"""A more object oriented data driven command line set of classes.
from __future__ import annotations
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import (
Tuple, List, Dict, Iterable, Any, Callable, Optional, Union, Type
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import logging
import sys
import re
from io import TextIOBase
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from frozendict import frozendict
from zensols.introspect import (
Class, ClassMethod, ClassField, ClassMethodArg, ClassDoc, ClassImporter
from zensols.persist import (
persisted, PersistedWork, PersistableContainer, Deallocatable
from zensols.util import PackageResource
from zensols.config import (
ConfigurableFileNotFoundError, Serializer, Dictable,
Configurable, ConfigFactory, ImportIniConfig, ImportConfigFactory,
from . import (
ActionCliError, ApplicationError, ApplicationFailure, DocUtil,
ActionCliManager, ActionCli, ActionCliMethod, ActionMetaData,
CommandAction, CommandActionSet, CommandLineConfig, CommandLineParser
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Action(Deallocatable, Dictable):
"""An invokable action from the command line the :class:`.Application`
class. This class combines the user input from the command line with the
meta data from the Python classes given in the configuration.
Combined, these two data sources provide a means to execute an action,
which is conceptually one functionality of the application and literally a
Python class method.
The class also is somewhat of a facade allowing a client to access data
from both sources without needing to know where it comes from via the
class's properties.
command_action: CommandAction = field()
"""The result of the command line parsing of the action. It contains the
data parsed on a per action level.
cli: ActionCli = field()
"""Command line interface of the action meta data."""
meta_data: ActionMetaData = field()
"""An action represents a link between a command line mnemonic *action* and
a method on a class to invoke.
method_meta: ClassMethod = field()
"""The metadata of the method to use for the invocation of the action.
def name(self) -> str:
"""The name of the action, which is the form:
``<action's section name>.<meta data's name>``
return f'{self.cli.section}.{self.meta_data.name}'
def section(self) -> str:
"""The section from which the :class:`.ActionCli` was created."""
return self.cli.section
def class_meta(self) -> Class:
"""The meta data of the action, which comes from :class:`.ActionCli`.
return self.cli.class_meta
def class_name(self) -> str:
"""Return the class name of the target application instance.
return self.class_meta.name
def method_name(self) -> str:
"""The method to invoke on the target application instance class.
return self.method_meta.name
def deallocate(self):
self._try_deallocate((self.command_action, self.action_cli))
def _get_dictable_attributes(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]:
return map(lambda f: (f, f),
'section class_name method_name command_action'.split())
def __str__(self):
return (f'{self.section} ({self.class_name}.{self.method_name}): ' +
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
class ActionResult(Dictable):
"""The results of a single method call to an :class:`.Action` instance.
There is one of these per action (both first and second pass) provided in
action: Action = field()
"""The action that was used to generate the result."""
instance: Any = field()
"""The application instance."""
result: Any = field()
"""The results returned from the invocation on the application instance."""
def name(self) -> str:
return self.action.name
def __call__(self):
return self.result
class ApplicationResult(Dictable):
"""A container class of the results of an application invocation with
:meth:`.Application.invoke`. This is keyed by index of the actions given in
action_results: Tuple[ActionResult, ...] = field()
"""Both first and second pass action results. These are provided in the
same order for which was executed when the class:`.Application` ran, which
is that same order provided to the :class:`.ActionCliManager`.
def by_name(self) -> Dict[str, ActionResult]:
"""Per action results keyed by action name (obj:`.Action.name`)."""
return frozendict({a.name: a for a in self})
def second_pass_result(self) -> ActionResult:
"""The single second pass result of that action indicated to invoke on
the command line by the user.
sec_pass = tuple(filter(lambda r: not r.action.meta_data.first_pass,
assert (len(sec_pass) == 1)
return sec_pass[0]
def __call__(self) -> ActionResult:
return self.second_pass_result
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> ActionResult:
return self.action_results[index]
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.action_results)
class ApplicationObserver(ABC):
"""Extended by application targets to get call backs and information from
the controlling :class:`.Application`. Method :meth:`_application_created`
is invoked for each call back.
.. document private functions
.. automethod:: _application_created
def _application_created(self, app: Application, action: Action):
"""Called just after the application target is created.
