"""Produces matching scores.
from __future__ import annotations
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import (
Tuple, Set, Dict, Iterable, List, ClassVar, Union, Optional, Type
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from abc import ABCMeta, ABC, abstractmethod
import logging
import sys
from io import TextIOBase
import nltk.translate.bleu_score as bleu
import numpy as np
from zensols.introspect import ClassImporter
from zensols.config import Dictable
from zensols.persist import persisted
from zensols.nlp import TokenContainer
from . import NLPError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ScorerError(NLPError):
"""Raised for any scoring errors (this module)."""
class Score(Dictable, metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Individual scores returned from :class:`.ScoreMethod`.
def asrow(self, meth: str) -> Dict[str, float]:
return {f'{meth}_{x[0]}': x[1] for x in self.asdict().items()}
class ErrorScore(Score):
"""A replacement instance when scoring fails from a raised exception.
method: str = field(repr=False)
"""The method of the :class:`.ScoreMethod` that raised the exception."""
exception: Exception = field()
"""The exception that was raised."""
replace_score: Score = field(default=None)
"""The score to use in place of this score. Otherwise :meth:`asrow` return
a single :obj:`numpy.nan` like :class:`.FloatScore`.
def asrow(self, meth: str) -> Dict[str, float]:
if self.replace_score is not None:
return self.replace_score.asrow(self.method)
return {self.method: np.nan}
def __eq___(self, other) -> bool:
return self.method == other.method and \
str(self.exception) == str(other.exeption)
class FloatScore(Score):
"""Float container. This is needed to create the flat result container
structure. Object creation becomes less import since most clients will use
NAN_INSTANCE: ClassVar[FloatScore] = None
"""Used to add to ErrorScore for harmonic means replacements.
value: float = field()
"""The value of score."""
def asrow(self, meth: str) -> Dict[str, float]:
return {meth: self.value}
FloatScore.NAN_INSTANCE = FloatScore(np.nan)
class HarmonicMeanScore(Score):
"""A score having a precision, recall and the harmonic mean of the two,
NAN_INSTANCE: ClassVar[HarmonicMeanScore] = None
"""Used to add to ErrorScore for harmonic means replacements.
precision: float = field()
recall: float = field()
f_score: float = field()
HarmonicMeanScore.NAN_INSTANCE = HarmonicMeanScore(np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)
class ScoreResult(Dictable):
"""A result of scores created by a :class:`.ScoreMethod`.
scores: Dict[str, Tuple[Score]] = field()
"""The scores by method name."""
correlation_id: Optional[str] = field(default=None)
"""An ID for correlating back to the :class:`.TokenContainer`."""
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.scores)
def __getitem__(self, k: str) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Score]]:
return self.scores[k]
def write(self, depth: int = 0, writer: TextIOBase = sys.stdout):
dct = super().asdict()
del dct['correlation_id']
if self.correlation_id is None:
self._write_dict(dct, depth, writer)
self._write_line(f'correlation ID: {self.correlation_id}',
depth, writer)
self._write_dict(dct, depth + 1, writer)
class ScoreSet(Dictable):
"""All scores returned from :class:`.Scorer'.
results: Tuple[ScoreResult] = field()
"""A tuple with each element having the results of the respective sentence
pair in :obj:`.ScoreContext.sents`. Each elemnt is a dictionary with the
method are the keys with results as the values as output of the
:class:`.ScoreMethod`. This is created in :class:`.Scorer`.
correlation_id_col: str = field(default='id')
"""The column name for the :obj:`.ScoreResult.correlation_id` added to Numpy
arrays and Pandas dataframes. If ``None``, then the correlation IDS are
used as the index.
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.results)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Tuple[Score]]]:
return iter(self.results)
def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Score]]:
return self.results[i]
def has_correlation_id(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the results have correlation IDs."""
return len(self.results) > 0 and \
self.results[0].correlation_id is not None
def as_numpy(self, add_correlation: bool = True) -> \
Tuple[List[str], np.ndarray]:
"""Return the Numpy array with column descriptors of the results. Spacy
depends on Numpy, so this package will always be availale.
