Source code for zensols.deepnlp.transformer.domain

"""Container classes for Bert models

from __future__ import annotations
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import (
    List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Set, Union, Iterable, Callable, ClassVar
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import sys
import logging
import itertools as it
from io import TextIOBase
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from zensols.nlp import FeatureDocument
from zensols.persist import PersistableContainer
from zensols.config import Writable
from zensols.nlp import FeatureToken, FeatureSentence
from zensols.deeplearn import DeepLearnError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class TokenizedDocument(PersistableContainer, Writable): """This is the tokenized document output of :class:`.TransformerDocumentTokenizer`. Instances of this class are pickelable, in a feature context. Then give to the in the decoding phase to create a tensor with a transformer model such as :class:`.TransformerEmbedding`. """ _INPUT_ID_IX: ClassVar[int] = 0 _ATTENTION_MASK_IX: ClassVar[int] = 1 _OFFSETS_IX: ClassVar[int] = 2 _TOKEN_TYPE_ID_IX: ClassVar[int] = 3 tensor: Tensor = field() """Encodes the input IDs, attention mask, and word piece offset map.""" boundary_tokens: bool = field() """If the token document has sentence boundary tokens, such as ``[CLS]`` for Bert. """ def __post_init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] @classmethod def from_tensor(cls, tensor: Tensor) -> TokenizedDocument: """Create an instance of the class using a tensor. This is useful for re-creating documents for mapping with :meth:`.map_word_pieces` after unpickling from a document created with :class:`.TransformerDocumentTokenizer.tokenize`. :param tensor: the tensor to set in :obj:`.tensor` """ return cls(tensor, None)
@property def input_ids(self) -> Tensor: """The token IDs as the output from the tokenizer.""" return self.tensor[self._INPUT_ID_IX] @property def attention_mask(self) -> Tensor: """The attention mask (0/1s).""" return self.tensor[self._ATTENTION_MASK_IX] @property def offsets(self) -> Tensor: """The offsets from word piece (transformer's tokenizer) to feature document index mapping. """ return self.tensor[self._OFFSETS_IX] @property def token_type_ids(self) -> Tensor: """The token type IDs (0/1s).""" if self.tensor.size(0) > 3: return self.tensor[self._TOKEN_TYPE_ID_IX] @property def shape(self) -> torch.Size: """Return the shape of the vectorized document.""" return self.tensor.shape
[docs] def detach(self) -> TokenizedDocument: """Return a version of the document that is pickleable.""" return self
[docs] def truncate(self, size: int) -> TokenizedDocument: """Truncate the the last (token) dimension to ``size``. :return: a new instance of this class truncated to size """ cls = self.__class__ return cls(self.tensor[:, :, 0:size], self.boundary_tokens)
[docs] def params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: dct = {} atts = 'input_ids attention_mask token_type_ids' for att in atts.split(): val = getattr(self, att) if val is not None: dct[att] = val return dct
[docs] @staticmethod def map_word_pieces(token_offsets: List[int]) -> \ List[Tuple[FeatureToken, List[int]]]: """Map word piece tokens to linguistic tokens. :return: a list of tuples in the form: ``(<token index>, <list of word piece indexes>)`` """ ftoks = [] n_ftok = -1 wix: int tix: int for wix, tix in enumerate(token_offsets): if tix >= 0: if tix > n_ftok: wptoks = [] ftoks.append((tix, wptoks)) n_ftok += 1 wptoks.append(wix) return ftoks
