Source code for zensols.config.importfac

"""A configuration factory that (re)imports based on class name.

from __future__ import annotations
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
import typing
from typing import (
    Tuple, Dict, Optional, Union, Any, Type, Iterable, Callable, ClassVar, Set
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import dataclasses
import logging
import types
import re
from frozendict import frozendict
from zensols.introspect import ClassResolver, ClassImporter
from zensols.persist import persisted, PersistedWork, Deallocatable
from . import (
    Settings, Dictable, FactoryError, Configurable,
    ImportClassResolver, ConfigFactory,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RedefinedInjectionError(FactoryError): """Raised when any attempt to redefine or reuse injections for a class. """ pass
[docs] @dataclass class ModulePrototype(Dictable): """Contains the prototype information necessary to create an object instance using :class:`.ImportConfigFactoryModule. """ _DICTABLE_ATTRIBUTES: ClassVar[Set[str]] = {'params', 'config'} _CHILD_PARAM_DIRECTIVES: ClassVar[Set[str]] = frozenset( 'param reload type share'.split()) """The set of allowed directives (i.e. ``instance``) entries parsed by :meth:`_parse`. """ factory: ImportConfigFactory = field() """The factory that created this prototype.""" name: str = field() """The name of the instance to create, which is usually the application config section name. """ config_str: str = field() """The string parsed from the parethesis in the prototype string.""" @persisted('_parse_pw', allocation_track=False) def _parse(self) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: conf: str = self.config_str instance_params: Dict[str, Any] = {} inst_conf: Dict[str, Any] = None reload: bool = False try: if conf is not None: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'parsing param config: {conf}') inst_conf = eval(conf) unknown: Set[str] = set(inst_conf.keys()) - \ self._CHILD_PARAM_DIRECTIVES if len(unknown) > 0: raise FactoryError(f'Unknown directive(s): {unknown}', self.factory) if 'param' in inst_conf: cparams = inst_conf['param'] cparams = self.factory.config.serializer.populate_state( cparams, {}) instance_params.update(cparams) if 'reload' in inst_conf: reload = inst_conf['reload'] if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'setting reload: {reload}') if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'applying param config: {inst_conf}') finally: self.factory._set_reload(reload) return instance_params, inst_conf @property def params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self._parse()[0] @property def config(self) -> Any: return self._parse()[1]
[docs] class ImportConfigFactory(ConfigFactory, Deallocatable): """Import a class by the fully qualified class name (includes the module). This is a convenience class for setting the parent class ``class_resolver`` parameter. """ _MODULES: ClassVar[Type[ImportConfigFactoryModule]] = [] _MODULE_REGEXP: ClassVar[str] = r'(?:\((.+)\))?:\s*(.+)' """The ``instance`` regular expression used to identify children attributes to set on the object. The process if creation can chain from parent to children recursively. """ _INJECTS: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = {} """Track injections to fail on any attempts to redefine."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, reload: Optional[bool] = False, shared: Optional[bool] = True, reload_pattern: Optional[Union[re.Pattern, str]] = None, **kwargs): """Initialize the configuration factory. :param reload: whether or not to reload the module when resolving the class, which is useful for debugging in a REPL :param shared: when ``True`` instances are shared and only created once across sections for the life of this ``ImportConfigFactory`` instance :param reload_pattern: if set, reload classes that have a fully qualified name that match the regular expression regarless of the setting ``reload`` :param kwargs: the key word arguments given to the super class """ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'creating import config factory, reload: {reload}') super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, class_resolver=ImportClassResolver()) self._set_reload(reload) if shared: self._shared = {} else: self._shared = None self.shared = shared if isinstance(reload_pattern, str): self.reload_pattern = re.compile(reload_pattern) else: self.reload_pattern = reload_pattern self._init_modules()
[docs] @classmethod def register_module(cls: Type, mod: ImportConfigFactoryModule): if cls not in cls._MODULES: cls._MODULES.append(mod)
def _init_modules(self): modules: Tuple[ImportConfigFactoryModule] = tuple( map(lambda t: t(self), self._MODULES)) mod_names: str = '|'.join(map(lambda m:, modules)) self._module_regexes: re.Pattern = re.compile( '^(' + mod_names + ')' + self._MODULE_REGEXP + '$', re.DOTALL) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'mod regex: {self._module_regexes}') self._modules: Dict[str, ImportConfigFactoryModule] = { m for m in modules} def __getstate__(self): state = dict(self.__dict__) state['_shared'] = None if self._shared is None else {} del state['class_resolver'] del state['_modules'] del state['_module_regexes'] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self.class_resolver = ImportClassResolver() self._init_modules()
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear any shared instances. """ if self._shared is not None: self._shared.clear()
