Source code for zensols.config.importtree

"""Extends the import capability of YAML files.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import Dict, Any, Sequence, List, Set, Union, ClassVar
import logging
import random
import string
from . import (
    ConfigurableError, Serializer,
    Configurable, DictionaryConfig, ImportIniConfig

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ImportTreeConfig(DictionaryConfig): """A :class:`.Configurable` that give :class:`.ImortIniConfig` capabilities to any gree based configuration, and specifically :class:`.ImportYamlConfig`. """ DEFAULT_TYPE_MAP: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = { 'yml': 'condyaml', 'conf': 'importini'}
[docs] def __init__(self, parent_section_name: str, parent: Configurable, **kwargs): self._parent_section_name = parent_section_name self._import_section = None super().__init__(default_section=None, parent=parent) self._import_section: Dict[str, Any] = kwargs
def _get_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: config: Dict[str, Any] = super()._get_config() if self._import_section is not None: self._import_tree(self._import_section, config) self._import_section = None return config def _create_sec_name(self) -> str: """Return a unique section name based off this (parent) section name.""" sec_name: str = self._parent_section_name if sec_name is None or len(sec_name) == 0: sec_name = '' rand = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=10)) return f'{sec_name}_{rand}' def _create_import_config(self, sec: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a dict with the :class:`.Configurable` import sections and a list of cleanups. """ def map_cf(obj) -> str: if isinstance(obj, Dict) and len(obj) == 1: t = next(iter(obj.items())) return f'{t[0]}: {t[1]}' return obj ser: Serializer = self.serializer # create a unique import section name sec_name: str = self._create_sec_name() # sections to remove after cleanups: List[str] = sec.pop(ImportIniConfig.CLEANUPS_NAME, []) # the extension to Configurable class type_map: str = sec.pop(ImportIniConfig.TYPE_MAP, self.DEFAULT_TYPE_MAP) # get the config files to load (plural and singular nomenclatures) files: Union[str, Sequence[Any]] = sec.get( ImportIniConfig.CONFIG_FILES, []) sfile: str = sec.pop(ImportIniConfig.SINGLE_CONFIG_FILE, None) # find entries that don't belong unknown_entries: Set[str] = \ (set(sec.keys()) - ImportIniConfig.IMPORT_SECTION_FIELDS) if len(unknown_entries) > 0: raise ConfigurableError( f'Unknown configuration entries: {unknown_entries}') # adding files/resources to load can be as a string, list, or what the # YAML parser creates as a list of dicts for ``resource:...``; validate if isinstance(files, str): files = tuple(filter(lambda s: len(s) > 0, files.split('\n'))) if sfile is not None: files.append(ser.format_option(sfile)) files = tuple(map(map_cf, files)) if len(files) == 0: raise ConfigurableError(f'No configuration files set: {self}') # add the processed files to the inmport section sec[ImportIniConfig.CONFIG_FILES] = ser.format_option(files) # and the current section (yaml based) import section if self._parent_section_name is not None: cleanups.append(self._parent_section_name) # remove ``type: treeimport`` from the section sec.pop(ImportIniConfig.TYPE_NAME, None) # create the import section imp_sec: Dict[str, Any] = { ImportIniConfig.SECTIONS_SECTION: ser.format_option([sec_name])} # use the serializer to convert Python objects and types to strings op: str for op in (ImportIniConfig.REFS_NAME, ImportIniConfig.CLEANUPS_NAME): val: Any = sec.pop(op, None) if val is not None: imp_sec[op] = ser.format_option(val) # same for the top level ``import`` section for op in (ImportIniConfig.ENABLED_NAME,): val: Any = sec.pop(op, None) if val is not None: sec[op] = ser.format_option(val) sec[ImportIniConfig.TYPE_MAP] = ser.format_option(type_map) # create the config with the top level ``import`` and import section config = DictionaryConfig({ImportIniConfig.IMPORT_SECTION: imp_sec, sec_name: sec}) return {'config': config, 'cleanups': cleanups} def _import_tree(self, source: Dict[str, Any], target: Dict[str, Any]): """Create a new :class:`.ImportIniConfig` with import sections to load configuration for the section build for this instance. :param source: the section in the YAML that tells us what to import :param target: the data to populate with the imported data """ # create the input to ImportIniConfig import_data: Dict[str, Any] = self._create_import_config(source) cleanups: List[str] = import_data['cleanups'] # create the import configurable instance with importini context iniconfig = ImportIniConfig( import_data['config'], children=self.parent.children, parent=self.parent) # preemptively remove sections so they deep dicts don't interfere with # the copying of sections if len(cleanups) > 0: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'removing {cleanups}') parent: Configurable = self.parent while parent is not None: if parent._is_initialized(): for sec in cleanups: parent.remove_section(sec) parent = parent.parent # copy the imported sections to our config dc = DictionaryConfig(target) iniconfig.copy_sections(dc)