"""Feature token and related base classes
from __future__ import annotations
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import (
List, Tuple, Set, Iterable, Dict, Sequence,
Union, Optional, Any, ClassVar, Type,
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain
import sys
from io import TextIOBase
from frozendict import frozendict
from spacy.tokens.token import Token
from spacy.tokens.doc import Doc
from spacy.tokens.span import Span
from zensols.persist import PersistableContainer
from . import NLPError, MissingFeatureError, TextContainer, LexicalSpan
class FeatureToken(PersistableContainer, TextContainer):
"""A container class for features about a token. Subclasses such as
:class:`.SpacyFeatureToken` extracts only a subset of features from the
heavy Spacy C data structures and is hard/expensive to pickle. Instances of
this token class are almost always *detached*, meaning the underlying in
memory data structures have been copied as pure Python types to facilitate
serialization of spaCy tokens.
**Feature note**: features :obj:`i`, :obj:`idx` and :obj:`i_sent` are always
added to features tokens to be able to reconstruct sentences (see
:meth:`.FeatureDocument.uncombine_sentences`), and alwyas included.
"""Use write method."""
REQUIRED_FEATURE_IDS: ClassVar[Set[str]] = frozenset(
'i idx i_sent norm lexspan'.split())
"""Features retained regardless of configuration for basic functionality.
FEATURE_IDS_BY_TYPE: ClassVar[Dict[str, Set[str]]] = frozendict({
'bool': frozenset(('is_space is_stop is_ent is_wh is_contraction ' +
'is_superlative is_pronoun').split()),
'int': frozenset(('i idx i_sent sent_i is_punctuation tag ' +
'ent ent_iob dep shape norm_len').split()),
'str': frozenset(('norm lemma_ tag_ pos_ ent_ ent_iob_ ' +
'dep_ shape_').split()),
'list': frozenset('children'.split()),
'object': frozenset('lexspan'.split())})
"""Map of class type to set of feature IDs."""
TYPES_BY_FEATURE_ID: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = frozendict(
map(lambda itm: map(lambda f: (f, itm[0]), itm[1]),
"""A map of feature ID to string type. This is used by
:meth:`.FeatureToken.write_attributes` to dump the type features.
FEATURE_IDS: ClassVar[Set[str]] = frozenset(
reduce(lambda res, x: res | x, FEATURE_IDS_BY_TYPE.values()))
"""All default available feature IDs."""
SKIP_COMPARE_FEATURE_IDS: ClassVar[Set[str]] = set()
"""A set of feature IDs to avoid comparing in :meth:`__eq__`."""
WRITABLE_FEATURE_IDS: ClassVar[Tuple[str, ...]] = tuple(
('text norm idx sent_i i i_sent tag pos ' +
'is_wh entity dep children').split())
"""Feature IDs that are dumped on :meth:`write` and
NONE: ClassVar[str] = '-<N>-'
"""Default string for *not a feature*, or missing features."""
i: int = field()
"""The index of the token within the parent document."""
idx: int = field()
"""The character offset of the token within the parent document."""
i_sent: int = field()
"""The index of the token within the parent sentence.
The index of the token in the respective sentence. This is not to be
confused with the index of the sentence to which the token belongs, which
is :obj:`sent_i`.
norm: str = field()
"""Normalized text, which is the text/orth or the named entity if tagged as
a named entity.
def __post_init__(self):
self._detached_feature_ids = None
def detach(self, feature_ids: Set[str] = None,
skip_missing: bool = False,
cls: Type[FeatureToken] = None) -> FeatureToken:
"""Create a detected token (i.e. from spaCy artifacts).
