Source code for zensols.deepnlp.layer.wordvec

"""Glue betweeen :class:`~zensols.deepnlp.embed.WordEmbedModel` and

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

import logging
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch import nn
from zensols.deeplearn.model import BaseNetworkModule
from zensols.deepnlp.embed import WordEmbedModel
from . import TrainableEmbeddingLayer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class WordVectorEmbeddingLayer(TrainableEmbeddingLayer): """An input embedding layer. This uses an instance of :class:`~zensols.deepnlp.embed.WordEmbedModel` to compose the word embeddings from indexes. Each index is that of word vector, which is stacked to create the embedding. This happens in the PyTorch framework, and is fast. This class overrides PyTorch methods that disable persistance of the embedding weights when configured to be frozen (not trainable). Otherwise, the entire embedding model is saved *every* time the model is saved for each epoch, which is both unecessary, but costs in terms of time and memory. """
[docs] def __init__(self, embed_model: WordEmbedModel, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize :param embed_model: contains the word embedding model, such as ``glove``, and ``word2vec`` """ super().__init__(*args, embedding_dim=embed_model.matrix.shape[1], **kwargs) self.embed_model = embed_model self.num_embeddings = embed_model.matrix.shape[0] self.vecs = embed_model.to_matrix(self.torch_config) if self.trainable:'cloning embedding for trainability') self.vecs = torch.clone(self.vecs) else:'layer is not trainable') self.requires_grad = not self.trainable if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):'setting embedding matrix: {self.vecs.shape}, ' + f'device={self.vecs.device}, ' + f'trainble: {self.trainable}') self.emb = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained( self.vecs, freeze=not self.trainable)
[docs] def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self._debug(f'forward: {x.shape}, device: {x.device} = ' + f'{BaseNetworkModule.device_from_module(self.emb)}') return self.emb.forward(x)