"""The spaCy :class:`.FeatureDocumentParser` implementation.
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import (
Type, Iterable, Sequence, Set, Dict, Any, List, Tuple, ClassVar
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import logging
import sys
import itertools as it
from io import TextIOBase
import spacy
from spacy.language import Language
from spacy.symbols import ORTH
from spacy.tokens import Doc, Span, Token
from zensols.config import Dictable, ConfigFactory
from zensols.persist import persisted, PersistedWork
from . import (
FeatureSentenceDecorator, FeatureTokenDecorator, FeatureDocumentDecorator,
Component, FeatureDocumentParser,
from . import (
ParseError, TokenNormalizer, FeatureToken, SpacyFeatureToken,
FeatureSentence, FeatureDocument,
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class _DictableDoc(Dictable):
"""Utility class to pretty print and serialize Spacy documents.
doc: Doc = field(repr=False)
"""The document from which to create a :class:`.dict`."""
def _write_token(self, tok: Token, depth: int, writer: TextIOBase):
s = (f'{tok}: tag={tok.tag_}, pos={tok.pos_}, stop={tok.is_stop}, ' +
f'lemma={tok.lemma_}, dep={tok.dep_}')
self._write_line(s, depth, writer)
def write(self, depth: int = 0, writer: TextIOBase = sys.stdout,
token_limit: int = sys.maxsize):
"""Pretty print the document.
:param token_limit: the max number of tokens to write, which defaults
to all of them
text = self._trunc(str(self.doc.text))
self._write_line(f'text: {text}', depth, writer)
self._write_line('tokens:', depth, writer)
for sent in self.doc.sents:
self._write_line(self._trunc(str(sent)), depth + 1, writer)
for t in it.islice(sent, token_limit):
self._write_token(t, depth + 2, writer)
self._write_line('entities:', depth, writer)
for ent in self.doc.ents:
self._write_line(f'{ent}: {ent.label_}', depth + 1, writer)
def _from_dictable(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
sents = tuple(self.doc.sents)
em = {}
for e in self.doc.ents:
for tok in self.doc[e.start:e.end]:
em[tok.i] = e.label_
def tok_json(t):
return {'tag': t.tag_, 'pos': t.pos_,
'is_stop': t.is_stop, 'lemma': t.lemma_, 'dep': t.dep_,
'text': t.text, 'idx': t.idx,
'ent': None if t.i not in em else em[t.i],
'childs': tuple(map(lambda c: c.i, t.children))}
def sent_json(idx):
s = sents[idx]
return {t.i: tok_json(t) for t in self.doc[s.start:s.end]}
return {'text': self.doc.text,
'sents': {i: sent_json(i) for i in range(len(sents))},
'ents': [(str(e), e.label_,) for e in self.doc.ents]}
class SpacyFeatureDocumentParser(FeatureDocumentParser):
"""This langauge resource parses text in to Spacy documents. Loaded spaCy
models have attribute ``doc_parser`` set enable creation of factory
instances from registered pipe components (i.e. specified by
Configuration example::
class_name = zensols.nlp.sparser.SpacyFeatureDocumentParser
lang = en
model_name = ${lang}_core_web_sm
Decorators are processed in the same way
_MODELS: ClassVar[Dict[str, Language]] = {}
"""Contains cached models, such as ``en_core_web_sm``."""
config_factory: ConfigFactory = field()
"""A configuration parser optionally used by pipeline :class:`.Component`
name: str = field()
"""The name of the parser, which is taken from the section name when created
with a :class:`~zensols.config.configfac.ConfigFactory` and used for
lang: str = field(default='en')
"""The natural language the identify the model."""
model_name: str = field(default=None)
"""The Spacy model name (defualts to ``en_core_web_sm``); this is ignored
if ``model`` is not ``None``.
token_feature_ids: Set[str] = field(
default_factory=lambda: FeatureDocumentParser.TOKEN_FEATURE_IDS)
"""The features to keep from spaCy tokens.
:see: :obj:`TOKEN_FEATURE_IDS`
components: Sequence[Component] = field(default=())
"""Additional Spacy components to add to the pipeline."""
token_decorators: Sequence[FeatureTokenDecorator] = field(default=())
"""A list of decorators that can add, remove or modify features on a token.
sentence_decorators: Sequence[FeatureSentenceDecorator] = field(
"""A list of decorators that can add, remove or modify features on a
document_decorators: Sequence[FeatureDocumentDecorator] = field(
"""A list of decorators that can add, remove or modify features on a
disable_component_names: Sequence[str] = field(default=None)
"""Components to disable in the spaCy model when creating documents in
token_normalizer: TokenNormalizer = field(default=None)
"""The token normalizer for methods that use it, i.e. ``features``."""
special_case_tokens: List = field(default_factory=list)
"""Tokens that will be parsed as one token, i.e. ``</s>``."""
doc_class: Type[FeatureDocument] = field(default=FeatureDocument)
"""The type of document instances to create."""
sent_class: Type[FeatureSentence] = field(default=FeatureSentence)
"""The type of sentence instances to create."""
token_class: Type[FeatureToken] = field(default=SpacyFeatureToken)
"""The type of document instances to create."""
remove_empty_sentences: bool = field(default=None)
"""Deprecated and will be removed from future versions. Use
:class:`.FilterSentenceFeatureDocumentDecorator` instead.
reload_components: bool = field(default=False)
"""Removes, then re-adds components for cached models. This is helpful for
when there are component configurations that change on reruns with a
difference application context but in the same Python interpreter session.
