"""Contains an implementation of a recurrent with a conditional random field
layer. This is usually configured as a BiLSTM CRF.
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import Tuple, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import logging
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch import Tensor
from zensols.persist import Deallocatable
from zensols.deeplearn import (
from zensols.deeplearn.model import BaseNetworkModule
from . import (
from . import CRF, DeepLinear
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RecurrentCRFNetworkSettings(ActivationNetworkSettings,
"""Settings for a recurrent neural network using :class:`.RecurrentCRF`.
network_type: str = field()
"""One of ``rnn``, ``lstm`` or ``gru`` (usually ``lstm``)."""
bidirectional: bool = field()
"""Whether or not the network is bidirectional (usually ``True``)."""
input_size: int = field()
"""The input size to the layer."""
hidden_size: int = field()
"""The size of the hidden states of the network."""
num_layers: int = field()
"""The number of *"stacked"* layers."""
num_labels: int = field()
"""The number of output labels from the CRF."""
decoder_settings: DeepLinearNetworkSettings = field()
"""The decoder feed forward network."""
score_reduction: str = field()
"""Reduces how the score output over batches.
:see: :class:`.CRF`
def to_recurrent_aggregation(self) -> RecurrentAggregationNetworkSettings:
attrs = ('name config_factory torch_config dropout network_type ' +
'bidirectional input_size hidden_size num_layers')
params = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in attrs.split()}
params['aggregation'] = 'none'
return RecurrentAggregationNetworkSettings(**params)
def get_module_class_name(self) -> str:
return __name__ + '.RecurrentCRF'
class RecurrentCRF(BaseNetworkModule):
"""Adapt the :class:`.CRF` module using the framework based
:class:`.BaseNetworkModule` class. This provides methods
:meth:`forward_recur_decode` and :meth:`decode`, which decodes the input.
This adds a recurrent neural network and a fully connected feed forward
decoder layer before the CRF layer.
MODULE_NAME = 'recur crf'
def __init__(self, net_settings: RecurrentCRFNetworkSettings,
sub_logger: logging.Logger = None,
use_crf: bool = True):
"""Initialize the reccurent CRF layer.
:param net_settings: the recurrent layer configuration
:param sub_logger: the logger to use for the forward process in this
super().__init__(net_settings, sub_logger)
ns = self.net_settings
self.recur_settings = rs = ns.to_recurrent_aggregation()
if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
self.logger.debug(f'recur settings: {rs}')
self.hidden_dim: int = rs.hidden_size
self.recur: RecurrentAggregation = self._create_recurrent_aggregation()
self.decoder: DeepLinear = self._create_decoder()
self.crf: CRF
if use_crf:
self.crf = self._create_crf()
self.crf = None
self.hidden = None
self._zero = None
def _create_recurrent_aggregation(self):
rs = self.recur_settings
return RecurrentAggregation(rs, self.logger)
def _create_decoder(self) -> Union[nn.Linear, DeepLinear]:
ns = self.net_settings
rs = self.recur_settings
if ns.decoder_settings is None:
layer = nn.Linear(rs.hidden_size, ns.num_labels)
ln: DeepLinearNetworkSettings = ns.decoder_settings
ln.in_features = rs.hidden_size
ln.out_features = ns.num_labels
if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
self.logger.debug(f'linear: {ln}')
layer: DeepLinear = ln.create_module()
return layer
def _create_crf(self) -> CRF:
ns = self.net_settings
return CRF(ns.num_labels, batch_first=True,
def deallocate(self):
def _forward_decoder(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return self.decoder(x)
def forward_recur_decode(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Forward the input through the recurrent network (i.e. LSTM), batch
normalization and activation (if confgiured), and decoder output.
**Note**: this layer forwards batch normalization, activation and drop
out (for those configured) after the recurrent layer is forwarded.
However, the subordinate recurrent layer can also be configured with a
dropout when having more than one stacked layer.
:param x: the network input
:return: the fully connected linear feed forward decoded output
self._shape_debug('recur in', x)
x = self.recur(x)[0]
# need to droput even after the RNN/LSTM/GRU since dropout isn't
# applied for single (stacked) layers; see method docs
x = self._forward_batch_act_drop(x)
self._shape_debug('batch, act, drop', x)
x = self._forward_decoder(x)
self._shape_debug('decode', x)
return x
def to(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._zero = None
return super().to(*args, **kwargs)
def _forward(self, x: Tensor, mask: Tensor, labels: Tensor) -> Tensor:
self._shape_debug('mask', mask)
self._shape_debug('labels', labels)
if self._zero is None:
self._zero = torch.tensor(
[0], dtype=labels.dtype, device=labels.device)
x = self.forward_recur_decode(x)
# zero out negative values, since otherwise invalid transitions are
# indexed with negative values, which come from the default cross
# entropy loss functions `ignore_index`
labels = torch.max(labels, self._zero)
x = -self.crf(x, labels, mask=mask)
if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
self.logger.debug(f'training loss: {x}')
return x
def decode(self, x: Tensor, mask: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Forward the input though the recurrent network, decoder, and then the CRF.
:param x: the input
:param mask: the mask used to block the last N states not provided
:return: the CRF sequence output and the score provided by the CRF's
veterbi algorithm as a tuple
self._shape_debug('mask', mask)
x = self.forward_recur_decode(x)
seq, score = self.crf.decode(x, mask=mask)
if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
self.logger.debug(f'decoded: {len(seq)} seqs, score: {score}')
return seq, score