:param app: the application that created the application target
class Invokable(object):
"""A callable that invokes an :class:`.Action`. This is used by
:class:`.Application` to invoke the entire CLI application.
action: Action = field()
"""The action used to create this instance."""
instance: Any = field()
"""The instantiated object generated from :obj:`action`."""
method: Callable = field()
"""The object method bound to :obj:`instance` to be called."""
args: Tuple[Any, ...] = field()
"""The arguments used when calling :obj:`method`."""
kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = field()
"""The keyword arguments used when calling :obj:`method`."""
def __call__(self):
"""Call :obj:`method` with :obj:`args` and :obj:`kwargs`."""
return self.method(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
class Application(Dictable):
"""An invokable application created using command line and application
context data. This class creates an instance of the *target application
instance*, then invokes the corresponding action method.
The application has all the first pass actions configured to run and/or
given options indicating by the user to run (see :obj:`first_pass_actions`).
It also has the second pass action given as a mnemonic, or the single second
pass action if there is only one (see :obj:`second_pas_action`).
config_factory: ConfigFactory = field(repr=False)
"""The factory used to create the application and its components."""
factory: ApplicationFactory = field(repr=False)
"""The factory that created this application."""
actions: Tuple[Action, ...] = field()
"""The list of actions to invoke in order."""
def _create_instance(self, action: Action) -> Any:
"""Instantiate the in memory application using the CLI input gathered
from the user and the configuration.
cmd_opts: Dict[str, Any] = action.command_action.options
const_params: Dict[str, Any] = {}
sec = action.section
# gather fields
f: ClassField
for f in action.class_meta.fields.values():
val: str = cmd_opts.get(f.name)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'setting CLI parameter {f.name} -> {val}')
# set the field used to create the app target instance if given by
# the user on the command line
if val is None:
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
f'no param for action <{action}>: {f.name}')
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
f'field map: {sec}:{f.name} -> {val} ({f.dtype})')
const_params[f.name] = val
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'creating {sec} with {const_params}')
# create the instance using the configuration factory
inst = self.config_factory.instance(sec, **const_params)
if isinstance(inst, ApplicationObserver):
inst._application_created(self, action)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'created instance {inst}')
return inst
def _get_meth_params(self, action: Action, meth_meta: ClassMethod) -> \
Tuple[Tuple[Any, ...], Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Get the method argument and keyword arguments gathered from the user
input and configuration.
:return: a tuple of the positional arguments (think ``*args``) followed
by the keyword arguments map (think ``**kwargs`)
cmd_opts: Dict[str, Any] = action.command_action.options
meth_params: Dict[str, Any] = {}
pos_args = action.command_action.positional
pos_arg_count: int = 0
arg: ClassMethodArg
for arg in meth_meta.args:
if arg.is_positional:
pos_arg_count += 1
name: str = arg.name
if name not in cmd_opts:
raise ActionCliError(
f'No such option {name} parsed from CLI for ' +
f'method from {cmd_opts}: {meth_meta.name}')
val: str = cmd_opts.get(name)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'meth map: {meth_meta.name}.{name} -> {val}')
meth_params[name] = val
if pos_arg_count != len(pos_args):
raise ActionCliError(
f'Method {meth_meta.name} expects {pos_arg_count} but got ' +
f'{len(pos_args)} in {action.name}.{meth_meta.name}')
return pos_args, meth_params
def _pre_process(self, action: Action, instance: Any):
if not action.cli.first_pass:
config = self.config_factory.config
cli_manager: ActionCliManager = self.factory.cli_manager
if cli_manager.cleanups is not None:
for sec in cli_manager.cleanups:
if sec not in config.sections:
raise ActionCliError(f'No section to remove: {sec}')
def _create_invokable(self, action: Action) -> Invokable:
inst: Any = self._create_instance(action)
self._pre_process(action, inst)
meth_meta: ClassMethod = action.method_meta
pos_args, meth_params = self._get_meth_params(action, meth_meta)
meth = getattr(inst, meth_meta.name)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'invoking {meth}')
return Invokable(action, inst, meth, pos_args, meth_params)
def get_invokable(self, action_name: str) -> Invokable:
"""Create an invokable.
