Source code for zensols.deepnlp.transformer.embed

"""The tokenizer object.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import Dict, Iterable, Tuple, ClassVar, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import logging
from itertools import chain
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch import nn
from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedModel
from transformers.modeling_outputs import \
    BaseModelOutput, BaseModelOutputWithPoolingAndCrossAttentions
from zensols.config import Dictable
from zensols.nlp import FeatureDocument
from zensols.deeplearn import TorchTypes
from zensols.deepnlp.transformer import TransformerResource
from zensols.persist import persisted, PersistedWork, PersistableContainer
from . import (
    TransformerError, TokenizedDocument, TokenizedFeatureDocument,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class TransformerEmbedding(PersistableContainer, Dictable): """An model for transformer embeddings (such as BERT) that wraps the HuggingFace transformms API. """ _DICTABLE_WRITABLE_DESCENDANTS: ClassVar[bool] = True LAST_HIDDEN_STATE_OUTPUT: ClassVar[str] = 'last_hidden_state' POOLER_OUTPUT: ClassVar[str] = 'pooler_output' ALL_OUTPUT: ClassVar[str] = 'all_output' name: str = field() """The name of the embedding as given in the configuration.""" tokenizer: TransformerDocumentTokenizer = field() """The tokenizer used for creating the input for the model.""" output: str = field(default=POOLER_OUTPUT) """The output from the huggingface transformer API to return. This is set to one of: * :obj:`LAST_HIDDEN_STATE_OUTPUT`: with the output embeddings of the last layer with shape: ``(batch, N sentences, hidden layer dimension)`` * :obj:`POOLER_OUTPUT`: the last layer hidden-state of the first token of the sequence (classification token) further processed by a Linear layer and a Tanh activation function with shape: ``(batch, hidden layer dimension)`` * :obj:`ALL_OUTPUT`: includes both as a dictionary with correpsonding keys """ output_attentions: bool = field(default=False) """Whether or not to output the attention layer.""" def __post_init__(self): super().__init__() self._vec_dim = PersistedWork('_vec_dim', self, self.resource.cache) @property def resource(self) -> TransformerResource: """The transformer resource containing the model.""" return self.tokenizer.resource @property def cache(self): """When set to ``True`` cache a global space model using the parameters from the first instance creation. """ return self.resource.cache @property def model(self) -> PreTrainedModel: return self.resource.model @property @persisted('_vec_dim') def vector_dimension(self) -> int: """Return the output embedding dimension of the final layer. """ toker: TransformerDocumentTokenizer = self.tokenizer pt_tok: PreTrainedTokenizer = toker.pretrained_tokenizer test_tok: str = next(iter(pt_tok.vocab.keys())) doc: TokenizedFeatureDocument = toker._from_tokens([[test_tok]], None) emb = self.transform(doc, self.POOLER_OUTPUT) size = emb.size(-1) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'embedding dimension {size} for ' + f'model {self.resource}') doc.deallocate() return size @property def trainable(self) -> bool: """Whether or not the model is trainable or frozen.""" return self.resource.trainable
[docs] def tokenize(self, doc: FeatureDocument) -> TokenizedFeatureDocument: """Tokenize the feature document, which is used as the input to :meth:`transform`. :doc: the document to tokenize :return: the tokenization of ``doc`` """ return self.tokenizer.tokenize(doc)
def _get_model(self, params: Dict[str, Tensor]) -> nn.Module: """Prepare the model and parameters used for inference on it. :param params: the tokenization output later used on the model's ``__call__`` method :return: the model that is ready for inferencing """ model: nn.Module = self.resource.model if self.output_attentions: params['output_attentions'] = True # a bug in transformers 4.4.2 requires this; 4.12.5 still does # if hasattr(model, 'embeddings'): for attr in 'position_ids token_type_ids'.split(): if hasattr(model.embeddings, attr): arr: Tensor = getattr(model.embeddings, attr) if TorchTypes.is_float(arr.dtype): setattr(model.embeddings, attr, arr.long()) return model def _infer_pooler(self, output: BaseModelOutput) -> Tensor: """Create a pooler output if one is not available, such as with Distilbert (and sounds like RoBERTa in the future). This assumes the output has a hidden state at index 0. :param output: the output from the model :return: the pooler output tensor taken from ``output`` """ hidden_state = output[0] # (bs, seq_len, dim) pooled_output = hidden_state[:, 0] # (bs, dim) return pooled_output def _narrow_tensor(self, output_res: BaseModelOutput, output: str) -> Tensor: """Resolve an embedding from the HuggingFace output instance.""" arr: Tensor if output == 'pooler_output' and \ not hasattr(output_res, output): arr = self._infer_pooler(output_res) else: if not hasattr(output_res, output): raise TransformerError( f'No such output attribte {output} for ' + f'output {type(output_res)}') arr = getattr(output_res, output) return arr
[docs] def transform(self, doc: TokenizedDocument, output: str = None) -> \ Union[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]]: """Transform the documents in to the transformer output. :param docs: the batch of documents to return :param output: the output from the huggingface transformer API to return (see class docs) :return: a container object instance with the output, which contains (among other data) ``last_hidden_state`` with the output embeddings of the last layer with shape: ``(batch, N sentences, hidden layer dimension)`` """ output: str = self.output if output is None else output output_res: BaseModelOutputWithPoolingAndCrossAttentions output_data: Union[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]] params: Dict[str, Tensor] = doc.params() model: nn.Module = self._get_model(params) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): for k, v in params.items(): if isinstance(v, Tensor): logger.debug(f"{k}: dtype={v.dtype}, shape={v.shape}") else: logger.debug(f'{k}: {v}') # predict hidden states features for each layer if self.resource.trainable: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('model is trainable') output_res = model(**params) else: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('turning off gradients since model not trainable') model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): output_res = model(**params) if output == self.ALL_OUTPUT: output_data = { self.POOLER_OUTPUT: self._narrow_tensor( output_res, self.POOLER_OUTPUT), self.LAST_HIDDEN_STATE_OUTPUT: self._narrow_tensor( output_res, self.LAST_HIDDEN_STATE_OUTPUT)} elif output in {self.POOLER_OUTPUT, self.LAST_HIDDEN_STATE_OUTPUT}: output_data = self._narrow_tensor(output_res, output) else: raise TransformerError(f'Unknown output type: {output}') if isinstance(output, Tensor) and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'embedding dim: {output_data.size()}') return output_data
def _get_dictable_attributes(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: return chain.from_iterable( [super()._get_dictable_attributes(), [('resource', 'resource')]])