"""Implementation classes that are used as application configuration containers
parsed from files.
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import Set, Dict, List, Union
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import logging
import os
from io import TextIOBase, StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from copy import deepcopy
from configparser import ConfigParser, ExtendedInterpolation
from ..persist.domain import Primeable
from . import ConfigurableFileNotFoundError, ConfigurableError, Configurable
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class IniConfig(Configurable, Primeable):
"""Application configuration utility. This reads from a configuration and
returns sets or subsets of options.
__slots__ = ('config_file', 'default_section', 'use_interpolation',
'nascent', '_cached_sections', '_raw', '_conf')
def __init__(self,
config_file: Union[Path, TextIOBase, Configurable] = None,
default_section: str = None,
use_interpolation: bool = False,
parent: Configurable = None):
"""Create with a configuration file path.
:param config_file: the configuration file path to read from; if the
type is an instance of :class:`io.TextIOBase`, then
read it as a file object
:param default_section: default section (defaults to `default`)
:param use_interpolation: if ``True``, interpolate variables using
:param robust: if `True`, then don't raise an error when the
configuration file is missing
super().__init__(default_section, parent=parent)
if isinstance(config_file, str):
self.config_file = Path(config_file).expanduser()
self.config_file = config_file
self.use_interpolation = use_interpolation
self.nascent = deepcopy(self.__dict__)
self._cached_sections = {}
self._raw = False
self._conf = None
def _create_config_parser(self) -> ConfigParser:
"Factory method to create the ConfigParser."
if self.use_interpolation:
parser = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation())
parser = ConfigParser()
return parser
def _read_config_content(self, cpath: Path, parser: ConfigParser):
if cpath.is_file():
with open(cpath) as f:
elif cpath.is_dir():
writer = StringIO()
for fpath in cpath.iterdir():
if fpath.is_file():
with open(fpath) as f:
def _create_and_load_parser_from_file(self, cpath: Path,
parser: ConfigParser):
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
logger.info(f'{self.__class__.__name__}: loading config: {cpath}')
if not cpath.exists():
raise ConfigurableFileNotFoundError(cpath)
elif cpath.is_file() or cpath.is_dir():
self._read_config_content(cpath, parser)
raise ConfigurableError(f'Unknown file type: {cpath}')
return parser
def _create_and_load_parser(self, parser: ConfigParser):
if isinstance(self.config_file, (str, Path)):
self._create_and_load_parser_from_file(self.config_file, parser)
elif isinstance(self.config_file, TextIOBase):
writer = self.config_file
elif isinstance(self.config_file, Configurable):
is_ini = isinstance(self.config_file, IniConfig)
src: Configurable = self.config_file
sec: str = None
if is_ini:
self.config_file._raw = True
for sec in src.sections:
opts = src.get_options(sec)
if opts is None:
raise ConfigurableError(f'No section: {sec} in {self}')
for k, v in opts.items():
parser.set(sec, k, v)
if is_ini:
self.config_file._raw = False
elif self.config_file is None:
raise ConfigurableError(
f'Unknown create type: {type(self.config_file)}')
def parser(self) -> ConfigParser:
"""Load the configuration file.
if self._conf is None:
parser: ConfigParser = self._create_config_parser()
self._conf = parser
return self._conf
def _is_initialized(self) -> bool:
return self._conf is not None
def reload(self):
self._conf = None
def has_option(self, name: str, section: str = None) -> bool:
section = self.default_section if section is None else section
conf = self.parser
if conf.has_section(section):
return conf.has_option(section, name)
return False
def get_options(self, section: str = None) -> Dict[str, str]:
opts = None
section = self.default_section if section is None else section
conf: ConfigParser = self.parser
if conf is None:
if not self.robust:
raise self._raise('No configuration given')
elif conf.has_section(section):
opts = dict(conf.items(section, raw=self._raw))
if opts is None:
self._raise(f"No section: '{section}'")
return opts
def get_option(self, name: str, section: str = None) -> str:
opt = None
section = self.default_section if section is None else section
conf: ConfigParser = self.parser
if conf is None:
if not self.robust:
self._raise('No configuration given')
elif conf.has_option(section, name):
opt = conf.get(section, name, raw=self._raw)
if opt is None:
if not conf.has_section(section):
self._raise(f"No section: '{section}'")
self._raise(f"No option: '{section}:{name}'")
return opt
def sections(self) -> Set[str]:
"""All sections of the INI file.
