Source code for zensols.mimic.persist

"""Persisters for the MIMIC-III database.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import logging
import sys
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict
from zensols.config import Settings
from zensols.persist import persisted, ReadOnlyStash, chunks
from zensols.db import DbPersister
from zensols.db.dataclass import DataClassDbPersister
from zensols.db.sqlite import SqliteConnectionManager
from zensols.nlp import FeatureDocument, FeatureDocumentParser
from . import (
    MimicError, RecordNotFoundError,
    Admission, Patient, Diagnosis, Procedure, NoteEvent

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class AdmissionPersister(DataClassDbPersister): """Manages instances of :class:`.Admission`. """ def __post_init__(self): self.bean_class = Admission super().__post_init__()
[docs] def get_by_hadm_id(self, hadm_id: int) -> Admission: """Return the admission by it's hospital admission ID.""" adm = self.execute_by_name( 'select_admission_by_hadm_id', params=(hadm_id,)) if len(adm) == 0: raise RecordNotFoundError(self, 'hadm', hadm_id) if len(adm) > 1: raise MimicError('Found {len(adm)}>1 record(s) for hadm {hadm_id}') return adm[0]
[docs] def get_hadm_ids(self, subject_id: int) -> Iterable[int]: """Get all hospital admission IDs (``hadm_id``) for a patient.""" ids = self.execute_by_name( 'select_hadm_for_subject_id', params=(subject_id,), row_factory='tuple') return map(lambda x: x[0], ids)
[docs] def get_by_subject_id(self, subject_id: int) -> Tuple[Admission, ...]: """Get an admissions by patient ID.""" return self.execute_by_name( 'select_admission_by_subject_id', params=(subject_id,))
[docs] def get_admission_counts(self, limit: int = sys.maxsize) -> \ Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]: """Return the counts of subjects for each hospital admission. :param limit: the limit on the return admission counts :return: a list of tuples, each in the form (``subject_id``, ``count``) """ return self.execute_by_name( 'select_admission_counts', params=(limit,), row_factory='tuple')
[docs] def uniform_sample_hadm_ids(self, limit: int) -> Iterable[int]: """Return a sample from the uniform distribution of admission IDs. """ return self.execute_by_name( 'random_hadm', params=(limit,), row_factory=lambda x: x)
[docs] @dataclass class PatientPersister(DataClassDbPersister): """Manages instances of :class:`.Patient`. """ def __post_init__(self): self.bean_class = Patient super().__post_init__()
[docs] def get_by_subject_id(self, subject_id: int) -> Patient: pat = self.execute_by_name( 'select_patient_by_subject_id', params=(subject_id,)) assert len(pat) == 1 return pat[0]
[docs] @dataclass class DiagnosisPersister(DataClassDbPersister): """Manages instances of :class:`.Diagnosis`. """ def __post_init__(self): self.bean_class = Diagnosis super().__post_init__()
[docs] def get_by_hadm_id(self, hadm_id: int) -> Diagnosis: """Get ICD-9 diagnoses codes by hospital admission IDs. """ return self.execute_by_name( 'select_diagnosis_by_hadm_id', params=(hadm_id,))
[docs] def get_heart_failure_hadm_ids(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Return hospital admission IDs that are heart failure related. """ return tuple(map(lambda r: r[0], self.execute_by_name('select_heart_failure_hadm_id', row_factory='tuple')))
[docs] @dataclass class ProcedurePersister(DataClassDbPersister): """Manages instances of :class:`.Procedure`. """ def __post_init__(self): self.bean_class = Procedure super().__post_init__()
[docs] def get_by_hadm_id(self, hadm_id: int) -> Procedure: return self.execute_by_name( 'select_procedure_by_hadm_id', params=(hadm_id,))
[docs] @dataclass class NoteDocumentStash(ReadOnlyStash): """Reads ``noteevents`` from the database and returns parsed documents. """ doc_parser: FeatureDocumentParser = field(default=None) """NER+L medical domain natural langauge parser.""" note_db_persister: DbPersister = field(default=None) """Fetches the note text by key from the DB."""