[docs] def clear_instance(self, name: str) -> Any: """Remove a shared (cached) object instance. :param name: the section name of the instance to evict and the same string used to create with :meth:`instance` or :meth:`new_instance` :return: the instance that was removed (if present), otherwise ``None`` """ if self._shared is not None: return self._shared.pop(name, None)
[docs] def clone(self) -> Any: """Return a copy of this configuration factory that functionally works the same. However, it does not copy over any resources generated during the life of the factory. """ clone = super().clone() clone.clear() return clone
[docs] def deallocate(self): super().deallocate() if self._shared is not None: for v in self._shared.values(): if isinstance(v, Deallocatable): v.deallocate() self._shared.clear()
[docs] def instance(self, name: Optional[str] = None, *args, **kwargs): if self._shared is None: inst = super().instance(name, *args, **kwargs) else: inst = self._shared.get(name) if inst is None: inst = super().instance(name, *args, **kwargs) self._shared[name] = inst return inst
[docs] def new_instance(self, name: str = None, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new instance without it being shared. This is done by evicting the existing instance from the shared cache when it is created next time the contained instances are shared. :param name: the name of the class (by default) or the key name of the class used to find the class :param args: given to the ``__init__`` method :param kwargs: given to the ``__init__`` method :see: :meth:`instance` :see: :meth:`new_deep_instance` """ inst = self.instance(name, *args, **kwargs) self.clear_instance(name) return inst
[docs] def new_deep_instance(self, name: str = None, *args, **kwargs): """Like :meth:`new_instance` but copy all recursive instances as new objects as well. """ prev_shared = self._shared self._shared = None try: inst = self.instance(name, *args, **kwargs) finally: self._shared = prev_shared return inst
def _set_reload(self, reload: bool): self.reload = reload self.class_resolver.reload = reload def _attach_persistent(self, inst: Any, name: str, kwargs: Dict[str, str]): persist = persisted(**kwargs) new_meth = persist(lambda self: getattr(inst, name)) new_meth = types.MethodType(new_meth, inst) setattr(inst, name, new_meth)
[docs] def from_config_string(self, v: str) -> Any: """Create an instance from a string used as option values in the configuration. """ m: re.Match = self._module_regexes.match(v) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'match: <{v}> -> {m}') if m is not None: name, config, section = m.groups() mod: ImportConfigFactoryModule = self._modules.get(name) if mod is not None: mod_inst = ModulePrototype(self, section, config) v = mod.instance(mod_inst) return v
def _class_name_params(self, name: str) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]: class_name: str params: Dict[str, Any] class_name, params = super()._class_name_params(name) insts = {} initial_reload = self.reload try: for k, v in params.items(): if isinstance(v, str): insts[k] = self.from_config_string(v) finally: self._set_reload(initial_reload) params.update(insts) return class_name, params def _instance(self, sec_name: str, cls: Type, *args, **kwargs): reset_props = False class_name = ClassResolver.full_classname(cls) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'import instance: section name: {sec_name}, ' + f'cls={class_name}, args={args}, kwargs={kwargs}') pw_injects = self._process_injects(sec_name, kwargs) prev_defined_sec = self._INJECTS.get(class_name) if prev_defined_sec is not None and prev_defined_sec != sec_name: # fail when redefining injections, and thus class metadata, # configuration msg = ('Attempt redefine or reuse injection for class ' + f'{class_name} in section {sec_name} previously ' + f'defined in section {prev_defined_sec}') raise RedefinedInjectionError(msg, self) if len(pw_injects) > 0 and class_name not in self._INJECTS: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'sec assign {sec_name} = {class_name}') self._INJECTS[class_name] = sec_name initial_reload = self.reload reload = self.reload if self.reload_pattern is not None: m = self.reload_pattern.match(class_name) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'class {class_name} matches reload pattern ' + f'{self.reload_pattern}: {m}') reload = m is not None try: self._set_reload(reload) if reload: # we still have to reload at the top level (root in the # instance graph) cresolver: ClassResolver = self.class_resolver class_importer = cresolver.create_class_importer(class_name) inst = class_importer.instance(*args, **kwargs) reset_props = True else: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'base call instance: {sec_name}') inst = super()._instance(sec_name, cls, *args, **kwargs) finally: self._set_reload(initial_reload) self._add_injects(inst, pw_injects, reset_props) mod: ImportConfigFactoryModule for mod in self._modules.values(): inst = mod.post_populate(inst) return inst def _process_injects(self, sec_name, kwargs): pname = 'injects' pw_param_set = kwargs.get(pname) props = [] if pw_param_set is not None: del kwargs[pname] for params in eval(pw_param_set): params = dict(params) prop_name = params['name'] del params['name'] pw_name = f'_{prop_name}_pw' params['path'] = pw_name if prop_name not in kwargs: raise FactoryError(f"No property '{prop_name}' found '" + f"in section '{sec_name}'", self) params['initial_value'] = kwargs[prop_name] # don't delete the key here so that the type can be defined for # dataclasses, effectively as documentation # # del kwargs[prop_name] props.append((pw_name, prop_name, params)) return props def _add_injects(self, inst: Any, pw_injects, reset_props: bool): cls: Type = inst.