Please first read the class naming parlance section first.
The set of layers, layer settings and layer factories included with this package are listed below:
ConvolutionLayerFactory: Create convolution layers.
PoolFactory: Create a 2D max pool and output it’s shape.
MaxPool2dFactory: Create a 2D max pool and output it’s shape.
MaxPool1dFactory: Create a 1D max pool and output it’s shape.
DeepLinearNetworkSettings: Settings for a deep fully connected network.
DeepLinear: A layer that has contains one more nested layers, including batch normalization and activation.
Recurrent (RNN, LSTM, GRU):
RecurrentAggregationNetworkSettings: Settings for a recurrent neural network.
RecurrentAggregation: A recurrent neural network model with an output aggregation.
Conditional Random Fields:
RecurrentCRFNetworkSettings: Settings for a recurrent neural network.
RecurrentCRF: Adapt a CRF module using the framework based BaseNetworkModule class.