:param feature_ids: the features to write, which defaults to
:param skip_missing: whether to only keep ``feature_ids``
:param cls: the type of the new instance
cls = FeatureToken if cls is None else cls
if feature_ids is None:
feature_ids = set(self.FEATURE_IDS)
feature_ids = set(feature_ids)
feats: Dict[str, Any] = self.get_features(feature_ids, skip_missing)
clone = FeatureToken.__new__(cls)
if hasattr(self, '_text'):
clone.text = self._text
if feature_ids is not None:
clone._detached_feature_ids = feature_ids
return clone
def is_detached(self) -> bool:
"""Whether this token has been detached."""
return self._detached_feature_ids is not None
def default_detached_feature_ids(self) -> Optional[Set[str]]:
"""The default set of feature IDs used when cloning or detaching
with :meth:`clone` or :meth:`detach`.
return self._detached_feature_ids
def default_detached_feature_ids(self, feature_ids: Set[str]):
"""The default set of feature IDs used when cloning or detaching
with :meth:`clone` or :meth:`detach`.
self._detached_feature_ids = feature_ids
def clone(self, cls: Type = None, **kwargs) -> FeatureToken:
"""Clone an instance of this token.
:param cls: the type of the new instance
:param kwargs: arguments to add to as attributes to the clone
:return: the cloned instance of this instance
clone = self.detach(self._detached_feature_ids, cls=cls)
return clone
def text(self) -> str:
"""The initial text before normalized by any :class:`.TokenNormalizer`.
if hasattr(self, '_text'):
return self._text
return self.norm
def text(self, text: str):
"""The initial text before normalized by any :class:`.TokenNormalizer`.
self._text = text
def is_none(self) -> bool:
"""Return whether or not this token is represented as none or empty."""
return self._is_none(self.norm)
def _is_none(cls, targ: Any) -> bool:
return targ is None or targ == cls.NONE or targ == 0
def get_feature(self, feature_id: str, expect: bool = True,
check_none: bool = False, message: str = None) -> \
"""Return a feature by the feature ID.
:param feature_id: the ID of the feature to retrieve
:param expect: whether to raise an error
:param message: additional context to append to the error message
:param check_none: whether to return the value even if it has an unset
value such as :obj:`NONE` as determined by
:meth:`is_none`, in which case ``None`` is returned
:raises MissingFeatureError: if ``expect`` is ``True`` and the feature
does not exist
val: Any = None
has_attr: bool = hasattr(self, feature_id)
if not has_attr:
if expect:
raise MissingFeatureError(self, feature_id, message)
val = getattr(self, feature_id)
if check_none and self._is_none(val):
val = None
return val
def set_feature(self, feature_id: str, value: Any):
"""Set, or add if non-existant, a feature to this token instance. If
the token has been detached, it will be added to the
:param feature_id: the ID of the feature to set
:param value: the new or replaced value of the feature
setattr(self, feature_id, value)
if self._detached_feature_ids is not None:
def get_features(self, feature_ids: Iterable[str] = None,
skip_missing: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Get features as a :class:`dict`.
:param feature_ids: the features to write, which defaults to
:param skip_missing: whether to only keep ``feature_ids``
feature_ids = self.FEATURE_IDS if feature_ids is None else feature_ids
if skip_missing:
feature_ids = filter(lambda fid: hasattr(self, fid), feature_ids)
return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in feature_ids}
def split(self, positions: Iterable[int]) -> List[FeatureToken]:
"""Split on text normal index positions. This needs and updates the
``idx`` and ``lexspan`` atttributes.
:param positions: 0-indexes into :obj:`norm` indicating where to split
:return: new (cloned) tokens along the boundaries of ``positions``
splits: List[FeatureToken] = []
norms: List[str] = []
idx: int = self.idx
start: int = 0
end: int
for end in positions:
norms.append((start, self.norm[start:end]))
start = end
norms.append((start, self.norm[start:]))
norm: str
for start, norm in norms:
offset: int = idx + start
split_tok = self.clone()
split_tok.norm = norm
split_tok.idx = offset
split_tok.lexspan = LexicalSpan(offset, offset + len(norm))
return splits
def _from_dictable(self, recurse: bool, readable: bool,
class_name_param: str = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
dct = {}
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
if not k.startswith('_'):
dct[k] = self._from_object(v, recurse, readable)
return dct
def to_vector(self, feature_ids: Sequence[str] = None) -> Iterable[str]:
"""Return an iterable of feature data.
if feature_ids is None:
feature_ids = set(self.__dict__.keys()) - \
return map(lambda a: getattr(self, a), sorted(feature_ids))
def write_attributes(self, depth: int = 0, writer: TextIOBase = sys.stdout,
include_type: bool = True,
feature_ids: Iterable[str] = None,
inline: bool = False,
include_none: bool = True):
"""Write feature attributes.
