# Configuration This package provides advanced parsing of INI and YAML files that provide Java Spring like mechanism to create in memory Python object instance graphs. This API also works with the [command line library](command-line.md) to easily configure command line applications. There are many configuration options and classes to choose from. However, the best place to start with the most functionality is the [ExtendedInterpolationEnvConfig] class, which reads an [INI] substitution based file. This will read an [INI] format uses the `configparser.ExtendedInterpolation` for [variable substitution]. See the [INI format] section for an example. While the [INI] format is preferred, the [YAML] format is also supported. Other formats (i.e. JSON) are easy to add by extending the [Configurable] class. See the [YAML Format](#yaml-format) section for more information. ## INI Format The INI format is preferred because it is simple and has broad support as a configuration parsing library in Python. This format uses the syntax `${section:name}` where `section` is the section name and `name` is the option (variable name) settings. For example `${default:temporary_dir}` refers to the root directory's `target` directory. The `root_dir` entry in the `default` section is taken from an environment `dict` given in the initializer of the [ExtendedInterpolationEnvConfig] class. For example: ```ini [default] root_dir = ${env:app_root} temporary_dir = ${root_dir}/target resources_dir = ${root_dir}/resources results_dir = ${root_dir}/results [app] class_name = zensols.someproj.app.MainApplication path = path: ${default:temporary_dir}/app.dat ``` Note that user home relative directories are interpolated with [os.path.expanduser], for example: ```ini [app] class_name = zensols.someproj.app.MainApplication path = path: ~/app.dat ``` may be used to store the `app.dat` file in the user's home directory. ### Directory Based Path The first parameter to all [INI] based configuration parser is either a file or a directory. If a file is given, only that file is read as configuration. If a directory is given, all files in the directory are read and parsed as if it were one large configuration file and variable substitution works by cross referencing between files with the same syntax as would be used in a single file. ## YAML Format The [YAML](https://yaml.org) format is implemented by the [YamlConfig] class. The [grsync] utility provides an example [grsync YAML] configuration file. The first level of all properties are defined as sections. However, all variables are accessible using series of dot (`.`) separated paths. See the YAML test case [test_yaml.py] for an example. ### YAML sections YAML configuration files "fit" in the INI configuration two level (section, option) constraints by indicating nodes in the YAML tree as sections and the respective children nodes as that section's options. A list of sections can be given as a node under the root called `sections`. For example, the YAML configuration file: ```yaml project: sections: [project.context] context: example: nlparse ``` is equivalent to: ```ini [project.context] example = nlparse ``` When the `sections` node is missing, then all root level nodes in the YAML are sections with children nodes as respective options, so the YAML: ```yaml project: example: nlparse context: default: someproj ``` has the INI equivalent as: ```ini [project] example = nlparse [context] default = someproj ``` ### YAML Importation Much like [INI importation](#import-ini-configuration), the [ImportYamlConfig] class supports importation with an `import` node. For example: ```yaml project: import: some_yaml_imp: config_file: an-ini-file.conf example: nlparse ``` with `an-ini-file.conf` containing: ```ini [an_imported_sec] child_op = 1 ``` is equivalent to: ```ini [project] import = dict: {'some_yaml_imp': {'config_file': 'a.conf'}} example = nlparse [an_imported_sec] child_op = 1 ``` ### YAML Conditionals Simple if/then/else logic can be used in YAML configurations using a top level `condition` node with children `if`, `then` and `else` nodes using the [ConditionalYamlConfig] class. However, the following caveats apply: * Only a single node can follow under the `if`, `then` and `else` nodes. * The same node name must used under the `then` and `else` nodes. * All `if` `then` and `else` node must always exist. When the `if` node evaluates to any "truthy" value, the child under the `then` node replaces everything at and under the respective `condition` node, otherwise `else` node is used as the replacement. The `condition` node can appear anywhere and at any level in the YAML tree. However, to avoid the issue of name collisions as sections, a prefix can be added, such as: