Source code for zensols.deeplearn.torchtype

"""CUDA access and utility module.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import List, Dict, Type
import torch
import numpy as np

[docs] class TorchTypes(object): """A utility class to convert betwen numpy and torch classes. It also provides metadata for types that make other conversions, such as same precision cross types (i.e. int64 -> float64). """ TYPES = [{'desc': '32-bit floating point', 'name': 'float32', 'types': set([torch.float32, torch.float]), 'numpy': np.float32, 'sparse': torch.sparse.FloatTensor, 'cpu': torch.FloatTensor, 'gpu': torch.cuda.FloatTensor}, {'desc': '64-bit floating point', 'name': 'float64', 'types': set([torch.float64, torch.double]), 'numpy': np.float64, 'sparse': torch.sparse.DoubleTensor, 'cpu': torch.DoubleTensor, 'gpu': torch.cuda.DoubleTensor}, {'desc': '16-bit floating point', 'name': 'float16', 'types': set([torch.float16, torch.half]), 'numpy': np.float16, 'sparse': torch.sparse.HalfTensor, 'cpu': torch.HalfTensor, 'gpu': torch.cuda.HalfTensor}, {'desc': '8-bit integer (unsigned)', 'name': 'uint8', 'types': set([torch.uint8]), 'numpy': np.uint8, 'sparse': torch.sparse.ByteTensor, 'cpu': torch.ByteTensor, 'gpu': torch.cuda.ByteTensor}, {'desc': '8-bit integer (signed)', 'name': 'int8', 'types': set([torch.int8]), 'numpy': np.int8, 'sparse': torch.sparse.CharTensor, 'cpu': torch.CharTensor, 'gpu': torch.cuda.CharTensor}, {'desc': '16-bit integer (signed)', 'name': 'int16', 'types': set([torch.int16, torch.short]), 'numpy': np.int16, 'sparse': torch.sparse.ShortTensor, 'cpu': torch.ShortTensor, 'gpu': torch.cuda.ShortTensor}, {'desc': '32-bit integer (signed)', 'name': 'int32', 'types': set([torch.int32,]), 'numpy': np.int32, 'sparse': torch.sparse.IntTensor, 'cpu': torch.IntTensor, 'gpu': torch.cuda.IntTensor}, {'desc': '64-bit integer (signed)', 'name': 'int64', 'types': set([torch.int64, torch.long]), 'numpy': np.int64, 'sparse': torch.sparse.LongTensor, 'cpu': torch.LongTensor, 'gpu': torch.cuda.LongTensor}, {'desc': 'Boolean', 'name': 'bool', 'types': set([torch.bool]), 'numpy': bool, 'cpu': torch.BoolTensor, 'gpu': torch.cuda.BoolTensor}] """A list of dicts containig conversions between types.""" NAME_TO_TYPE = {t['name']: t for t in TYPES} """A map of type to metadata.""" FLOAT_TO_INT = {torch.float16: torch.int16, torch.float32: torch.int32, torch.float64: torch.int64} INT_TO_FLOAT = {torch.int16: torch.float16, torch.int32: torch.float32, torch.int64: torch.float64} FLOAT_TYPES = frozenset(FLOAT_TO_INT.keys()) INT_TYPES = frozenset(INT_TO_FLOAT.keys())
[docs] @classmethod def all_types(self) -> List[dict]: return self.TYPES
[docs] @classmethod def types(self) -> Dict[str, List[dict]]: if not hasattr(self, '_types'): types = {} for d in self.all_types(): for t in d['types']: types[t] = d self._types = types return self._types
[docs] @classmethod def type_from_string(self, type_name: str) -> torch.dtype: types = self.NAME_TO_TYPE[type_name]['types'] return next(iter(types))
[docs] @classmethod def get_tensor_class(self, torch_type: torch.dtype, cpu_type: bool) -> Type: types = self.types() entry = types[torch_type] key = 'cpu' if cpu_type else 'gpu' return entry[key]
[docs] @classmethod def get_sparse_class(self, torch_type: torch.dtype) -> Type: types = self.types() entry = types[torch_type] return entry['sparse']
[docs] @classmethod def get_numpy_type(self, torch_type: torch.dtype) -> Type: types = self.types() entry = types[torch_type] return entry['numpy']
[docs] @classmethod def float_to_int(self, torch_type: torch.dtype) -> Type: return self.FLOAT_TO_INT[torch_type]
[docs] @classmethod def int_to_float(self, torch_type: torch.dtype) -> Type: return self.INT_TO_FLOAT[torch_type]
[docs] @classmethod def is_float(self, torch_type: torch.dtype) -> bool: return torch_type in self.FLOAT_TYPES
[docs] @classmethod def is_int(self, torch_type: Type) -> bool: return torch_type in self.INT_TYPES