Source code for zensols.config.importyaml

"""YAML configuration importation like :class:`.ImportIniConfig`.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import Dict, Union, Any, Set, Tuple
from pathlib import Path
import logging
from string import Template
from io import TextIOBase
from . import (
    Serializer, Configurable, ConfigurableFactory,
    DictionaryConfig, YamlConfig,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _Template(Template):
    idpattern = r'[a-z0-9_:]+'

[docs] class ImportYamlConfig(YamlConfig): """Like :class:`.YamlConfig` but supports configuration importation like :class:`.ImportIniConfig`. The list of imports is given at :obj:`import_name` (see initializer), and contains the same information as import sections documented in :class:`.ImportIniConfig`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, config_file: Union[Path, TextIOBase] = None, default_section: str = None, sections_name: str = 'sections', sections: Set[str] = None, import_name: str = 'import', parse_values: bool = False, children: Tuple[Configurable, ...] = (), parent: Configurable = None): """Initialize with importation configuration. The usage of ``default_vars`` in the super class is disabled since this implementation uses a mix of dot and colon (configparser) variable substitution (the later used when imported from an :class:`.ImportIniConfig`. :param config_file: the configuration file path to read from; if the type is an instance of :class:`io.TextIOBase`, then read it as a file object :param default_section: used as the default section when non given on the get methds such as :meth:`get_option`; which defaults to ``defualt`` :param sections_name: the dot notated path to the variable that has a list of sections :param sections: used as the set of sections for this instance :param import_name: the dot notated path to the variable that has the import entries (see class docs); defaults to ``import`` :param parse_values: whether to invoke the :class:`.Serializer` to create in memory Python data values, which defaults to false to keep data as strings for configuration merging """ super().__init__(config_file, default_section, parent=parent, default_vars=None, delimiter=None, sections_name=sections_name, sections=sections) self.import_name = import_name self.serializer = Serializer() self._parse_values = parse_values self.children = children
def _import_parse(self): def repl_node(par: Dict[str, Any]): repl = {} for k, c in par.items(): if isinstance(c, dict): repl_node(c) elif isinstance(c, list): repl[k] = tuple(c) elif isinstance(c, str): template = _Template(c) rc = template.safe_substitute(tpl_context) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'subs: {c} -> {rc}') repl[k] = rc par.update(repl) import_def: Dict[str, Any] = self.get_options( f'{self.root}.{self.import_name}') cnf: Dict[str, Any] = {} context: Dict[str, str] = {} tpl_context = {} if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'import defs: {import_def}') if import_def is not None: for sec_name, params in import_def.items(): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'import sec: {sec_name}') config = ConfigurableFactory.from_section( params, sec_name, parent=self) for sec in config.sections: cnf[sec] = config.get_options(section=sec) self._config.update(cnf) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'updated config: {self._config}') self._flatten(context, '', self._config, ':') if len(self.children) > 0: dconf = DictionaryConfig(parent=self) for child in self.children: child.copy_sections(dconf) tpl_context.update(dconf.as_one_tier_dict()) tpl_context.update(context) new_keys = set(map(lambda k: k.replace(':', '.'), context.keys())) self._all_keys.update(new_keys) repl_node(self._config) def _serialize(self, par: Dict[str, Any]): repl = {} for k, c in par.items(): if isinstance(c, dict): self._serialize(c) elif isinstance(c, str): repl[k] = self.serializer.parse_object(c) par.update(repl) def _compile(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: self._config = super()._compile() self._import_parse() if self._parse_values: self._serialize(self._config) return self._config