For example, the [conditional YAML test case] has: ```yaml 1.condition: if: 'eval: not ${default:testvar}' then: top_lev: bval: falseval else: top_lev: bval: trueval 3.condition: if: ${default:testvar} then: classify_net_settings: embedding_layer: 'glove_50_embedding_layer' else: classify_net_settings: embedding_layer: 'transformer_embedding_layer' ``` In this example, the `default:testvar` is defined either elsewhere in this configuration or defined by a "calling" [INI imported](#import-ini-configuration) section. ## JSON Format This format is implemented by the [JsonConfig] class. It reads JSON as a two level dictionary. The top level keys are the section and the values are a single depth dictionary with string keys and values A caveat is if all the values are terminal, in which case the top level singleton section is `default_section` given in the initializer and the section content is the single dictionary. ## Inversion of Control This package provides a [Java Spring] like *inversion of control* system with one major difference: this API strives to be as simple as possible and integrate with all other *zensols* packages. ## Application Context Any non-trivial application is recommended to have an *application context* type class that allows for specific customization and behavior with retrieving (or storing) configuration. This framework uses instances of [Configurable] for this application context, which is added to instances created by a [ConfigFactory] (including [ImportConfigFactory], which is the API framework default). It populates classes that have the following *initial* parameters in the initializer in order: * `name`: the name of the section from which the instance was created * `config`: the [Configurable] *application context* where instance was defined * `config_factory`: the [ConfigFactory] that created the instance ### Parsing The [Configurable] class defines access methods to the configuration data, including how to get primitives (`get_option_*` methods) or populate a hash or class from a section's data ([populate]). The latter method is sophisticated in how it reads data, which uses the following rules: * Any string of numbers (i.e. `5839202`) as an integer * A string of numbers with a single decimal point (i.e. `3.123`) as a float. * Either `True` or `False` parsed as a boolean. * A string starting with `str:` parsed as a string. This is a way to *quote* a string. * A string starting with `list:` or `tuple:` parsed as a comma delimited string with optional space around each element. * A string starting with `path:` parsed as a [pathlib.Path] instance. * A string starting with `resource:` parsed as `path:`, but points to a resource path either locally, or from a `setuptools` installed package (see the [Resources](#resources) section). * A string starting with `json:` parsed as standard JSON. * A string staring with `eval:` parsed by the Python code reader (see the [Evaluation Parameters](#evaluation-parameters) section). * A string starting with `instance:` as an object instance (see the [Configuration Factory] and [Instance Parameters](#instance-parameters) sections). * A string starting with `alias:` that indirectly points to an instance to instantiate like `instance:` (see [Aliases](#aliases)). * A string starting with `object:` as an object specified by class name (see the [Configuration Factory] and [Instance Parameters](#instance-parameters) sections). * A string starting with `class:` as a class/type specified by a class name. * A string starting with `dataclass()` as a dataclass (see [Dataclasses](#dataclasses)). * A string starting with `application` as an application context (see [Applications](#applications)). * A string starting with `call` as a Python method invocation (see [Calls](#calls)). * A string starting with `tree` as a Python method invocation (see [Tree](#tree)). * Anything else as a string. ### Configuration Factory The configuration is parsed and given to an [ImportConfigFactory] to create instances of objects. Each instance is, by default, configured to create a single instance of each object instance per section. Once a class is *referred* by name, the instance is looked up by the [ImportConfigFactory] and created if it does not exist already per the [parsing](#parsing) rules. Each section contains the data for an instance along with a option (variable) entry `class_name`, which is the fully qualified class name (`.