"""A more object oriented data driven command line set of classes.
from __future__ import annotations
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Iterable, Set, List, Any, Type
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar
import dataclasses
import logging
import copy as cp
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import chain
from zensols.persist import persisted, PersistableContainer
from zensols.introspect import (
Class, ClassField, ClassParam, ClassMethod, ClassMethodArg,
ClassInspector, ClassImporter,
from zensols.config import Configurable, Dictable, ConfigFactory
from . import (
DocUtil, ActionCliError, PositionalMetaData,
OptionMetaData, ActionMetaData, UsageConfig,
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ActionCliManagerError(ActionCliError):
"""Raised by :class:`.ActionCliManager` for any problems creating
:class:`.ActionCli` instances.
class ActionCliMethod(Dictable):
"""A "married" action meta data / class method pair. This is a pair of
action meta data that describes how to interpret it as a CLI action and the
Python class meta data method, which is used later to invoke the action
(really command).
action_meta_data: ActionMetaData = field()
"""The action meta data for ``method``."""
method: ClassMethod = field(repr=False)
"""The method containing information about the source class method to invoke
class ActionCli(PersistableContainer, Dictable):
"""A set of commands that is invokeable on the command line, one for each
registered method of a class (usually a :class:`dataclasses.dataclass`.
This contains meta data necesary to create a full usage command line
documentation and parse the user's input.
section: str = field()
"""The application section to introspect."""
class_meta: Class = field(repr=False)
"""The target class meta data parsed by :class:`.ClassInspector`
options: Dict[str, OptionMetaData] = field(default=None)
"""Options added by :class:`.ActionCliManager`, which are those options
parsed by the entire class metadata.
mnemonic_includes: Set[str] = field(default=None)
"""A list of mnemonicss to include, or all if ``None``."""
mnemonic_excludes: Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
"""A list of mnemonicss to exclude, or none if ``None``."""
mnemonic_overrides: Dict[str, str] = field(default=None)
"""The name of the action given on the command line, which defaults to the
name of the action.
option_includes: Set[str] = field(default=None)
"""A list of options to include, or all if ``None``."""
option_excludes: Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
"""A list of options to exclude, or none if ``None``."""
option_overrides: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = field(default=None)
"""Overrides when creating new :class:`.OptionMetaData` where the keys are
the option names (field or method parameter) and the values are the dict
that clobbers respective keys.
:see: :meth:`.ActionCliManager._create_op_meta_data`
first_pass: bool = field(default=False)
"""Whether or not this is a first pass action (i.e. such as setting the
level in :class:`~zensols.cli.LogConfigurator`).
always_invoke: bool = field(default=False)
"""If ``True``, always invoke all methods for the action regardless if an
action mnemonic and options pertaining to the action are not given by the
user/command line. This is useful for configuration first pass type
classes like :class:`.PackageInfoImporter` to force the CLI API to invoke
it, as otherwise there's no indication to the CLI that it needs to be
is_usage_visible: bool = field(default=True)
"""Whether the action CLI is included in the usage help."""
sort_methods: bool = field(default=False)
"""Whether to sort methods, which has an effect on action usage."""
def _is_option_enabled(self, name: str) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if the option is enabled and eligible to be added to
the command line.
incs = self.option_includes
excs = self.option_excludes
enabled = ((incs is None) or (name in incs)) and (name not in excs)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'option {name} is enabled: {enabled}')
return enabled
def _is_mnemonic_enabled(self, name: str) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if the action for the mnemonic is enabled and
eligible to be added to the command line.
incs = self.mnemonic_includes
excs = self.mnemonic_excludes
enabled = ((incs is None) or (name in incs)) and (name not in excs)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
f'mnemonic {self.section}:{name} is enabled: {enabled} for ' +
f'{self.class_meta.name}: [inc={incs},exc={excs}]')
return enabled
def _add_option(self, name: str, omds: Set[OptionMetaData]):
"""Add an :class:`.OptionMetaData` from the previously collected
:param name: the name of the option
:param omds: the set to populate from :obj:`options`
if self._is_option_enabled(name):
opt: OptionMetaData = self.options[name]
def _normalize_name(self, s: str) -> str:
"""Normalize text of mneomincs and positional arguments."""
return s.replace('_', '')
def methods(self) -> Dict[str, ActionCliMethod]:
"""Return the methods for this action CLI with method name keys.