A spaCy component can get other instances via :obj:`config_factory`, but if
this is ``False`` it will be paired with the first instance of this class
and not the new ones created with a new configuration factory.
auto_install_model: bool = field(default=False)
"""Whether to install models not already available. Note that this uses the
pip command to download model requirements, which might have an adverse
effect of replacing currently installed Python packages.
def __post_init__(self):
self._model = PersistedWork('_model', self)
if self.remove_empty_sentences is not None:
import warnings
'remove_empty_sentences is deprecated (use ' +
'FilterSentenceFeatureDocumentDecorator instead',
def _assert_model(self, model_name: str):
import spacy.util
import spacy.cli
if not spacy.util.is_package(model_name):
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
logger.info(f'model not found: {self.model_name}, loading...')
def _create_model_key(self) -> str:
"""Create a unique key used for storing expensive-to-create spaCy
language models in :obj:`_MODELS`.
comps = sorted(map(lambda c: f'{c.pipe_name}:{hash(c)}',
comp_str = '-' + '|'.join(comps)
return f'{self.model_name}{comp_str}'
def _create_model(self) -> Language:
"""Load, configure and return a new spaCy model instance."""
if self.auto_install_model:
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'loading model: {self.model_name}')
nlp = spacy.load(self.model_name)
return nlp
def _add_components(self, nlp: Language):
"""Add components to the pipeline that was just created."""
if self.components is not None:
comp: Component
for comp in self.components:
if comp.pipe_name in nlp.pipe_names:
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'{comp} already registered--skipping')
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'adding {comp} ({id(comp)}) to pipeline')
def _remove_components(self, nlp: Language):
for comp in self.components:
name, comp = nlp.remove_pipe(comp.pipe_name)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'removed {name} ({id(comp)})')
def model(self) -> Language:
"""The spaCy model. On first access, this creates a new instance using
mkey: str = self._create_model_key()
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'model key: {mkey}')
if self.model_name is None:
self.model_name = f'{self.lang}_core_web_sm'
# cache model in class space
nlp: Language = self._MODELS.get(mkey)
if nlp is None:
nlp: Language = self._create_model()
# pipe components can create other application context instance via
# the :obj:`config_factory` with access to this instance
nlp.doc_parser = self
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
f'adding {mkey} to cached models ({len(self._MODELS)})')
self._MODELS[mkey] = nlp
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'cached models: {len(self._MODELS)}')
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'cached model: {mkey} ({self.model_name})')
if self.reload_components:
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f're-adding components to {id(self)}')
nlp.doc_parser = self
if self.token_normalizer is None:
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug('adding default tokenizer')
self.token_normalizer = TokenNormalizer()
for stok in self.special_case_tokens:
rule = [{ORTH: stok}]
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'adding special token: {stok} with rule: {rule}')
nlp.tokenizer.add_special_case(stok, rule)
return nlp
def clear_models(self):
"""Clears all cached models."""
def parse_spacy_doc(self, text: str) -> Doc:
"""Parse ``text`` in to a Spacy document.
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'creating document with model: {self.model_name}, ' +
f'disable components: {self.disable_component_names}')
if self.disable_component_names is None:
doc = self.model(text)
doc = self.model(text, disable=self.disable_component_names)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
doc_text = self._trunc(str(doc))
logger.debug(f'parsed document: <{doc_text}>')
return doc
def get_dictable(self, doc: Doc) -> Dictable:
"""Return a dictionary object graph and pretty prints spaCy docs.
return _DictableDoc(doc)
def _normalize_tokens(self, doc: Doc, *args, **kwargs) -> \
"""Generate an iterator of :class:`.FeatureToken` instances with
features on a per token level.