__class__ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'adding injects: {len(pw_injects)}') for pw_name, prop_name, inject in pw_injects: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'inject: {pw_name}, {prop_name}, {inject}') init_val = inject.pop('initial_value') pw = PersistedWork(owner=inst, **inject) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'set: {pw.is_set()}: {pw}') if not pw.is_set(): pw.set(init_val) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'setting member {pw_name}={pw} on {cls}') setattr(inst, pw_name, pw) if reset_props or not hasattr(cls, prop_name): logger.debug(f'setting property {prop_name}={pw_name}') getter = eval(f"lambda s: getattr(s, '{pw_name}')()") setter = eval(f"lambda s, v: hasattr(s, '{pw_name}') " + f"and getattr(s, '{pw_name}').set(v)") prop = property(getter, setter) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'set property: {prop}') setattr(cls, prop_name, prop) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'create instance {cls}')
[docs] @dataclass class ImportConfigFactoryModule(metaclass=ABCMeta): """A module used by :class:`.ImportConfigFactory` to create instances using special formatted string (i.e. ``instance:``). Subclasses implement the object creation based on the formatting of the string. """ _EMPTY_CHILD_PARAMS: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any]] = frozendict() """Constant used to create object instances with initializers that have no parameters. """ factory: ImportConfigFactory = field() """The parent/owning configuration factory instance.""" @abstractmethod def _instance(self, proto: ModulePrototype) -> Any: pass
[docs] def post_populate(self, inst: Any) -> Any: """Called to populate or replace the created instance after being generated by :class:`.ImportConfigFactory`. """
return inst @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the module and prefix used in the instance formatted string. """ return self._NAME
[docs] def instance(self, proto: ModulePrototype) -> Any: """Return a new instance from the a prototype input."""
return self._instance(proto) def _create_instance(self, section: str, config_params: Dict[str, str], params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """Create the instance using of an object using :obj:`factory`. :param section: the name of the section in the app config :param config_params: configuration based parameters to indicate (i.e. whether to share the instance, create a deep copy etc) :param params: the parameters given to the class initializer """ fac: ImportConfigFactory = self.factory secs = fac.config.serializer.parse_object(section) if isinstance(secs, (tuple, list)): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'list instance: {type(secs)}') inst = list(map(lambda s: fac.instance(s, **params), secs)) if isinstance(secs, tuple): inst = tuple(inst) elif isinstance(secs, dict): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'dict instance: {type(secs)}') inst = {} for k, v in secs.items(): v = fac.instance(v, **params) inst[k] = v elif isinstance(secs, str): create_type: str = None try: if config_params is not None: create_type: str = config_params.get('share') meth: Callable = { None: fac.instance, 'default': fac.instance, 'evict': fac.new_instance, 'deep': fac.new_deep_instance, }.get(create_type) if meth is None: raise FactoryError('Unknown create type: {create_type}') inst = meth(secs, **params) except Exception as e: raise FactoryError( f"Could not create instance from section '{section}'", fac) from e else: raise FactoryError( f'Unknown instance type {type(secs)}: {secs}', fac) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'creating instance in section {section} ' + f'with {params}, config: {config_params}')
return inst @dataclass class _InstanceImportConfigFactoryModule(ImportConfigFactoryModule): """A module that uses the :obj:`factory` to create the instance from a section. The configuration string prototype has the form:: instance[(<parameters>)]: <instance section name> Parameters are option, but when included are used as parameters to the new instance's initializer. """ _NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'instance' def _instance(self, proto: ModulePrototype) -> Any: return self._create_instance(, proto.config, proto.params) ImportConfigFactory.register_module(_InstanceImportConfigFactoryModule) @dataclass class _AsDictImportConfigFactoryModule(ImportConfigFactoryModule): """A module that uses the :obj:`factory` to create the instance from a section as a :class:`builtins.dict` instead of :class:`.Settings`. The configuration string prototype has the form:: asdict: <section name> """ _NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'asdict' def _instance(self, proto: ModulePrototype) -> Any: obj = self._create_instance(, proto.config, proto.params) if not isinstance(obj, Settings): raise FactoryError( f'Expecting non-class (Settings) but got {type(obj)}') return obj.asdict() ImportConfigFactory.register_module(_AsDictImportConfigFactoryModule) @dataclass class _AliasImportConfigFactoryModule(ImportConfigFactoryModule): """Like :class:`._InstanceImportConfigFactoryModule` but use the an alias for the instance section name. The configuration string prototype has the form:: alias[(<parameters>)]: <section>:<option> The ``option`` in ``section`` is then used for the instance to be created by the factory. The ``parameters`` are used to create the instance just like with :class:`._InstanceImportConfigFactoryModule`. This module is useful when using replaced values break the configuration loading order, or for sections/options not yet defined. This can happen in CLI resource libraries application context definitions for default settings not yet loaded. """ _NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'alias' _SECTION_OPTION: ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile(r'^([^:]+):(.