meths: Dict[str, ActionCliMethod] = OrderedDict()
field_params: Set[OptionMetaData] = set()
meth_keys = self.class_meta.methods.keys()
if self.is_usage_visible:
# add the dataclass fields that will populate the CLI as options
f: ClassField
for f in self.class_meta.fields.values():
self._add_option(f.name, field_params)
if self.sort_methods:
meth_keys = sorted(meth_keys)
# create an action from each method
for name in meth_keys:
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'creating method {name}')
meth: ClassMethod = self.class_meta.methods[name]
meth_params: Set[OptionMetaData] = set(field_params)
pos_args: List[PositionalMetaData] = []
arg: ClassMethodArg
# add positionl arguments from the class meta data
for arg in meth.args:
if arg.is_positional:
opt: Dict[str, str] = None
pdoc: str = None if arg.doc is None else arg.doc.text
if self.option_overrides is not None:
opt = self.option_overrides.get(arg.name)
# first try to get it from any mapping from the long name
if opt is not None and 'long_name' in opt:
pname = opt['long_name']
# use the argument name in the method but normalize it
# to make it appear in CLI parlance
pname = self._normalize_name(arg.name)
pmeta = PositionalMetaData(pname, arg.dtype, pdoc)
if opt is not None:
poverridess = dict(opt)
poverridess.pop('long_name', None)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'adding option: {name}:{arg.name}')
self._add_option(arg.name, meth_params)
# skip disabled mnemonics (using mnemonic_includes)
if not self._is_mnemonic_enabled(name):
# customize mnemonic/action data if given (either string names, or
# dictionaries with more information)
if self.mnemonic_overrides is not None and \
name in self.mnemonic_overrides:
override: Any = self.mnemonic_overrides[name]
if isinstance(override, str):
name = override
elif isinstance(override, dict):
o_name: str = override.get('name')
option_includes: Set[str] = override.get('option_includes')
option_excludes: Set[str] = override.get('option_excludes')
if o_name is not None:
name = o_name
if option_includes is not None:
meth_params: Set[OptionMetaData] = set(
filter(lambda o: o.dest in option_includes,
if option_excludes is not None:
meth_params: Set[OptionMetaData] = set(
filter(lambda o: o.dest not in option_excludes,
raise ActionCliManagerError(
f'unknown override: {override} ({type(override)})')
# no underscores in the CLI action names
name = self._normalize_name(name)
# get the action help from the method if available, then class
if meth.doc is None:
doc = self.class_meta.doc
doc = meth.doc
if doc is not None:
if doc.text is None:
doc = ''
doc = DocUtil.normalize(doc.text)
# add the meta data
meta = ActionMetaData(
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'adding metadata: {meta}')
meths[name] = ActionCliMethod(meta, meth)
self.options = None
return meths
@persisted('_meta_datas', deallocate_recursive=True)
def meta_datas(self) -> Tuple[ActionMetaData, ...]:
"""Return action meta data across all methods.
return tuple(map(lambda m: m.action_meta_data, self.methods.values()))
class ActionCliManager(PersistableContainer, Dictable):
"""Manages instances of :class:`.ActionCli`. An :class:`.ActionCli` is
created from the configuration given by the section. Optionally, another
section using :obj:`decorator_section_format` will be read to add additional
metadata and configuration to instantiated object. The decorated
information is used to help bridge between the class given to be
instantiated and the CLI.
:see: :obj:`actions`
:see: :obj:`actions_by_meta_data_name`
SECTION = 'cli'
"""The application context section."""
"""The class level attribute on application classes containing a stand in
(otherwise missing section configuration :class:`.ActionCli`.
('mnemonic_includes mnemonic_excludes mnemonic_overrides ' +
'option_includes option_excludes option_overrides').split())
"""A list of keys used in the static class metadata variable named
:obj:`CLASS_META_ATTRIBUTE`, which is used to merge static class CLI
:see: :meth:`combine_meta`
"""Resolved class cache (see :meth:`_resolve_class`).
config_factory: ConfigFactory = field()
"""The configuration factory used to create :class:`.ActionCli` instances.
apps: Tuple[str, ...] = field()
"""The application section names."""
cleanups: Tuple[str, ...] = field(default=None)
"""The sections to remove after the application is built."""
app_removes: InitVar[Set[str]] = field(default=None)
"""Removes apps from :obj:`apps, which is helpful when a single section to
remove is needed when importing from other files.
cleanup_removes: InitVar[Set[str]] = field(default=None)
"""Clean ups to remove from :obj:`cleanups`, which is helpful when a single
section to remove is needed when importing from other files.
decorator_section_format: str = field(default='{section}_decorator')
"""Format of :class:`.ActionCli` configuration classes."""
doc: str = field(default=None)
"""The application documentation."""
default_action: str = field(default=None)
"""The default mnemonic use when the user does not supply one.