`). When this entry is missing, the section is instantiated as a `dict` like object as detailed in [dictionary sections](#dictionary-sections). Each option value contained in the respective section is set as an attribute on the instantiated object instance. For example, say you have the classes defined in a module called `domain`: ```python from typing import List from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Person(object): age: int aliases: List[str] @dataclass class Organization(object): boss: Person ``` We can define instances of these objects in an [INI formatted] file `domain.conf` as such: ```ini [default] age = 56 [bob] class_name = domain.Person age = ${default:age} aliases = eval: ['sideshow bob', 'Robert Underdunk Terwilliger Jr'] [bob_co] class_name = domain.Organization boss = instance: bob ``` Next, we can create and access by creating the configuration with the file name, and using the configuration from an [ImportConfigFactory]: ```python from zensols.config import ExtendedInterpolationEnvConfig, ImportConfigFactory import domain factory = ImportConfigFactory(ExtendedInterpolationEnvConfig('obj.conf')) bob: domain.Person = factory('bob') company: domain.Organization = factory('bob_co') >>> bob Person(age=56, aliases=['sideshow bob', 'Robert Underdunk Terwilliger Jr']) >>> company Organization(boss=Person(age=45)) >>> id(company.boss) == id(bob) True ``` Parameters to the initialization method of the configuration factory indicate whether to reload the module or not, which is the default. This is particularly hand when prototyping your code from a different module in the Python REPL. ### Dictionary Sections Sections that have no `class_name` that are instantiated using entries with `instance:` are created as [Settings] objects. These instances act in a Python dictionary manner and can be converted to `dict` instances with `asdict`. While the [Settings] class has the advantage of accessing configuration entries as both by index (`obj['key']`) but also by attribute (`obj.key`), it is sometimes desirable to use a `dict` without having to call `asdict`. To accomplish this, simply change the class used as an [evaluation parameter](#evaluation-parameters) such as: ```ini [bart] class_name = domain.Person age = 16 [school_attendance] bart_info = instance({'param': {'class_name': 'builtins.dict'}}): bart ``` ### Evaluation Parameters Instance options (or any configuration section's options) can be created with an evaluation that allows for importing modules. For example, if we want to use the `itertools` package by providing a counting for an alias, we could have: ```ini [bart] class_name = domain.Person age = 16 aliases = eval({'import': ['itertools as it']}): list(map(lambda x: f'{x[0]} dude ({x[1]})', zip('cool bad'.split(), it.count()))) ``` Note that the Python code in the `eval` is multi-line. We then create the new *company* object and print with: ```python school_clique: domain.Organization = factory('school_clique') >>> school_clique Organization(boss=Person(age=16, aliases=['cool dude (0)', 'bad dude (1)'])) ``` Along with the `import` keyword, you can also use `resolve` in use the same configuration parsing functionality create and resolve instances, then use it in the evaluation. For example: ```ini dictionary_of_paths = eval( {'resolve': {'ent_file': 'resource(example.package): resources/config.json'}}): { 'path': ent_file} ``` creates a dictionary with a `pathlib.Path` instance for key `path` set to the resources directory with a JSON file of installed package `example.package`. ### Resources Resources are paths that exist either in a local project, or point to a directory from a Python [setuptools] module. This uses the [resource_filename] method, which in turn, uses the [pkg_resources] API to base the path from an installation. This mechanism needs the package metadata information to find the correct module in the install path. However, there are additional [setuptools] resources needed, which include: * `python-resources` added in `PROJ_MODULES` in the makefile using the `zenbuild` build environment * `package_data` in `src/python/setup.py` to include the globs for the resources you want to include (`package_data={'': ['*.txt']}` for the example below). An example of a resource path, which finds the file `fake.txt` in the local project's directory `resources` is: ```ini fake_path = resource: resources/fake.txt ``` In case the program isn't automatically configured with the module to find the resource, you may add it in the configuration declaration itself. For example, if our [setuptools] name is `zensols.someproj`, configure the resource as: ```ini fake_path = resource(zensols.someproj): resources/obj.txt ``` ### Resource Libraries Resource libraries are just a collection of configuration files that are deployed with a library and accessible when that library is installed. These are useful when a lot of configuration is needed to make a library useful, such as the [Zensols deep learning natural language processing library]. The convention if