def _map_sent(self, index_tokens: bool, tok_offsets: List[int], map_wp: Callable, sent: Union[FeatureSentence, Tensor], six: int, input_sent: np.ndarray, includes: Set[str], mask_sent: np.ndarray, special_tokens: Set[str]): sent_map: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = [] if index_tokens: wps: List[Tuple[Tensor, List[int]]] = \ self.map_word_pieces(tok_offsets) tix: int for tix, ixs in wps: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'idx: {ixs} -> {tix}') tok: str = sent[tix] toks = tuple(map(lambda i: map_wp(i, six, input_sent), ixs)) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'tok: {tok} -> {toks}') sent_map.append((tok, toks)) else: stoks: List[FeatureToken] = [] if 'sent' in includes else None toks: List[List[str]] = [] tix: int = 0 wps: List[str] i: int for i, (mask, off) in enumerate(zip(mask_sent, tok_offsets)): if mask == 0: continue wtok: str = map_wp(i, six, input_sent) if wtok in special_tokens: continue if off == -1: toks.append([wtok]) tix += 1 elif off >= 0: lix = off + tix if lix > len(toks) - 1: wps = [] toks.append(wps) wps = toks[lix] wps.append(wtok) else: raise DeepLearnError(f'Unknown offset index: {off}') for i, wps in enumerate(toks): tok: str = ''.join(map(str, wps)) sent_map.append((tok, tuple(wps))) if stoks is not None: stoks.append(FeatureToken(i, i, six, tok)) if stoks is not None: sent = FeatureSentence(tuple(stoks)) return sent_map, sent
[docs] def map_to_word_pieces(self, sentences: Iterable[List[Any]] = None, map_wp: Union[Callable, Dict[int, str]] = None, add_indices: bool = False, special_tokens: Set[str] = None, index_tokens: bool = True, includes: Set[str] = frozenset({'map'})) -> \ List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Map word piece tokens to linguistic tokens. :param sentences: an iteration of sentences, which is returned in the output (i.e. :class:`~zensols.nlp.FeatureSentence`), or :obj:`input_ids` if ``None`` :param map_wp: either a function that takes the token index, sentence ID and input IDs, or the mapping from word piece ID to string token; return output is the string token (or numerical output if no mapping is provided); if an instance of :class:`.TransformerDocumentTokenizer`, its vocabulary and special tokens are utilized for mapping and special token consideration :param add_indices: whether to add the token ID and index after the token string when ``id2tok`` is provided for ``map_wp`` :param special_tokens: a list of tokens (such BERT's as ``[CLS]`` and ``[SEP]`` tokens) to remove; to keep special tokens when passing in a tokenizer in ``kwargs``, add ``special_tokens={}``. :param index_tokens: whether to index tokens positionally, which is used for mapping with feature or tokenized sentences; set this to ``False`` when ``sentences`` are anything but a feature document / sentences :param includes: what data to return, which is a set of the keys listed in the ``return`` documentation below :return: a list sentence maps, each with: * ``sent_ix`` -> the ``i``th sentence (always provided) * ``map`` -> list of ``(sentence 'token', word pieces)`` * ``sent`` -> a :class:`~zensols.nlp.container.FeatureSentence` or a tensor of vocab indexes if ``map_wp`` is ``None`` * ``word_pieces`` -> the word pieces of the sentences """ def map_identity(x: int, six: int, input_ids: List[int]): return (x, input_ids[x], x) if add_indices else x def map_wp_by_id(x: int, six: int, input_ids: List[int]) -> str: tix = input_ids[x] tok = id2tok[tix] if tok.startswith('##'): # bert tok = tok[2:] elif tok.startswith('Ġ'): # roberta tok = tok[1:] return (tok, tix, x) if add_indices else tok id2tok: Dict[int, str] = None cdata: np.ndarray = self.tensor.cpu().numpy() input_ids: np.ndarray = cdata[self._INPUT_ID_IX] mask: np.ndarray = cdata[self._ATTENTION_MASK_IX] sent_offsets: List[int] = cdata[self._OFFSETS_IX].tolist() sents_map: List[Dict[str, Union[List[Any], Tuple]]] = [] if special_tokens is None: if hasattr(map_wp, 'all_special_tokens'): special_tokens = map_wp.all_special_tokens if not isinstance(special_tokens, Set): special_tokens = set(special_tokens) else: special_tokens = {} if map_wp is None: map_wp = map_identity elif hasattr(map_wp, 'id2tok'): # .tokenizer.Tokenizer id2tok = map_wp.id2tok map_wp = map_wp_by_id elif isinstance(map_wp, dict): id2tok = map_wp map_wp = map_wp_by_id if sentences is None: sentences = input_ids assert len(sentences) == len(sent_offsets) sents = enumerate(zip(sentences, sent_offsets)) six: int sent: Union[FeatureSentence, Tensor] tok_offsets: List[int] for