:see: :obj:`.CommandLineParser.default_action`
force_default: str = field(default=False)
"""When `True``, the command parsing will insert the default action when the
first non-option isn't found as an action. However, this leads to
ambiguouity in identifiction of the action and is inefficient.
:see: :obj:`.CommandLineParser.force_default`
usage_config: UsageConfig = field(default_factory=UsageConfig)
"""Configuraiton information for the command line help."""
def __post_init__(self, app_removes: Set[str], cleanup_removes: Set[str]):
if app_removes is not None and self.apps is not None:
self.apps = tuple(
filter(lambda s: s not in app_removes, self.apps))
if cleanup_removes is not None and self.cleanups is not None:
self.cleanups = tuple(
filter(lambda s: s not in cleanup_removes, self.cleanups))
def _combine_meta(self: Type, source: Dict[str, Any],
target: Dict[str, Any], keys: Set[str] = None):
if keys is None:
keys = self._CLI_META_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES & source.keys()
for attr in keys:
src_val = source.get(attr)
targ_val = target.get(attr)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'attr: {attr} {src_val} -> {targ_val}')
if src_val is not None and targ_val is not None:
if isinstance(src_val, dict):
both_keys = src_val.keys() | targ_val.keys()
for k in both_keys:
sv = src_val.get(k)
tv = targ_val.get(k)
if sv is not None and tv is not None and\
isinstance(sv, dict) and isinstance(tv, dict):
targ_val[k] = tv | sv
src_val[k] = tv | sv
target[attr] = targ_val | src_val
elif src_val is not None:
target[attr] = cp.deepcopy(src_val)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
self._combine_meta(meta, cli_meta)
return cli_meta
def config(self) -> Configurable:
return self.config_factory.config
def _create_short_name(self, long_name: str) -> str:
"""Auto generate a single letter short option name.
:param long_name: the name from which to pick a letter
for c in long_name:
if c not in self._short_names:
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'adding short name for {long_name}: {c}')
return c
def _create_op_meta_data(self, pmeta: ClassParam, meth: ClassMethod,
action_cli: ActionCli) -> OptionMetaData:
"""Creates an option meta data used in the CLI from a method parsed from
the class's Python source code.
meta = None
if action_cli._is_option_enabled(pmeta.name):
long_name = pmeta.name.replace('_', '')
short_name = self._create_short_name(long_name)
dest = pmeta.name
dtype = pmeta.dtype
doc = pmeta.doc
if doc is None:
if (meth is not None) and (meth.doc is not None):
doc = meth.doc.params.get(long_name)
doc = doc.text
if doc is not None:
doc = DocUtil.normalize(doc)
params = {
'long_name': long_name,
'short_name': short_name,
'dest': dest,
'dtype': dtype,
'default': pmeta.default,
'doc': doc
if action_cli.option_overrides is not None:
overrides = action_cli.option_overrides.get(pmeta.name)
if overrides is not None:
meta = OptionMetaData(**params)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'created option meta: {meta}')
return meta
def _add_field(self, section: str, name: str, omd: OptionMetaData):
"""Adds the field by name that will later be used in a
:raises ActionCliManagerError: if ``name`` has already been
prexist = self._fields.get(name)
if prexist is not None:
# we have to skip the short option compare since
# ``_create_op_meta_data`` reassigns a new letter for all created
# options
prexist = cp.deepcopy(prexist)
prexist.short_name = omd.short_name
if omd != prexist:
raise ActionCliManagerError(
f'duplicate field {name} -> {omd} in ' +
f'{section} but not equal to {prexist}')
self._fields[name] = omd
def _add_action(self, action: ActionCli):
"""Adds add an action for each method parsed from the action cli Python
source code.
if action.section in self._actions:
raise ActionCliError(
f'Duplicate action for section: {action.section}')
# for each dataclass field used to create OptionMetaData's
for name, fmd in action.class_meta.fields.items():
omd = self._create_op_meta_data(fmd, None, action)
if omd is not None:
self._add_field(action.section, fmd.name, omd)
meth: ClassMethod
# add a field for the arguments of each method
for meth in action.class_meta.methods.values():
arg: ClassMethodArg
for arg in meth.args:
# positional arguments are only referenced in the
# ClassInspector parsed source code
if not arg.is_positional:
omd = self._create_op_meta_data(arg, meth, action)
if omd is not None:
self._add_field(action.section, arg.name, omd)
self._actions[action.section] = action
def _resolve_class(self, class_name: str) -> type:
"""Resolve a class using the caching those already dynamically resolved.
cls_imp: ClassImporter = self._CLASS_IMPORTERS.get(class_name)
if cls_imp is None:
# resolve the string fully qualified class name to a Python class
# type
cls_imp = ClassImporter(class_name, reload=False)
cls = cls_imp.get_class()
self._CLASS_IMPORTERS[class_name] = cls_imp
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'storing cachced {class_name}')
cls = cls_imp.get_class()
return cls
def _create_action_from_section(self, conf_sec: str,
params: Dict[str, Any]) -> ActionCli:
"""Create an action from a section in the configuration. If both the
class ``CLI_META`` and the decorator section exists, then this will
replace all options (properties) defined.
