
Parse action based command line arguments.



Bind this from the REPL to avoid a system exit when testing the CLI.



If non-nil add program name to error and warning messages in handle-exception and error-message and print-error-message.



Log exceptions in handle-exception.



This context is bound when calling action bound functions. This is useful when other functions in this namespace need to be called with parse information.

This context is a map with the following keys:



When not dying on error with *dump-jvm-on-error* also don’t rethrow the exception in handle-exception.


(create-actions action-context)


(create-default-usage-format)(create-default-usage-format usage-format)

Create a function that formats the usage statement.


(error-msg errors)

Print every element of the sequence errors. If there errors is a singleton then only print one in the common usage format.


(handle-exception e)

Handle exceptions thrown from CLI actions.



(help-message & {:keys [action-key usage], :or {usage true}})

Generate the help message text and return it. The action-key is a keyword of the passed as a command to multi-action-context. By default the usage text is included unless the :usage key is false. If the :usage is the symbol only then only create the usage text and not the action/parameters.


(help-option)(help-option short long)

Return an option that provides version information.


(multi-action-context actions & {:keys [global-actions help-option version-option action-print-order print-help-fn usage-format-fn no-action-fn default-arguments], :or {help-option (help-option), no-action-fn (fn [] (println (help-message)))}})

Create a multi-action context with map action. These don’t include the name of the action on the command line and are typical UNIX like command lines (ex: ls, grep, etc).

The parameter is action is a list of list of symbols takes the form:

'((:action-name1 package1 action1)

where action-name is a key, package is the package and action is the action definition.


  • help-option: the help action command, which defaults to help-option
  • version-option: usually created with version-option
  • global-actions: addition global actions in addition to the help and version options listed above
  • action-print-order: an optional sequence of action name keys indicating what order to print action help
  • print-help-fn: an optional function that takes a string argument of the generated option help to provide a way to customize the help message
  • usage-format-fn: generate the usage portion of the help message that takes the names of all action if generating multi-action usage or nil for single action usage messages
  • :no-action-fn a function to call when no action is given, defaults to printing the contents of help-message; set to nil to continue processing without an action


(print-error-message errors)

Print errors messages generated by error-message.


(process-arguments action-context args)

Process the action line, which contains the action (action) and arguments args.

The action context is a map with actions. Actions in turn contains what to run when an action is given.

An example of an action context:

(defn- create-action-context []
   '((:service com.example service start-server-action)
     (:repl zensols.actioncli repl repl-action))
   (->> (fn [] (println "version string"))
   :default-arguments ["service" "-p" "8080"]))

See the main document page for more info.



Return the program name used for info/error message. This is set with set-program-name.


(set-program-name program-name)

Set the program name used for info/error message.


(single-action-context action & options)

Create a single action context with map action. These don’t include the name of the action on the command line and are typical UNIX like command lines (ex: ls, grep, etc).

The parameter is action is a list of symbols that takes the form:

'(package action)

where package is the package and action is the action definition.

See multi-action-context for the description of options.


(version-option print-fn)(version-option print-fn short long)

Return an option that provides version information. The option uses print-fn to print the version of the program.



(with-exception & forms)

Wrap a CLI forms in a try and call handle-exception if an exception occurs.