[docs] def load(self, row_id: str) -> FeatureDocument: doc_parser: FeatureDocumentParser = self.doc_parser if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): dp_name: str = str(type(doc_parser)) if hasattr(doc_parser, 'name'): dp_name ='loading note {row_id} using {dp_name}') text = self.note_db_persister.execute_by_name( 'select_note_text_by_id', params=(row_id,), row_factory='tuple') # many notes have trailing newlines, which may cause issues with spaCy # or downstream prediction tasks return doc_parser(text[0][0].strip())
[docs] def keys(self) -> Iterable[str]: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('returning note all DB keys') return map(lambda x: str(x[0]), self.note_db_persister.execute_by_name( 'select_keys', row_factory='tuple'))
[docs] def exists(self, name: str) -> bool: res = self.note_db_persister.execute_by_name( 'select_hadm_id_by_row_id', params=(name,), row_factory='tuple') return len(res) > 0
[docs] @dataclass class NoteEventPersister(DataClassDbPersister): """Manages instances of :class:`.NoteEvent`. """ mimic_note_context: Settings = field(default=None) """Contains resources needed by new and re-hydrated notes, such as the document stash. """ hadm_row_chunk_size: int = field(default=None) """The number of note IDs for each round trip to the DB in :meth:`get_hadm_ids`. """ def __post_init__(self): self.bean_class = NoteEvent super().__post_init__() self.row_factory = self._create_bean def _create_bean(self, *args): return NoteEvent(*args, context=self.mimic_note_context) @property @persisted('_categories', cache_global=True) def categories(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """All unique categories.""" cats = self.execute_by_name('categories', row_factory='tuple') return tuple(map(lambda x: x[0], cats)) @property def _is_sqlite(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self.conn_manager, SqliteConnectionManager)
[docs] def get_note_count(self, hadm_id: int) -> int: """Return the count of notes for a hospital admission. :param hadm_id: the hospital admission ID """ return self.execute_by_name( 'select_note_count', params=(hadm_id,), row_factory='tuple')[0][0]
[docs] def get_note_counts(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Return the count of notes for all hospital admissions.""" return self.execute_by_name('select_note_counts', row_factory='tuple')
[docs] def get_note_counts_by_subject_id(self, subject_id: int) -> \ Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]: """Get counts of notes related to a subject. :param subject_id: the patient's ID :return: tuple of (``hadm_id``, ``count``) pairs for a subject """ return self.execute_by_name( 'select_note_count_by_subject_id', params=(subject_id,), row_factory='tuple')
[docs] def get_row_ids_with_admissions(self) -> Iterable[int]: """Get note IDs associate with at least one admission.""" return map(int, tuple(chain.from_iterable( self.execute_by_name( 'select_keys_with_adms', row_factory='identity'))))
[docs] def get_row_ids_by_hadm_id(self, hadm_id: int) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Return all note row IDs for a admission ID.""" hadm_ids = tuple(chain.from_iterable( self.execute_by_name( 'select_row_ids_by_hadm_id', params=(hadm_id,), row_factory='identity'))) if self._is_sqlite: hadm_ids = tuple(map(int, hadm_ids)) return hadm_ids
[docs] def get_notes_by_hadm_id(self, hadm_id: int) -> Tuple[NoteEvent, ...]: """Return notes by hospital admission ID. :param hadm_id: the hospital admission ID """ hadm_ids = self.execute_by_name( 'select_notes_by_hadm_id', params=(hadm_id,)) if self._is_sqlite: hadm_ids = tuple(map(int, hadm_ids)) return hadm_ids
[docs] def get_row_ids_by_category(self, hadm_id: int, categories: Iterable[str]) -> \ Dict[str, List[int]]: query_name: str = 'select_row_ids_by_hadm_id_category' rows: Tuple[Tuple[int, str], ...] by_cat: Dict[str, List[int]] = defaultdict(list) cats: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple(categories) if self._is_sqlite: sql: str = self.sql_entries[query_name] sql = sql.format(cats=','.join(['?'] * len(categories))) # Python sqlite does not handle "where in" clauses rows = self.execute( sql, row_factory='tuple', params=(hadm_id, *cats)) else: rows = self.execute_by_name( query_name, row_factory='tuple', params=(hadm_id, cats)) row_id: int cat: str for row_id, cat in rows: by_cat[cat].append(row_id) return dict(by_cat.items())
[docs] def get_hadm_id(self, row_id: int) -> Optional[int]: """Return the hospital admission for a note. :param row_id: the unique ID of the note event :return: the hospital admission unique ID ``hadm_id`` if ``row_id`` is in the database """ maybe_row: Tuple[int, ...] = self.execute_by_name( 'select_hadm_id_by_row_id', params=(row_id,), row_factory=lambda x: x) if len(maybe_row) > 0: if self._is_sqlite: maybe_row = list(maybe_row) maybe_row[0] = int(maybe_row[0]) return maybe_row[0]
[docs] def get_hadm_ids(self, row_ids: Iterable[int]) -> Iterable[int]: """Return the hospital admission for a set of note. :param row_id: the unique IDs of the note events :return: the hospital admission admissions unique ID ``hadm_id`` """ def map_chunk(ids: List[int]) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return self.execute_by_name( sql_name, params=(tuple(ids),), row_factory=lambda x: x) def map_chunk_sqlite(ids: List[int]) -> Tuple[int, ...]: sql: str = self.sql_entries[sql_name] sql = sql.replace('?', f"({','.join(map(str, ids))})") return self.execute(sql, row_factory=lambda x: x) sql_name: str = 'select_hadm_id_by_row_ids' chunk_fn: Callable = map_chunk_sqlite if self._is_sqlite else map_chunk id_lsts: Iterable[List[int]] = chunks(row_ids, self.hadm_row_chunk_size) return chain.from_iterable(map(chunk_fn, id_lsts))
[docs] def get_hadm_ids_all(self) -> Iterable[int]: """Get all hospital admission IDs that have at least one associated note. """ ids = self.execute_by_name('select_note_hadm_ids', row_factory='tuple') return map(lambda x: x[0], ids)
[docs] def get_notes_by_category(self, category: str, limit: int = sys.maxsize) \ -> Tuple[NoteEvent, ...]: """Return notes by what the category to which they belong. :param category: the category of the note (i.e. ``Radiology``) :param limit: the limit of notes to return """ return self.execute_by_name( 'select_notes_by_category', params=(category, limit))
[docs] def get_discharge_reports(self, limit: int = sys.maxsize) -> \ Tuple[NoteEvent]: """Return discharge reports (as apposed to addendums). :param limit: the limit of notes to return """ return self.execute_by_name('select_discharge_reports', params=[limit])