:param depth: the starting indentation depth
:param writer: the writer to dump the content of this writable
:param include_type: if ``True`` write the type of value (if available)
:param feature_ids: the features to write, which defaults to
:param inline: whether to print attributes all on the same line
if feature_ids is None:
feature_ids = self._detached_feature_ids
if feature_ids is None:
feature_ids = self.WRITABLE_FEATURE_IDS
dct = self.get_features(feature_ids, True)
if 'text' in dct and dct['norm'] == dct['text']:
del dct['text']
for i, k in enumerate(sorted(dct.keys())):
val: str = dct[k]
ptype: str = None
if not include_none and self._is_none(val):
if include_type:
ptype = self.TYPES_BY_FEATURE_ID.get(k)
if ptype is not None:
ptype = f' ({ptype})'
ptype = '' if ptype is None else ptype
sout = f'{k}={val}{ptype}'
if inline:
if i == 0:
writer.write(', ')
self._write_line(sout, depth, writer)
if inline:
def write(self, depth: int = 0, writer: TextIOBase = sys.stdout,
include_type: bool = True, feature_ids: Iterable[str] = None,
inline: bool = False):
con = f'norm=<{self.norm}>'
if self.text != self.norm:
con += f' org=<{self.text}>'
self._write_line(f'{self.__class__.__name__}: ' + con, depth, writer)
self._write_line('attributes:', depth + 1, writer)
depth + 2, writer,
def __eq__(self, other: FeatureToken) -> bool:
if self is other:
return True
if self.i == other.i and self.idx == other.idx:
a = dict(self.__dict__)
b = dict(other.__dict__)
del a['_detached_feature_ids']
del b['_detached_feature_ids']
for attr in self.SKIP_COMPARE_FEATURE_IDS:
a.pop(attr, None)
b.pop(attr, None)
return a == b
return False
def __lt__(self, other: FeatureToken) -> int:
return self.idx < other.idx
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return ((self.i + 1) * 13) + \
((self.idx + 1) * 29) + \
((self.i_sent + 1) * 71)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return TextContainer.__str__(self)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__()
# speed up none compares by using interned NONE
def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
state = super().__getstate__()
if self.norm == self.NONE:
del state['norm']
return state
# speed up none compares by using interned NONE
def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]):
if 'norm' not in state:
state['norm'] = self.NONE
def long_repr(self) -> str:
attrs = []
for s in 'norm lemma_ tag_ ent_'.split():
v = getattr(self, s) if hasattr(self, s) else None
if v is not None:
attrs.append(f'{s}: {v}')
return ', '.join(attrs)
class SpacyFeatureToken(FeatureToken):
"""Contains and provides the same features as a spaCy
spacy_token: Union[Token, Span] = field(repr=False, compare=False)
"""The parsed spaCy token (or span if entity) this feature set is based.
:see: :meth:`.FeatureDocument.spacy_doc`
def __init__(self, spacy_token: Union[Token, Span], norm: str):
self.spacy_token = spacy_token
self.is_ent: bool = not isinstance(self.spacy_token, Token)
self._doc: Doc = self.spacy_token.doc
i = self.token.i
idx = self.token.idx
i_sent = self.token.i - self.token.sent.start
self._text = spacy_token.orth_
super().__init__(i, idx, i_sent, norm)
def __getstate__(self):
raise NLPError('Not persistable')
def token(self) -> Token:
"""Return the SpaCy token.
tok = self.spacy_token
if isinstance(tok, Span):
tok = self._doc[tok.start]
return tok
def is_wh(self) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if this is a WH word (i.e. what, where).
return self.token.tag_.startswith('W')
def is_stop(self) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if this is a stop word.
return not self.is_ent and self.token.is_stop
def is_punctuation(self) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if this is a punctuation (i.e. '?') token.
return self.token.is_punct
def is_pronoun(self) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if this is a pronoun (i.e. 'he') token.
return False if self.is_ent else self.spacy_token.pos_ == 'PRON'
def _is_apos(tok: Token) -> bool:
"""Return whether or not ``tok`` is an apostrophy (') symbol.