to have a top level `obj.conf` for the package that imports everything else that is needed. For example, to import the [zensols.deepnlp resource library] use: ```ini [import] sections = list: imp_conf [imp_conf] type = importini config_files = list: resource(zensols.nlp): resources/obj.conf ``` The `type = importini` tells it to use a [ImportIniConfig] (see the [Configuration Implementations](#configuration-implementations) section). This parameter can also be set to `import` to use [ImportIniConfig] for `.conf` and `.ini` files, and [ImportYamlConfig] for `.yml` files. The `type` directive in import sections is not needed as long as standard extensions are used. However, if they are not, or specialized configurations are desired, use the `type_map` directive to map extensions to configuration implementations. For example, the following maps `.yml` files to [ConditionalYamlConfig] and `.conf` to [ImportIniConfig] implementations. ```ini type_map = dict: {'yml': 'condyaml', 'conf': 'importini'} ``` You can also use `type = import` to automatically choose the importation variant configuration implementation for each extension. For an example of how to use a resource library, see the [nlparse example]. ### Instance Parameters Instances can take parameters to substitute values. This is useful when you want to define the values of an instance in the parent. Extending from the example given in the [configuration factory] section, we can define a person's age in the company object with: ```ini [bobs_senior_center] class_name = domain.Organization boss = instance({'param': {'age': 69}}): homer ``` A shorthand using `object:` and specifying the class name inline is useful in cases where you don't want to create an additional section and/or don't want to share the instance (see [shared instance memory space](#shared-instance-memory-space)). The equivalent configuration for not sharing the `homer` object is: ```ini [bobs_senior_center] class_name = domain.Organization boss = object({'param': {'age': 69, 'aliases': ['Homer', 'Homer Simpson']}}): domain.Person ``` We then create the new *company* object and print with: ```python senior_company: domain.Organization = factory('bobs_senior_center') >>> senior_company Organization(boss=Person(age=69, aliases=['Homer', 'Homer Simpson'])) ``` Lists, tuples and dictionaries can be used with instance parameters as well. Simply use the prefix `list:`, `tuple:` or `json:` (with a dictionary) as described in the [parsing](#parsing) section. Now we'll add another field, which are a tuple of employees referring to two other sections in the configuration file: ```ini [bobs_senior_center] class_name = domain.Organization boss = instance({'param': {'age': 69}}): homer employees = instance: tuple: bob, bart ``` ### Shared Instance Memory Space The [configuration factory] by default shares all instances in memory provided by `instance:` entries using the lazy load method. When these are encountered, the factory looks to see if the instance has been created, and returns shared references to those that already have. This can be turned off by settings `shared = False` to the [ImportConfigFactory initializer], but in most cases this is called by other framework code. Other ways to create new instances in separate memory spaces are to use the [new_instance] method in your calling client instead of [instance], but even this does not address how to create separate instances in the [application context](#application-context). For this, a special `share` parameter can be provided in the `instance:` entry clause to use the aforementioned methods to create the new instance. There are three methods, which include: * `default`: [instance] which uses the factory instance's `shared` initializer parameter to indicate whether to create shared instances, * `evict`: [new_instance] which returns the current instance in the shared space (if there is one), then immediately evicts that instance, * `deep`: [new_deep_instance] which creates a new object graph, all of which will have a completely new memory space, regardless of the shared space state. For example: ```ini [larrys_senior_center] class_name = domain.Organization boss = instance({'share': 'deep'}): homer ``` creates a new instance of `homer` that is not shared with `bobs_senior_center`. ### Aliases There are occasions where defining which [instance](instance#parameters) to use can depend on previously defined configuration, which can be done with the typical configuration parser `${}` syntax. However, this does not work when this configuration is not yet defined like in CLI application contexts where subordinate values are defined afterward. To accommodate this, the following syntax can be used: ```ini alias[()]: