
If you discover issues, have ideas for improvements or new features, please report them to the issue tracker of the repository or submit a pull request. Please, try to follow these guidelines when you do so.

Issue reporting#

  • Check that the issue has not already been reported.

  • Check that the issue has not already been fixed in the latest code (a.k.a. master).

  • Be clear, concise and precise in your description of the problem.

  • Open an issue with a descriptive title and a summary in grammatically correct, complete sentences.

  • Mention your dsprov Python dependency version and operating system.

  • Include any relevant code to the issue summary.

Reporting bugs#

Adding information like the backtrace and the REPL messages to the bug report makes it easier to track down bugs. Some steps to reproduce a bug reliably would also make a huge difference.

Pull requests#