:param tok: the token to copmare
return (tok.orth != tok.lemma_) and (tok.orth_.find('\'') >= 0)
def lemma_(self) -> str:
"""Return the string lemma or text of the named entitiy if tagged as a
named entity.
return self.spacy_token.orth_ if self.is_ent \
else self.spacy_token.lemma_
def is_contraction(self) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if this token is a contradiction.
if self.is_ent:
return False
t = self.spacy_token
if self._is_apos(t):
return True
doc = t.doc
dl = len(doc)
return ((t.i + 1) < dl) and self._is_apos(doc[t.i + 1])
def ent(self) -> int:
"""Return the entity numeric value or 0 if this is not an entity.
return self.spacy_token.label if self.is_ent else 0
def ent_(self) -> str:
"""Return the entity string label or ``None`` if this token has no
return self.spacy_token.label_ if self.is_ent else self.NONE
def ent_iob(self) -> int:
"""Return the entity IOB tag, which ``I`` for in, ```O`` for out, `B``
for begin.
return self.token.ent_iob if self.is_ent else 0
def ent_iob_(self) -> str:
"""Return the entity IOB nominal index for :obj:``ent_iob``.
return self.token.ent_iob_ if self.is_ent else 'O'
def conll_iob_(self) -> str:
"""Return the CoNLL formatted IOB tag, such as ``B-ORG`` for a beginning
organization token.
if not self.is_ent:
return 'O'
return f'{self.self.token.ent_iob_}-{self.token.ent_type_}'
def is_superlative(self) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if this token is the superlative.
return self.token.tag_ == 'JJS'
def is_space(self) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if this token is white space only.
return self.token.is_space
def sent_i(self) -> int:
"""The index of the sentence to which the token belongs. This is not to
be confused with the index of the token in the respective sentence,
which is :obj:`.FeatureToken.i_sent`.
This attribute does not exist in a spaCy token, and was named as such
to follow the naming conventions of their API.
targ = self.i
for six, sent in enumerate(self._doc.sents):
for tok in sent:
if tok.i == targ:
return six
def lexspan(self) -> LexicalSpan:
"""The document indexed lexical span using :obj:`idx`.
return LexicalSpan.from_token(self.spacy_token)
def tag(self) -> int:
"""Fine-grained part-of-speech text.
return self.token.tag
def tag_(self) -> str:
"""Fine-grained part-of-speech text.
return self.token.tag_
def pos(self) -> int:
"""The simple UPOS part-of-speech tag.
return self.token.pos
def pos_(self) -> str:
"""The simple UPOS part-of-speech tag.
return self.token.pos_
def shape(self) -> int:
"""Transform of the tokens’s string, to show orthographic features. For
example, “Xxxx” or “d.
return self.token.shape
def shape_(self) -> str:
"""Transform of the tokens’s string, to show orthographic features. For
example, “Xxxx” or “d.
return self.token.shape_
def children(self):
"""A sequence of the token’s immediate syntactic children.
return [c.i for c in self.token.children]
def dep(self) -> int:
"""Syntactic dependency relation.
return self.token.dep
def dep_(self) -> str:
"""Syntactic dependency relation string representation.
return self.token.dep_
def norm_len(self) -> int:
"""The length of the norm in characters."""
return len(self.norm)
def __str__(self):
if hasattr(self, 'spacy_token'):
tokstr = self.spacy_token
tokstr = self.norm
return f'{tokstr} ({self.norm})'