+)$') @classmethod def parse(cls: Type, s: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: m: re.Match = cls._SECTION_OPTION.match(s) if m is None: raise FactoryError( f"Expected format '<section>:<option>' but got: '{s}'") return m.groups() def _instance(self, proto: ModulePrototype) -> Any: sec: str option: str sec, option = self.parse( config: Configurable = self.factory.config if sec not in config.sections: raise FactoryError(f"No such alias section: '{sec}'") alias: str = config.get_option(option, sec) return self._create_instance(alias, proto.config, proto.params) ImportConfigFactory.register_module(_AliasImportConfigFactoryModule) @dataclass class _ObjectImportConfigFactoryModule(ImportConfigFactoryModule): """A module that creates an instance from a fully qualified class name. The configuration string prototype has the form:: object[(<parameters>)]: <fully qualified class name> Parameters are option, but when included are used as parameters to the new instance's initializer. """ _NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'object' def _instance(self, proto: ModulePrototype) -> Any: cls: Type = self.factory._find_class( desc = f'object instance {}' return ConfigFactory._instance( self.factory, desc, cls, **proto.params) ImportConfigFactory.register_module(_ObjectImportConfigFactoryModule) @dataclass class _DataClassImportConfigFactoryModule(ImportConfigFactoryModule): """A module that creates an instance of a dataclass using the class's metadata. The configuration string prototype has the form:: dataclass(<fully qualified class name>): <instance section name> This is most useful in YAML for nested structure composite dataclass configurations. """ _NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'dataclass' def _dataclass_from_dict(self, cls: Type, data: Any): if isinstance(data, str): data = self.factory.from_config_string(data) if isinstance(data, str): data = self.factory.config.serializer.parse_object(data) if dataclasses.is_dataclass(cls) and isinstance(data, dict): fieldtypes = { f.type for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)} try: param = {f: self._dataclass_from_dict(fieldtypes[f], data[f]) for f in data} except KeyError as e: raise FactoryError( f"No datacalass field {e} in '{cls}, data: {data}'") data = cls(**param) elif isinstance(data, (tuple, list)): origin: Type = typing.get_origin(cls) cls: Type = typing.get_args(cls) if isinstance(cls, (tuple, list, set)) and len(cls) == 1: cls = next(iter(cls)) data: Iterable[Any] = map( lambda x: self._dataclass_from_dict(cls, x), data) data = origin(data) return data def _instance(self, proto: ModulePrototype) -> Any: class_name: str = proto.config_str if not ClassImporter.is_valid_class_name(class_name): raise FactoryError(f'Not a valid class name: {class_name}') from_dict: Callable = self._dataclass_from_dict cls: Type = self.factory._find_class(class_name) ep: Dict[str, Any] = self._EMPTY_CHILD_PARAMS inst: Settings = self._create_instance(, ep, ep) if isinstance(inst, (tuple, list)): elems = map(lambda x: from_dict(cls, x.asdict()), inst) inst = inst.__class__(elems) else: inst = from_dict(cls, inst.asdict()) return inst def post_populate(self, inst: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(inst, Settings) and len(inst) == 1: inst_dict = inst.asdict() k = next(iter(inst_dict.keys())) v = inst_dict[k] if isinstance(v, dict): cls: Optional[str] = v.pop(self._NAME, None) if cls is not None: cls: Type = self.factory._find_class(cls) dc: Any = self._dataclass_from_dict(cls, v) inst_dict[k] = dc return inst ImportConfigFactory.register_module(_DataClassImportConfigFactoryModule) @dataclass class _CallImportConfigFactoryModule(ImportConfigFactoryModule): """A module that calls a method of another instance in the application context. The configuration string prototype has the form:: call[(<parameters>)]: <instance section name> Parameters may have a ``method`` key with the name of the method. The remainder of the paraemters are used in the method call. """ _NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'call' def _instance(self, proto: ModulePrototype) -> Any: cble: Any = self.factory.instance( params: Dict[str, Any] = proto.params method_name: Optional[str] = params.pop('method', None) val: Any if method_name is None: # either the object is callable or an attribute attr_name: Optional[str] = params.pop('attribute', None) if attr_name is not None: # return the attribute if specified val = getattr(cble, attr_name) else: # otherwise assume it's callable and let it raise if not val = cble(**params) else: # call the specified method with parameters method: Any = getattr(cble, method_name) val = method(**params) return val ImportConfigFactory.register_module(_CallImportConfigFactoryModule)