:param action_name: the name of the action, which is also the section
name in the configuration
action: Action = self.actions_by_name[action_name]
return self._create_invokable(action)
def actions_by_name(self) -> Dict[str, Action]:
"""A dictionary of actions by their name."""
return frozendict({a.name: a for a in self.actions})
def first_pass_actions(self) -> Iterable[Action]:
"""All first pass actions registered in the application and/or indicated
by the user to run via the command line.
return filter(lambda a: a.meta_data.first_pass, self.actions)
def second_pass_action(self) -> Action:
"""The second pass action registered in the application and indicated to
execute by the command line input.
acts = filter(lambda a: not a.meta_data.first_pass, self.actions)
acts = tuple(acts)
assert len(acts) == 1
return acts[0]
def _invoke_first_pass(self) -> Tuple[ActionResult, ...]:
"""Invokes only the first pass actions and returns the results.
results: List[ActionResult] = []
action: Action
for action in self.first_pass_actions:
invokable: Invokable = self._create_invokable(action)
res: Any = invokable()
results.append(ActionResult(action, invokable.instance, res))
return tuple(results)
def invoke_but_second_pass(self) -> \
Tuple[Tuple[ActionResult, ...], Invokable]:
"""Invoke first pass actions but not the second pass action.
:return: the results from the first pass actions and an invokable for
the second pass action
results: List[ActionResult] = list(self._invoke_first_pass())
action: Action = self.second_pass_action
invokable: Invokable = self._create_invokable(action)
return results, invokable
def invoke(self) -> ApplicationResult:
"""Invoke the application and return the results.
results, invokable = self.invoke_but_second_pass()
res: Any = invokable()
sp_res = ActionResult(invokable.action, invokable.instance, res)
return ApplicationResult(tuple(results))
class ApplicationFactory(PersistableContainer):
"""Boots the application context from the command line. This first loads
resource ``resources/app.conf`` from this package, then adds
:obj:`app_config_resource` from the application package of the client.
package_resource: Union[str, PackageResource] = field()
"""The application package resource (i.e. ``zensols.someappname``). This
field is converted to a package if given as a string during post
app_config_resource: Union[str, TextIOBase] = field(
"""The relative resource path to the application's context if :class:`str`.
If the type is an instance of :class:`io.TextIOBase`, then read it as a file
children_configs: Tuple[Configurable, ...] = field(default=None)
"""Any children configurations added to the root level configuration."""
reload_factory: bool = field(default=False)
"""If ``True``, reload classes in :class:`.ImportConfigFactory`.
:see: :meth:`_create_config_factory`
reload_pattern: Union[re.Pattern, str] = field(default=None)
"""If set, reload classes that have a fully qualified name that match the
regular expression regarless of the setting ``reload`` in
:see: :meth:`_create_config_factory`
.. document private functions
.. automethod:: _handle_error
error_handler: Callable = field(default=None)
"""A callable that takes an :class:`Exception` and this instance as a
paramters to handle the error. This can be set to
:class:`..ApplicationFailure` for programatic entry to this class (see
def __post_init__(self):
if self.package_resource is None:
raise ActionCliError('Missing package resource')
if isinstance(self.package_resource, str):
self.package_resource = PackageResource(self.package_resource)
self._resources = PersistedWork(
'_resources', self, deallocate_recursive=True)
def _configure_serializer(self):
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'configuring serilaizer: {self.package_resource}')
dist_name = self.package_resource.name
Serializer.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_MODULE = dist_name
def _create_application_context(self, app_context: Path) -> Configurable:
"""Factory method to create the application context from the :mod:`cli`
resource (parent) context and a path to the application specific
(child) context.
:param parent_context: the :mod:`cli` root level context path
:param app_context: the application child context path
children = []
if self.children_configs is not None:
return ImportIniConfig(app_context, children=children)
def _create_config_factory(self, config: Configurable) -> ConfigFactory:
"""Factory method to create the configuration factory from the
application context created in :meth:`_get_app_context`.
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'reload: {self.reload_factory}')
return ImportConfigFactory(config,
def _find_app_doc(self, cli_mng: ActionCliManager) -> str:
"""Try to find documentation suitable for the program as a fallback if
the command line parser can't find anything.