:param add_correlation: whether to add the correlation ID (if there is
one), using :obj:`correlation_id_col`
cols: Set[str] = set()
rows: List[Dict[str, float]] = []
result: ScoreResult
for result in self.results:
row: Dict[str, float] = {}
meth: str
for meth, result in result.scores.items():
rdat: Dict[str, float] = result.asrow(meth)
cols: List[str] = sorted(cols)
nd_rows: List[np.ndarray] = []
for row in rows:
nd_rows.append(np.array(tuple(map(row.get, cols))))
arr = np.stack(nd_rows)
if add_correlation and self.has_correlation_id:
ids = np.array(tuple(map(lambda r: r.correlation_id, self.results)))
ids = np.expand_dims(ids, 1)
arr = np.append(arr, ids, axis=1)
return cols, arr
def as_dataframe(self, add_correlation: bool = True) -> 'pandas.DataFrame':
"""This gets data from :meth:`as_numpy` and returns it as a Pandas
:param add_correlation: whether to add the correlation ID (if there is
one), using :obj:`correlation_id_col`
:return: an instance of :class:`pandas.DataFrame` of the results
import pandas as pd
cols, arr = self.as_numpy(add_correlation=False)
df = pd.DataFrame(arr, columns=cols)
if add_correlation and self.has_correlation_id:
# add as a dataframe, otherwise string correlation IDs cast the
# numpy array to a string
cid: str = self.correlation_id_col
cids: Tuple[Union[str, int]] = tuple(
map(lambda r: r.correlation_id, self.results))
if cid is None:
df.index = cids
cols: List[str] = df.columns.tolist()
df[cid] = cids
cols.insert(0, cid)
df = df[cols]
return df
def write(self, depth: int = 0, writer: TextIOBase = sys.stdout):
self._write_line('results:', depth, writer)
self._write_iterable(self.results, depth + 1, writer)
class ScoreContext(Dictable):
"""Input needed to create score(s) using :class:`.Scorer`.
pairs: Tuple[Tuple[TokenContainer, TokenContainer]] = field()
"""Sentence, span or document pairs to score (order matters for some scoring
methods such as rouge). Depending on the scoring method the ordering of the
sentence pairs should be:
* ``(<summary>, <source>)``
* ``(<gold>, <prediction>)``
* ``(<references>, <candidates>)``
See :class:`.ScoreMethod` implementations for more information about pair
methods: Set[str] = field(default=None)
"""A set of strings, each indicating the :class:`.ScoreMethod` used to score
norm: bool = field(default=True)
"""Whether to use the normalized tokens, otherwise use the original text."""
correlation_ids: Tuple[Union[int, str]] = field(default=None)
"""The IDs to correlate with each sentence pair, or ``None`` to skip
correlating them. The length of this tuple must be that of :obj:`pairs`.
def __post_init__(self):
def validate(self):
if self.correlation_ids is not None and \
len(self.pairs) != len(self.correlation_ids):
raise ScorerError(
'Expecting same length pairs to correlation IDs but got: ' +
f'{len(self.pairs)} != {len(self.correlation_ids)}')
class ScoreMethod(ABC):
"""An abstract base class for scoring methods (bleu, rouge, etc).
reverse_sents: bool = field(default=False)
"""Whether to reverse the order of the sentences."""
def _get_external_modules(cls: Type) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
"""Return a list of external module names needed by this method."""
return ()
def missing_modules(cls: Type) -> Tuple[str]:
"""Return a list of missing modules neede by this score method."""
missing: List[str] = []
mod: str
for mod in cls._get_external_modules():
except ModuleNotFoundError:
return missing
def is_available(cls: Type) -> bool:
"""Whether or not this method is available on this system."""
return len(cls.missing_modules()) == 0
def _score(self, meth: str, context: ScoreContext) -> Iterable[Score]:
"""See :meth:`score`"""
def score(self, meth: str, context: ScoreContext) -> Iterable[Score]:
"""Score the sentences in ``context`` using method identifer ``meth``.