return frozenset(self.parser.sections() or ())
def _format_option(self, name: str, value: str, section: str) -> str:
value = self.serializer.format_option(value)
except TypeError as e:
raise ConfigurableError(
f'Can not serialize {section}:{name}: {e}') from e
return value
def set_option(self, name: str, value: str, section: str = None):
section = self.default_section if section is None else section
value = self._format_option(name, value, section)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'setting option {name}: {section}:{value}')
if not self.parser.has_section(section):
self.parser.set(section, name, value)
except Exception as e:
raise ConfigurableError(
f'Cannot set {section}:{name} = {value}: {e}') from e
def remove_section(self, section: str):
def get_raw_str(self) -> str:
""""Return the contents of the configuration parser with no interpolated
sio = StringIO()
return sio.getvalue()
def derive_from_resource(self, path: str, copy_sections=()) -> \
"""Derive a new configuration from the resource file name ``path``.
:param path: a resource file (i.e. ``resources/app.conf``)
:param copy_sections: a list of sections to copy from this to the
derived configuration
kwargs = deepcopy(self.nascent)
kwargs['config_file'] = path
conf = self.__class__(**kwargs)
self.copy_sections(conf, copy_sections)
return conf
def prime(self):
def _get_container_desc(self, include_type: bool = True,
max_path_len: int = 3) -> str:
mod: str = ''
if isinstance(self.config_file, (str, Path)):
parts = self.config_file.parts
path = Path(*parts[max(0, len(parts) - max_path_len):])
tpe = 'f=' if include_type else ''
mod = f'{tpe}{path}'
elif isinstance(self.config_file, Configurable):
tpe = 'c=' if include_type else ''
mod = f'{tpe}[{self.config_file}]'
return mod
def _get_short_str(self) -> str:
sec: str = ''
if self._conf is not None:
# getting sections invokes parsing, which causes issues if used in
# a debugging statement when we're not yet ready to parse
secs = tuple(self.parser.sections())
if len(secs) > 0:
sec = secs[0]
cname: str = self.__class__.__name__
return f'{cname}({self._get_container_desc()}){{{sec}}}'
class rawconfig(object):
"""Treat all option fetching on ``config`` as raw, or without interpolation.
This is usually used when ``config`` is the target of section copying with
def __init__(self, config: Configurable):
self.config = config if isinstance(config, IniConfig) else None
def __enter__(self):
if self.config is not None:
self.config._raw = True
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
if self.config is not None:
self.config._raw = False
class ExtendedInterpolationConfig(IniConfig):
"""Configuration class extends using advanced interpolation with
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['use_interpolation'] = True
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class ExtendedInterpolationEnvConfig(ExtendedInterpolationConfig):
"""An :class:`.IniConfig` implementation that creates a section called
``env`` with environment variables passed.
def __init__(self, *args, remove_vars: List[str] = None,
env: dict = None, env_sec: str = 'env', **kwargs):
self.remove_vars = remove_vars
if env is None:
env = {}
for k, v in os.environ.items():
env[k] = v.replace('$', '$$')
self.env = env
self.env = env
self.env_sec = env_sec
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _munge_default_vars(self, vars):
if vars is not None and self.remove_vars is not None:
for n in self.remove_vars:
if n in vars:
del vars[n]
return vars
def _create_config_parser(self) -> ConfigParser:
parser = super()._create_config_parser()
sec = self.env_sec
for k, v in self.env.items():
logger.debug(f'adding env section {sec}: {k} -> {v}')
v = self._format_option(k, v, sec)
parser.set(sec, k, v)
return parser
class CommandLineConfig(IniConfig, metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""A configuration object that allows creation by using command line
arguments as defaults when the configuration file is missing.
Sub classes must implement the ``set_defaults`` method. All defaults set
in this method are then created in the default section of the configuration
when created with the static method ``from_args``, which is called with the
parsed command line arguments (usually from some instance or instance of
subclass :class:`.SimpleActionCli`.
def set_default(self, name: str, value: str, clobber: bool = None):
"""Set a default value in the ``default`` section of the configuration.
if clobber is not None:
self.set_option(name, clobber, self.default_section)
elif name not in self.options and value is not None:
self.set_option(name, value, self.default_section)
def set_defaults(self, *args, **kwargs):
def from_args(cls, config=None, *args, **kwargs):
if config is None:
self = cls()
self._conf = self._create_config_parser()
self = config
self.set_defaults(*args, **kwargs)
return self