:param conf_sec: the section name in the configuration that has the
action to create/overwrite the data
:param params: the parameters used to create the :class:`.ActionCli`
from the decorator
:return: an instance of :class:`.ActionCli` that represents the what is
given in the configuration section
sec: Dict[str, Any] = self.config_factory.config.populate(
{}, section=conf_sec)
cn_attr: str = ConfigFactory.CLASS_NAME
sec.pop(cn_attr, None)
if cn_attr not in params:
params[cn_attr] = ClassImporter.full_classname(ActionCli)
self._combine_meta(sec, params)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'creating action from section {conf_sec} -> {sec}')
action = self.config_factory.instance(conf_sec, **params)
if not isinstance(action, ActionCli):
raise ActionCliManagerError(
f'Section instance {conf_sec} is not a class of ' +
f'type ActionCli, but {type(action)}')
return action
def _add_app(self, section: str):
"""Add an :class:`.ActionCli` instanced from the configuration given by
a section. The application is added to :obj:`._actions`. The section
is parsed and use to instantiate an object using
Optionally, another section using :obj:`decorator_section_format` will
be read to add additional metadata and configuration to instantiated
object. See the class docs.
:param section: indicates which section to use with config factory
config = self.config
class_name: str = config.get_option('class_name', section)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'building CLI on class: {class_name}')
# resolve the string fully qualified class name to a Python class type
cls = self._resolve_class(class_name)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'resolved to class: {cls}')
if not dataclasses.is_dataclass(cls):
raise ActionCliError('application CLI app must be a dataclass')
# parse the source Python code for the class
inspector = ClassInspector(cls)
meta: Class = inspector.get_class()
# parameters to create the application with the config factory
params = {'section': section,
'class_meta': meta,
'options': self._fields}
conf_sec = self.decorator_section_format.format(**{'section': section})
# start with class level meta data, allowing it to be overriden at the
# application configuration level; note: tested with
# `mnemonic_includes`, which appears to merge dictionaries, which is
# probably the new 3.9 dictionary set union operations working by
# default
if hasattr(cls, self.CLASS_META_ATTRIBUTE):
cmconf = getattr(cls, self.CLASS_META_ATTRIBUTE)
# if we found a decorator action cli config section, use it to set the
# configuraiton of the CLI interacts
if conf_sec in self.config.sections:
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'found configuration section: {conf_sec}')
action = self._create_action_from_section(conf_sec, params)
# use a default with parameters collected
action = ActionCli(**params)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'created action: {action}')
def actions(self) -> Dict[str, ActionCli]:
"""Get a list of action CLIs that is used in :class:`.CommandLineParser`
to create instances of the application. Each action CLI has a
collection of :class:`.ActionMetaData` instances.
:return: keys are the configuration sections with the action CLIs as
self._short_names: Set[str] = {'h', 'v'}
self._fields: Dict[str, OptionMetaData] = {}
self._actions: Dict[str, ActionCli] = {}
for app in self.apps:
actions = self._actions
del self._actions
del self._short_names
del self._fields
return actions
@persisted('_actions_ordered', deallocate_recursive=True)
def actions_ordered(self) -> Tuple[ActionCli, ...]:
"""Return all actions in the order they were given in the configuration.
acts = self.actions
fp = filter(lambda a: a.first_pass, acts.values())
sp = filter(lambda a: not a.first_pass, acts.values())
return tuple(chain.from_iterable([fp, sp]))
def actions_by_meta_data_name(self) -> Dict[str, ActionCli]:
"""Return a dict of :class:`.ActionMetaData` instances, each of which is
each mnemonic by name and the meta data by values.
actions = {}
action: ActionCli
for action in self.actions.values():
meta: Tuple[ActionMetaData, ...]
for meta in action.meta_datas:
if meta.name in actions:
raise ActionCliError(f'Duplicate meta data: {meta.name}')
actions[meta.name] = action
return actions
def _get_dictable_attributes(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]:
return map(lambda f: (f, f), 'actions'.split())