:param meth: the identifer such as ``bleu``
:param context: the context containing the data to score
:return: the results, which are usually :class:`float` or
scores: Iterable[Score]
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug(f'scoring meth: {meth}, ' +
f'reverse: {self.reverse_sents}')
if not isinstance(context.pairs[0][0], TokenContainer):
raise ScorerError(f'Wrong type: {type(context.pairs[0][0])} ' +
f' for first item, expecting {TokenContainer}')
if not isinstance(context.pairs[0][1], TokenContainer):
raise ScorerError(f'Wrong type: {type(context.pairs[0][0])} ' +
f' for second item, expecting {TokenContainer}')
if self.reverse_sents:
prev_pairs = context.pairs
context.pairs = tuple(map(
lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), context.pairs))
scores = self._score(meth, context)
context.pairs = prev_pairs
scores = self._score(meth, context)
# force generators to realize scores and force any raised exceptions
scores = tuple(scores)
except Exception as e:
logger.info(e, exc_info=True)
scores = tuple([ErrorScore(meth, e)] * len(context.pairs))
return scores
def _tokenize(self, context: ScoreContext) -> \
Iterable[Tuple[Tuple[str], Tuple[str]]]:
s1: TokenContainer
s2: TokenContainer
for s1, s2 in context.pairs:
s1t: Tuple[str]
s2t: Tuple[str]
if context.norm:
s1t = tuple(map(lambda t: t.norm, s1.token_iter()))
s2t = tuple(map(lambda t: t.norm, s2.token_iter()))
s1t = tuple(map(lambda t: t.text, s1.token_iter()))
s2t = tuple(map(lambda t: t.text, s2.token_iter()))
yield (s1t, s2t)
class ExactMatchScoreMethod(ScoreMethod):
"""A scoring method that return 1 for exact matches and 0 otherwise.
equality_measure: str = field(default='norm')
"""The method by which to compare, which is one of:
* ``norm``: compare with :meth:`.TokenContainer.norm`
* ``text``: compare with :obj:`.TokenContainer.text`
* ``equal``: compare using a Python object ``__eq__`` equal compare,
which also compares the token values
def _score(self, meth: str, context: ScoreContext) -> Iterable[FloatScore]:
s1t: TokenContainer
s2t: TokenContainer
for s1t, s2t in context.pairs:
val: float
if self.equality_measure == 'norm':
val = 1. if s1t.norm == s2t.norm else 0.
elif self.equality_measure == 'text':
val = 1. if s1t.text == s2t.text else 0.
elif self.equality_measure == 'equal':
val = 1. if s1t == s2t else 0.
raise ScorerError(
f"No equality measure: '{self.equality_measure}'")
yield FloatScore(val)
class LevenshteinDistanceScoreMethod(ScoreMethod):
"""A scoring method that computes the Levenshtein distance.
form: str = field(default='canon')
"""The form of the of the text used for the evaluation, which is one of:
* ``text``: the original text with :obj:`.TokenContainer.text`
* ``norm``: the normalized text using :meth:`.TokenContainer.norm`
* ``canon``: :obj:`.TokenContainer.canonical` to normalize out
whitespace for better comparisons
normalize: bool = field(default=True)
"""Whether to normalize the return value as the *distince / the max length
of both sentences*.
def _get_external_modules(cls: Type) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return ('editdistance',)
def _score(self, meth: str, context: ScoreContext) -> Iterable[FloatScore]:
import editdistance
def container_to_str(container: TokenContainer) -> str:
return container.norm if self.use_norm else container.text
s1t: TokenContainer
s2t: TokenContainer
for s1t, s2t in context.pairs:
t1: str
t2: str
if self.form == 'text':
# use the normalized canonical form
t1, t2 = s1t.text, s2t.text
elif self.form == 'norm':
# use the normalized canonical form
t1, t2 = s1t.norm, s2t.norm
elif self.form == 'canon':
# use the normalized canonical form
t1, t2 = s1t.canonical, s2t.canonical
raise ScorerError(f"No form: '{self.form}'")
val: int = editdistance.eval(t1, t2)
if self.normalize:
text_len: int = max(len(t1), len(t2))
val = 1. - (val / text_len)
val: float = val
yield FloatScore(val)
class BleuScoreMethod(ScoreMethod):
"""The BLEU scoring method using the :mod:`nltk` package. The first
sentences are the references and the second are the hypothesis.
smoothing_function: bleu.SmoothingFunction = field(default=None)
"""This is an implementation of the smoothing techniques for segment-level
BLEU scores.
`Chen and Cherry (2014)`_ A Systematic Comparison of Smoothing Techniques
for Sentence-Level BLEU. In WMT14.