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
doc_text = self._trunc(str(doc))
logger.debug(f'normalizing features in {doc_text}')
logger.debug(f'args: <{args}>')
logger.debug(f'kwargs: <{kwargs}>')
tokens: Tuple[FeatureToken, ...] = \
map(lambda tup: self._create_token(*tup, *args, **kwargs),
return tokens
def _decorate_token(self, spacy_tok: Token, feature_token: FeatureToken):
decorator: FeatureTokenDecorator
for decorator in self.token_decorators:
def _create_token(self, tok: Token, norm: Tuple[Token, str],
*args, **kwargs) -> FeatureToken:
tp: Type[FeatureToken] = self.token_class
ft: FeatureToken = tp(tok, norm, *args, **kwargs)
self._decorate_token(tok, ft)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'created feature token: {ft} ({id(ft)}) ' +
f'for {tok} ({id(tok)})')
logger.debug(f'detaching using features: {self.token_feature_ids}')
return ft.detach(self.token_feature_ids)
def _decorate_sent(self, spacy_sent: Span, feature_sent: FeatureSentence):
decorator: FeatureSentenceDecorator
for decorator in self.sentence_decorators:
def _create_sent(self, spacy_sent: Span, stoks: Iterable[FeatureToken],
text: str) -> FeatureSentence:
sent: FeatureSentence = self.sent_class(tuple(stoks), text, spacy_sent)
self._decorate_sent(spacy_sent, sent)
return sent
def _create_sents(self, doc: Doc) -> List[FeatureSentence]:
"""Create sentences from a spaCy doc."""
toks: Tuple[FeatureToken, ...] = tuple(self._normalize_tokens(doc))
sents: List[FeatureSentence] = []
ntoks: int = len(toks)
tix: int = 0
sent: Span
for sent in doc.sents:
e: int = sent[-1].i
stoks: List[FeatureToken] = []
while tix < ntoks:
tok = toks[tix]
if tok.i <= e:
tix += 1
fsent: FeatureSentence = self._create_sent(sent, stoks, sent.text)
return sents
def from_spacy_doc(self, doc: Doc, *args, text: str = None,
**kwargs) -> FeatureDocument:
"""Create s :class:`.FeatureDocument` from a spaCy doc.
:param doc: the spaCy generated document to transform in to a feature
:param text: either a string or a list of strings; if the former a
document with one sentence will be created, otherwise a
document is returned with a sentence for each string in
the list
:param args: the arguments used to create the FeatureDocument instance
:param kwargs: the key word arguments used to create the
FeatureDocument instance
text = doc.text if text is None else text
sents: List[FeatureSentence] = self._create_sents(doc)
return self.doc_class(tuple(sents), text, doc, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
raise ParseError(
f'Could not parse <{text}> for {self.doc_class} ' +
f"with args {args} for parser '{self.name}'") from e
def _decorate_doc(self, spacy_doc: Span, feature_doc: FeatureDocument):
decorator: FeatureDocumentDecorator
for decorator in self.document_decorators:
def parse(self, text: str, *args, **kwargs) -> FeatureDocument:
self._log_parse(text, logger)
if not isinstance(text, str):
raise ParseError(
f'Expecting string text but got: {text} ({type(str)})')
sdoc: Doc = self.parse_spacy_doc(text)
fdoc: FeatureDocument = self.from_spacy_doc(
sdoc, *args, text=text, **kwargs)
self._decorate_doc(sdoc, fdoc)
return fdoc
def to_spacy_doc(self, doc: FeatureDocument, norm: bool = True,
add_features: Set[str] = None) -> Doc:
"""Convert a feature document back in to a spaCy document.
**Note**: not all data is copied--only text, ``pos_``, ``tag_``,
``lemma_`` and ``dep_``.
:param doc: the spaCy doc to convert
:param norm: whether to use the normalized text as the ``orth_`` spaCy
token attribute or ``text``
:pram add_features: whether to add POS, NER tags, lemmas, heads and
:return: the feature document with copied data from ``doc``
def conv_iob(t: FeatureToken) -> str:
if t.ent_iob_ == 'O':
return 'O'
return f'{t.ent_iob_}-{t.ent_}'
if norm:
words = list(doc.norm_token_iter())
words = [t.text for t in doc.token_iter()]
if add_features is None:
add_features = set('pos tag lemma head dep ent'.split())
sent_starts = [False] * len(words)
sidx = 0
for sent in doc:
sent_starts[sidx] = True
sidx += len(sent)
params = dict(vocab=self.model.vocab,
spaces=[True] * len(words),
if add_features and doc.token_len > 0:
assert len(words) == doc.token_len
tok = next(iter(doc.token_iter()))
if hasattr(tok, 'pos_') and 'pos' in add_features:
params['pos'] = [t.pos_ for t in doc.token_iter()]
if hasattr(tok, 'tag_') and 'tag' in add_features:
params['tags'] = [t.tag_ for t in doc.token_iter()]
if hasattr(tok, 'lemma_') and 'lemma' in add_features:
params['lemmas'] = [t.lemma_ for t in doc.token_iter()]
if hasattr(tok, 'head_') and 'head' in add_features:
params['heads'] = [t.head_ for t in doc.token_iter()]
if hasattr(tok, 'dep_') and 'dep' in add_features:
params['deps'] = [t.dep_ for t in doc.token_iter()]
if hasattr(tok, 'ent_') and 'ent' in add_features:
params['ents'] = [conv_iob(t) for t in doc.token_iter()]
return Doc(**params)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.name
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{self.name}: lang={self.lang}, model={self.model_name}'