Natural Language Parsing#

Before reading this, please read feature documents. If you want to jump right in, its recommended to at least pursue the simple CLI example.

This framework wraps the spaCy framework and creates features. The motivation is to generate features from the parsed text in an object oriented fashion that is fast and easy to pickle as many spaCy objects are C data structures.

A secondary use of this package provides a simple, yet robust way to generate a string stream of tokens using a TokenNormalizer. This allows for configuration driven way of generating tokens used for downstream feature vectorization such as word vectors, text classification, information retrieval/search, latent semantic indexing or any task that uses a single string token.

Token streams can be transformed using TokenMapper instances. These take the output of a tokenizer, and then modify them in various ways. Finally, the MapTokenNormalizer is a normalizer that uses a list of TokenMappers to first create the token stream and then transform them. See the norm package for token normalizers and mappers.

Resource Library#

The NLP resource library contains configuration for a language parser that works for most use cases. However, like any resource library, importing and overriding is straight forward.

A TokenNormalizer is defined in [obj.conf]:

class_name = zensols.nlp.FilterTokenMapper
#remove_stop = True
#remove_punctuation = True
#remove_space = True

class_name = zensols.nlp.MapTokenNormalizer
mapper_class_list = list: filter_token_mapper

A SpacyFeatureDocumentParser, which will be used to parse text in to spaCy documents:

class_name = zensols.nlp.sparser.SpacyFeatureDocumentParser
lang = en
model_name = ${lang}_core_web_sm
token_normalizer = instance: map_filter_token_normalizer

which defines a language resource for English that uses our previously defined token normalizer. Note that the API provides for these two tasks (parsing and token normalization) separately.


The application example consists of a full CLI application that configures and uses a document parser. In the example the app.conf imports the NLP resource libraries. By default, the using the parse action shows all features for all tokens. However, when adding --config terse.conf stop words, punctuation and white space tokens are removed. Similarly, adding --config lemma.conf configures the parser to use lemma_token_mapper, which uses the lemmas as normalized tokens.

The detailed action/method in the Python source code file illustrates basic usage of the parser. To get a feature document, which has all the configured parsed artifacts typically needed to use in machine learning models, use the FeatureDocumentParser, which is the base class of SpacyFeatureDocumentParser:

doc: FeatureDocument = self.doc_parser(sentence)

If you only want a spaCy Doc instance use the FeatureDocumentParser’s parse_spacy_doc method:

doc: Doc = self.doc_parser.parse_spacy_doc(sentence)

See the inline documentation/comments in the Python file that explains how to use the API and the makefile to run each example.