.. _Chen and Cherry (2014): http://acl2014.org/acl2014/W14-33/pdf/W14-3346.pdf
weights: Tuple[float, ...] = field(default=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25))
"""Weights for each n-gram. For example: a tuple of float weights for
unigrams, bigrams, trigrams and so on can be given: ``weights = (0.1, 0.3,
0.5, 0.1)``.
silence_warnings: bool = field(default=False)
"""Silence the BLEU warning of n-grams not matching ``The hypothesis
contains 0 counts of 3-gram overlaps...``
def __post_init__(self):
if self.silence_warnings:
import warnings
# silence the BLEU warning of n-grams not matching
# The hypothesis contains 0 counts of 3-gram overlaps...
'ignore', message='[.\n]+The hypothesis contains 0 counts.*')
def _score(self, meth: str, context: ScoreContext) -> Iterable[FloatScore]:
s1t: TokenContainer
s2t: TokenContainer
for s1t, s2t in self._tokenize(context):
val: float = bleu.sentence_bleu(
[s1t], s2t,
yield FloatScore(val)
class RougeScoreMethod(ScoreMethod):
"""The ROUGE scoring method using the :mod:`rouge_score` package.
feature_tokenizer: bool = field(default=True)
"""Whether to use the :class:`.TokenContainer` tokenization, otherwise use
the :mod:`rouge_score` package.
def _get_external_modules(cls: Type) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return ('rouge_score',)
def _score(self, meth: str, context: ScoreContext) -> \
from rouge_score import rouge_scorer
class Tokenizer(object):
def tokenize(sent: TokenContainer) -> Tuple[str]:
return sents[id(sent)]
s1: TokenContainer
s2: TokenContainer
if self.feature_tokenizer:
scorer = rouge_scorer.RougeScorer([meth], tokenizer=Tokenizer)
pairs = zip(context.pairs, self._tokenize(context))
for (s1, s2), (s1t, s2t) in pairs:
sents = {id(s1): s1t, id(s2): s2t}
res: Dict[str, Score] = scorer.score(s1, s2)
yield HarmonicMeanScore(*res[meth])
scorer = rouge_scorer.RougeScorer([meth])
for s1t, s2t in context.pairs:
res: Dict[str, Score] = scorer.score(
context.s1.text, context.s2.text)
yield HarmonicMeanScore(*res[meth])
class Scorer(object):
"""A class that scores sentences using a set of registered methods
methods: Dict[str, ScoreMethod] = field(default=None)
"""The registered scoring methods availale, which are accessed from
default_methods: Set[str] = field(default=None)
"""Methods (keys from :obj:`methods`) to use when none are provided in the
:obj:`.ScoreContext.meth` in the call to :meth:`score`.
@persisted('_get_missing_modules_pw', cache_global=True)
def _get_missing_modules(self) -> Tuple[str]:
missing: List[str] = []
not_avail: List[str] = []
name: str
meth: ScoreMethod
for name, meth in self.methods.items():
missing_mods: Tuple[str] = meth.missing_modules()
if len(missing_mods) > 0:
logger.warning(f'method {meth} is not available: ' +
f'missing {missing_mods}')
for name in not_avail:
del self.methods[name]
return tuple(missing_mods)
def score(self, context: ScoreContext) -> ScoreSet:
"""Score the sentences in ``context``.
:param context: the context containing the data to score
:return: the results for each method indicated in ``context``
by_meth: Dict[str, Tuple[Score]] = {}
by_res: List[ScoreResult] = []
meths: Iterable[str] = context.methods
if meths is None:
if self.default_methods is None:
meths = self.methods.keys()
meths = self.default_methods
meth: str
for meth in meths:
smeth: ScoreMethod = self.methods.get(meth)
if smeth is None:
raise ScorerError(f"No scoring method: '{meth}'")
by_meth[meth] = tuple(smeth.score(meth, context))
for i in range(len(context.pairs)):
item_res: Dict[str, Score] = {}
corr_id: str = None
meth: str
if context.correlation_ids is not None:
corr_id = context.correlation_ids[i]
res_tup: Tuple[Score]
# for each scored pair
for meth, res_tup in by_meth.items():
item_res[meth] = res_tup[i]
by_res.append(ScoreResult(item_res, correlation_id=corr_id))
return ScoreSet(results=tuple(by_res))
def __call__(self, context: ScoreContext) -> ScoreSet:
"""See :meth:`score`."""
return self.score(context)