This returns the class level documentation if there is only one class by
all second pass actions that don't originate from this module's parent
(i.e. those, that come from :mod:`zensols.cli`).
def filter_action(action: ActionCli) -> bool:
"""Filter documentation action candidates."""
name = action.class_meta.name
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
f'name: {name}, single pass: {not action.first_pass}, ' +
f'CLI lib: {not name.startswith(mod_pattern)}')
return not action.first_pass and \
not name.startswith(mod_pattern) and \
def filter_doc(action: ActionCli) -> bool:
"""Filter private classes."""
doc: ClassDoc = action.class_meta.doc
if doc is None:
return False
return not action.class_meta.doc.text.startswith('_')
mod_name: str = DocUtil.module_name()
mod_pattern: str = mod_name + '.'
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'module name: {mod_name}')
ac_clis: Tuple[ActionCli, ...] = tuple(cli_mng.actions.values())
sp_actions = tuple(filter(filter_action, ac_clis))
sp_metas: Tuple[ActionMetaData, ...] = tuple(chain.from_iterable(
map(lambda ac: ac.meta_datas, sp_actions)))
doc = None
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'single pass actions: {sp_actions}, ' +
f'single pass metas: {len(sp_metas)}')
if len(sp_metas) == 1:
doc = sp_metas[0].doc
doc = DocUtil.unnormalize(doc)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'using second pass doc: {doc}')
# filter application classes are public
sp_actions: Tuple[ActionCli, ...] = \
tuple(filter(filter_doc, sp_actions))
actions: Dict[str, ActionCli] = \
{c.class_meta.name: c for c in sp_actions}
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'actions: {actions} in ' +
f'sec pass actions: {sp_actions}')
if len(actions) == 1:
doc = next(iter(actions.values())).class_meta.doc.text
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'using class: {doc}')
return doc
def _get_app_doc(self, cli_mng: ActionCliManager) -> Optional[str]:
"""Return the application documentation, or ``None`` if it is
:see: :meth:`_find_app_doc`
doc = cli_mng.doc
if doc is None:
doc = self._find_app_doc(cli_mng)
return doc
def _get_config_path(self) -> Path:
path: Path = self.package_resource.get_path(self.app_config_resource)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'path to app specific context: {path}')
if not path.exists():
raise ActionCliError(
f"Application context resource '{self.app_config_resource}' " +
f'not found in {self.package_resource} at {path}')
return path
def _create_resources(self) -> \
Tuple[ConfigFactory, ActionCliManager, CommandLineParser]:
"""Create the config factory, the command action line manager, and
command line parser resources. The data is cached and use in property
cl_name: str = ClassImporter.full_classname(ActionCliManager)
cli_sec: str = ActionCliManager.SECTION
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'create resources for: {type(self)}')
if isinstance(self.app_config_resource, str):
path: Path = self._get_config_path()
config: Configurable = self._create_application_context(path)
file_obj = self.app_config_resource
config: Configurable = self._create_application_context(file_obj)
# create a default CLI ActionCliManager section when it doesn't exist
if cli_sec not in config.sections:
ser: Serializer = config.serializer
apps: str = ser.format_option(['app'])
config.set_option('apps', apps, section=cli_sec)
config.set_option('class_name', cl_name, section=cli_sec)
fac: ConfigFactory = self._create_config_factory(config)
# add class name to relax missing class_name
cli_mng: ActionCliManager = fac(cli_sec, class_name=cl_name)
actions: Tuple[ActionMetaData, ...] = tuple(chain.from_iterable(
map(lambda a: a.meta_datas, cli_mng.actions.values())))
config = CommandLineConfig(actions)
parser = CommandLineParser(
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'created factory: {fac}')
return fac, cli_mng, parser
def config_factory(self) -> ConfigFactory:
"""The configuration factory used to create the application."""
return self._create_resources()[0]
def cli_manager(self) -> ActionCliManager:
"""The manager that creates the action based CLIs.
return self._create_resources()[1]
def parser(self) -> CommandLineParser:
"""Used to parse the command line.
return self._create_resources()[2]
def _parse(self, args: List[str]) -> Tuple[Action, ...]:
"""Parse the command line.
fac, cli_mng, parser = self._create_resources()
actions: List[Action] = []
action_set: CommandActionSet = parser.parse(args)
cmd_actions: Dict[str, CommandAction] = action_set.by_name
action_cli: ActionCli
for action_cli in cli_mng.actions_ordered:
acli_meth: ActionCliMethod
for acli_meth in action_cli.methods.values():
name: str = acli_meth.action_meta_data.name
caction: CommandAction = cmd_actions.get(name)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'action name: {name} -> {caction}')
if caction is None and action_cli.always_invoke:
caction = CommandAction(acli_meth.action_meta_data, {}, ())
if caction is not None:
action: Action = Action(
caction, action_cli,
acli_meth.action_meta_data, acli_meth.method)
return actions
def _get_default_args(self) -> List[str]:
"""Return the arguments to parse when none are given. This defaults to
the system arguments skipping the firt (program) argument.
return sys.argv[1:]
def create(self, args: List[str] = None) -> Application:
"""Create the action CLI application.
:param args: the arguments to the application; if this is a string, it
will be converted to a list by splitting on whitespace;
this defaults to the output of :meth:`_get_default_args`
:raises ActionCliError: for any missing data or misconfigurations
# we have to clear previously created resources for multiple calls to
# this method for this instance
fac, cli_mng, parser = self._create_resources()
if args is None:
args = self._get_default_args()
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
logger.info(f'application arguments: {args}')
actions: Tuple[Action, ...] = self._parse(args)
return Application(fac, self, actions)
def _error_to_str(self, ex: Exception) -> str:
"""Create a command line friendly error message fromt he exception."""
s = str(ex)
s = s[0].lower() + s[1:]
return s
def _dump_error(self, ex: Exception, add_usage: bool = True,
exit_err: bool = True):
"""Output an exception message using the parser error API.
:param: ex: the exception raised to be written to standard error
:param add_usage: whether to add the short usage (one line)
:param exit_err: whether to exit the interpreter
msg = self._error_to_str(ex)
if add_usage:
prog = Path(sys.argv[0]).name
print(f'{prog}: error: {msg}', file=sys.stderr)
if exit_err:
def _handle_error(self, ex: Exception):
"""Handle errors raised during the execution of the application.
:see: :meth:`invoke`
if self.error_handler is not None:
return self.error_handler(ex, self)
if isinstance(ex, ConfigurableFileNotFoundError):
self._dump_error(ex, False)
elif isinstance(ex, ApplicationError):
raise ex
def invoke(self, args: Union[List[str], str] = None) -> ActionResult:
"""Creates and invokes the entire application returning the result of
the second pass action.
;param args: the arguments to the application; if this is a string, it
will be converted to a list by splitting on whitespace;
this defaults to the output of :meth:`_get_default_args`
:raises ActionCliError: for any missing data or misconfigurations
:return: the result of the second pass action
if isinstance(args, str):
args = args.split()
app: Application = self.create(args)
app_res: ApplicationResult = app.invoke()
act_res: ActionResult = app_res()
return act_res
except Exception as e:
return self._handle_error(e)
def invoke_protect(self, args: Union[List[str], str] = None) -> \
Union[ActionResult, ApplicationFailure]:
"""Same as :meth:`invoke`, but protect against :class:`Exception` and
:class:`SystemExit`. If an error is raised while invoking, it is
logged and returned.
;param args: the arguments to the application; if this is a string, it
will be converted to a list by splitting on whitespace;
this defaults to the output of :meth:`_get_default_args`
:return: the result of the second pass action or an
:class:`.ApplicationFailure` if :class:`Exception` or
:class:`SystemExit` is raised
return self.invoke(args)
except (Exception, SystemExit) as e:
return ApplicationFailure(e, self)
def get_instance(self, args: Union[List[str], str] = None) -> Any:
"""Create the invokable instance of the application.
:param args: the arguments to the application; if this is a string, it
will be converted to a list by splitting on whitespace;
this defaults to the output of :meth:`_get_default_args`
:raises ActionCliError: for any missing data or misconfigurations
:return: the invokable instance of the application
if isinstance(args, str):
args = args.split()
app: Application = self.create(args)
app_res: ApplicationResult
invokable: Invokable
app_res, invokable = app.invoke_but_second_pass()
return invokable.instance
except Exception as e:
return self._handle_error(e)
def create_harness(cls: Type, **kwargs):
"""Create and return a :class:`.CliHarness`.
:param kwargs: the keyword arguments given to the harness initializer
from . import CliHarness
return CliHarness(app_factory_class=cls, **kwargs)