six, (sent, tok_offsets) in sents: input_sent: np.ndarray = input_ids[six] mask_sent: np.ndarray = mask[six] if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'sent idx: {six}, sent: {sent}') logger.debug(f'offsets: {tok_offsets}') logger.debug(f'ids: {input_sent}') smap: Dict[str, Any] = {'sent_ix': six} if 'map' in includes: sent_map, sent = self._map_sent( index_tokens, tok_offsets, map_wp, sent, six, input_sent, includes, mask_sent, special_tokens) smap['map'] = sent_map if 'sent' in includes: smap['sent'] = sent if 'word_pieces' in includes: smap['word_pieces'] = tuple(filter( lambda t: t not in special_tokens, map(lambda t: map_wp(t[1], six, input_sent), filter(lambda t: t[0], zip(mask_sent, it.count()))))) sents_map.append(smap) return sents_map
[docs] def get_wordpiece_count(self, **kwargs) -> int: """The size of the document (sum over sentences) in number of word pieces. To keep special tokens (such BERT's as ``[CLS]`` and ``[SEP]`` tokens) when passing in a tokenizer in ``kwargs``, add ``special_tokens={}``. :param kwargs: any keyword arguments passed on to :meth:`.map_to_word_pieces` except (do not add ``index_tokens`` and ``includes``) """ sents: List[Dict[str, Any]] = self.map_to_word_pieces( index_tokens=False, includes={'word_pieces'}, **kwargs) return sum(map(lambda s: len(s['word_pieces']), sents))
[docs] def deallocate(self): super().deallocate() del self.tensor
[docs] def write(self, depth: int = 0, writer: TextIOBase = sys.stdout, include_tokens: bool = True, id2tok: Dict[int, str] = None): for sent_map in self.map_to_word_pieces( map_wp=id2tok, index_tokens=id2tok is None, includes={'map', 'sent'}): self._write_line(f"sentence: {sent_map['sent']}", depth, writer) if include_tokens: self._write_line('tokens:', depth, writer) tok: str wps: Tuple[str] for tok, wps in sent_map['map']: self._write_line(f'{tok} -> {wps}', depth + 1, writer)
def __len__(self) -> int: """Longest sentence in word pieces with special tokens and padding.""" return self.tensor.size(-1) def __str__(self) -> str: return f'doc: {self.tensor.shape}' def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()
[docs] @dataclass class TokenizedFeatureDocument(TokenizedDocument): """Instance of this class are created, then a picklable version returned with :meth:`detach` as an instance of the super class. """ feature: FeatureDocument = field() """The document to tokenize.""" id2tok: Dict[int, str] = field() """If provided, a mapping of indexes to transformer tokens. This attribute is always nulled out after being persisted. """ char_offsets: Tuple[Tuple[int, int]] = field() """The valid character offsets for each word piece token."""
[docs] def detach(self) -> TokenizedDocument: return TokenizedDocument(self.tensor, self.boundary_tokens)
[docs] def map_to_word_pieces(self, sentences: Iterable[List[Any]] = None, map_wp: Union[Callable, Dict[int, str]] = None, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: def id2tok(x: int, six: int, input_ids: List[int]): tix = input_ids[x] tok = self.id2tok[tix] off = self.char_offsets[six][x] olen = off[1] - off[0] if len(tok) > olen: if tok.startswith('##'): # bert start = 2 else: # roberta start = 1 else: start = 0 end = (off[1] - off[0]) + (start * 2) tok = tok[start:end] return tok map_wp = id2tok if map_wp is None else map_wp return super().map_to_word_pieces(self.feature, map_wp=map_wp, **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, depth: int = 0, writer: TextIOBase = sys.stdout, include_tokens: bool = True, id2tok: Dict[int, str] = None): id2tok = self.id2tok if id2tok is None else id2tok sent_map: Dict[str, Any] for sent_map in self.map_to_word_pieces(includes={'map', 'sent'}): sent: FeatureSentence = sent_map['sent'] tmap: Tuple[FeatureToken, Tuple[str]] = sent_map['map'] self._write_line(f'sentence: {sent}', depth, writer) if include_tokens: self._write_line('tokens:', depth, writer) tok: FeatureToken ttoks: Tuple[str] for tok, ttoks in tmap: stext = tok.text.replace('\n', '\\n') stext = f'<{stext}>' self._write_line(f'{stext} -> {ttoks}', depth + 1, writer)