Source code for zensols.deepnlp.vectorize.embed

"""This file contains a stash used to load an embedding layer.  It creates
features in batches of matrices and persists matrix only (sans features) for
efficient retrival.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import Tuple, Iterable, List, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import logging
from itertools import chain
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from zensols.config import Dictable
from zensols.persist import persisted, Primeable
from zensols.deeplearn.vectorize import FeatureContext, TensorFeatureContext
from zensols.nlp import FeatureToken, FeatureDocument, FeatureSentence
from zensols.deepnlp.embed import WordEmbedModel
from zensols.deepnlp.vectorize import TextFeatureType
from . import FoldingDocumentVectorizer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class EmbeddingFeatureVectorizer(FoldingDocumentVectorizer, Primeable, Dictable): """Vectorize a :class:`~zensols.nlp.container.FeatureDocument` as a vector of embedding indexes. Later, these indexes are used in a :class:`~zensols.deepnlp.layer.embed.EmbeddingLayer` to create the input word embedding during execution of the model. """ embed_model: Union[WordEmbedModel, 'TransformerEmbedding'] = field() """The word vector model. Types for this value include: * :class:`~znesols.deepnlp.embed.domain.WordEmbedModel` * :class:`~zensols.deepnlp.transformer.embed.TransformerEmbedding` """ decode_embedding: bool = field(default=False) """Whether or not to decode the embedding during the decode phase, which is helpful when caching batches; otherwise, the data is decoded from indexes to embeddings each epoch. Note that this option and functionality can not be obviated by that implemented with the :obj:`encode_transformed` attribute. The difference is over whether or not more work is done on during decoding rather than encoding. An example of when this is useful is for large word embeddings (i.e. Google 300D pretrained) where the the index to tensor embedding transform is done while decoding rather than in the `forward` so it's not done for every epoch. """ def _get_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: return self.manager.token_length, self.embed_model.vector_dimension
[docs] def prime(self): if isinstance(self.embed_model, Primeable):
def _get_dictable_attributes(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: return chain.from_iterable( [super()._get_dictable_attributes(), [('model', 'embed_model')]])
[docs] @dataclass class WordVectorEmbeddingFeatureVectorizer(EmbeddingFeatureVectorizer): """Vectorize sentences using an embedding model (:obj:`embed_model`) of type :class:`.WordEmbedModel`. The encoder returns the indicies of the word embedding for each token in the input :class:`.FeatureDocument`. The decoder returns the corresponding word embedding vectors if :obj:`decode_embedding` is ``True``. Otherwise it returns the same indicies, which later used by the embedding layer (usually :class:`~zensols.deepnlp.layer.EmbeddingLayer`). """ DESCRIPTION = 'word vector document embedding' FEATURE_TYPE = TextFeatureType.EMBEDDING token_feature_id: str = field(default='norm') """The :class:`~zensols.nlp.tok.FeatureToken` attribute used to index the embedding vectors. """ def _encode(self, doc: FeatureDocument) -> FeatureContext: emodel = self.embed_model tw: int = self.manager.get_token_length(doc) sents: Tuple[FeatureSentence] = doc.sents shape: Tuple[int, int] = (len(sents), tw) tfid: str = self.token_feature_id if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'using token length: {tw} with shape: {shape}, ' + f'sents: {len(sents)}') arr = self.torch_config.empty(shape, dtype=torch.long) row: int sent: FeatureSentence for row, sent in enumerate(sents): tokens: List[FeatureToken] = sent.tokens[0:tw] slen: int = len(tokens) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'row: {row}, ' + 'toks: ' + ' '.join(map(lambda x: x.norm, tokens))) tokens = list(map(lambda t: getattr(t, tfid), tokens)) if slen < tw: tokens += [WordEmbedModel.ZERO] * (tw - slen) for i, tok in enumerate(tokens): arr[row][i] = emodel.word2idx_or_unk(tok) return TensorFeatureContext(self.feature_id, arr) @property @persisted('_vectors') def vectors(self) -> Tensor: embed_model: WordEmbedModel = self.embed_model return embed_model.to_matrix(self.torch_config) def _decode(self, context: FeatureContext) -> Tensor: x: Tensor = super()._decode(context) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'indexes: {x.shape} ({x.dtype}), ' + f'will decode in vectorizer: {self.decode_embedding}') if self.decode_embedding: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'decoding using: {self.decode_embedding}') src_vecs: Tensor = self.vectors batches: List[Tensor] = [] vecs = [] for batch_idx in x: for idxt in batch_idx: vecs.append(src_vecs[idxt]) batches.append(torch.stack(vecs)) vecs.clear() x = torch.stack(batches) return x