
child_inst = msg
if isinstance(child_inst, dict):
child = self._get_dict(
child_inst, include_classes, exclude_classes)
child = self._get_metadata(
child_inst, include_classes, exclude_classes)
if child is not None:
children.append({'attr': attr, 'child': child})
if len(children) > 0:
dat['children'] = children
return dat
def write(self, inst: Any, depth: int = 0,
writer: TextIOBase = sys.stdout):
meta = self.get_metadata(inst)
self._write(meta, depth, None, writer)
def _write(self, metadata: dict, depth: int, attr: str, writer):
cn = f'{attr}: ' if attr is not None else ''
name = f" ({metadata['name']})" if 'name' in metadata else ''
sp = self._sp(depth)
sp2 = self._sp(depth + 1)
if 'attrs' in metadata:
for k, v in metadata['attrs'].items():
v = self._trunc(str(v), max_len=self.attr_truncate_len)
writer.write(f'{sp2}{k}: {v}\n')
if 'children' in metadata:
for c in metadata['children']:
self._write(c['child'], depth + 1, c['attr'], writer)