"""Conditional branching logic configuration.
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, List, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import logging
import re
from zensols.persist import persisted
from . import Configurable, ImportYamlConfig, Serializer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class _Condition(object):
"""Contains data needed to branch at the level of node replacement.
serializer: Serializer = field(repr=False)
name: str
ifn: Any
thn: Dict[str, Any]
eln: Dict[str, Any]
parent: Dict[str, Any] = field(default=None, repr=False)
def child(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
truthy = self.ifn
if isinstance(truthy, str):
truthy = self.serializer.parse_object(truthy)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'truth value: {self.ifn} ({self.ifn}) -> '
f'{truthy} ({truthy})')
if truthy:
node = None if self.thn is None else self.thn
node = None if self.eln is None else self.eln
return node[self.name]
class ConditionalYamlConfig(ImportYamlConfig):
"""Conditionally includes configuration based on very basic if/then logic.
YAML nodes (defaulting to name ``condition``) are replaced with a single
node either under a ``then`` node or an ``else`` node.
For the ``then`` node to be used, the ``if`` value must evaluate to
something that evaluates to true in Python. For this reason, it is
recommended to use boolean constants or ``eval:`` syntax.
For example::
if: ${default:testvar}
embedding_layer: 'glove_50_embedding_layer'
recurrent_settings: 'recurrent_settings'
embedding_layer: 'transformer_embedding_layer'
recurrent_settings: 'recurrent_settings'
_CONDITION_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+)?condition$')
_IF_NODE = 'if'
_THEN_NODE = 'then'
_ELSE_NODE = 'else'
def __init__(self, *args, parent: Configurable = None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, parent=parent, **kwargs)
self._evals: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
def _find_node(self, n: Union[Dict, Any], path: str, name: str):
if isinstance(n, _Condition):
node = n.child
node = super()._find_node(n, path, name)
return node
def _eval_tree(self, node: Dict[str, Any]):
repls = {}
dels = set()
for cn, cv in node.items():
if self._CONDITION_REGEX.match(cn) is not None:
if isinstance(cv, _Condition):
cond = cv
repls[cond.name] = cond.child
elif isinstance(cv, dict):
for n in dels:
del node[n]
def get_tree(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
node = self._evals.get(name)
if node is None:
node: Union[_Condition, Dict[str, Any]] = super().get_tree(name)
if isinstance(node, dict):
# we have to conditionally update recursively when a client
# descends this tree without get_tree('(grand)child')
self._evals[name] = node
return node
def _create_condition(self, node: Dict[str, Any]) -> _Condition:
ifn = node.get(self._IF_NODE)
thn = node.get(self._THEN_NODE)
eln = node.get(self._ELSE_NODE)
if ifn is None:
f"Missing '{self._IF_NODE}' in condition: {node}")
if thn is None and eln is None:
f"Either '{self._THEN_NODE}' or " +
f"'{self._ELSE_NODE}' must follow an if in: {node}")
for cn, name in ((thn, self._IF_NODE), (eln, self._ELSE_NODE)):
if cn is not None and len(cn) > 1:
'Conditionals can have only one child, ' +
f"but got {len(cn)}: {cn}'")
thn_k = None if thn is None else next(iter(thn.keys()))
eln_k = None if eln is None else next(iter(eln.keys()))
if thn_k is not None and eln_k is not None and thn_k != eln_k:
f"Conditionals must have the same child root, got: '{node}'")
return _Condition(self.serializer, thn_k or eln_k, ifn, thn, eln, node)
def _map_conditions(self, par: Dict[str, Any], path: List[str]):
add_conds = {}
for cn, cv in par.items():
if isinstance(cv, dict):
if self._CONDITION_REGEX.match(cn) is not None:
cond = self._create_condition(cv)
if cond.name in add_conds:
self._raise(f'Duplicate cond: {cond}')
add_conds[cond.name] = cond
self._map_conditions(cv, path)
def _compile(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
root = super()._compile()
self._map_conditions(self._config, [])
return root