"""Paragraph factories.
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import List, Set, Iterable, Optional, ClassVar
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import logging
import re
from zensols.nlp import (
LexicalSpan, FeatureToken, FeatureDocument, FeatureSentence
from zensols.nlp.chunker import ParagraphChunker, ListItemChunker
from zensols.mimic import Section, ParagraphFactory, MimicTokenDecorator
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WhitespaceParagraphFactory(ParagraphFactory):
"""A simple paragraph factory that splits on whitespace.
SEPARATOR_REGEX: ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile(r'\n[\s.]*\n')
def create(self, sec: Section) -> Iterable[FeatureDocument]:
par_spans: List[LexicalSpan] = []
bspan: LexicalSpan = sec.body_span
bdoc: LexicalSpan = sec.body_doc
marks: List[int] = [bspan.begin]
for i in self.SEPARATOR_REGEX.finditer(sec.body):
marks.extend((i.start() + bspan.begin, i.end() + bspan.begin))
mi = iter(marks)
for beg in mi:
par_spans.append(LexicalSpan(beg, next(mi)))
ps: LexicalSpan
for ps in par_spans:
para: FeatureDocument = bdoc.get_overlapping_document(ps)
para.text = ' '.join(map(lambda s: s.text.strip(), para))
yield para
class ChunkingParagraphFactory(ParagraphFactory):
"""A paragraph factory that uses :mod:`zensols.nlp.chunker` chunking to
split paragraphs and MIMIC lists.
MIMIC_SPAN_PATTERN: ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile(
r'(.+?)(?:(?=[\n.]{2})|\Z)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
"""MIMIC regular expression adds period, which is used in notes to separate
min_sent_len: int = field()
"""Minimum sentence length in tokens to be kept."""
min_list_norm_matches: int = field()
"""The minimum amount of list matches needed to use the list item chunked
version of the section.
max_sent_list_len: int = field()
"""The maximum lenght a sentence can be to keep it chunked as a list.
Otherwise very long sentences form from what appear to be front list
include_section_headers: bool = field()
"""Whether to include section headers in the output."""
filter_sent_text: Set[str] = field()
"""A set of sentence norm values to filter from replaced documents."""
def _norm_list(self, doc: FeatureDocument) -> FeatureDocument:
"""Normalize itemized or enumerated lists if found."""
chunker = ListItemChunker(doc)
list_doc: FeatureDocument = chunker()
if len(list_doc.sents) > 0:
max_sent_len: int = max(map(lambda s: len(s.norm), list_doc.sents))
if len(list_doc.sents) > self.min_list_norm_matches and \
max_sent_len < self.max_sent_list_len:
doc = list_doc
return doc
def _clone_norm_doc(self, doc: FeatureDocument) -> FeatureDocument:
"""Replace mangled token norms from original text."""
clone: FeatureDocument = doc.clone()
for tok in clone.token_iter():
tok.norm = tok.text
return clone
def _norm_doc(self, parent: FeatureDocument, doc: FeatureDocument) -> \
"""Normalize the document. This removes empty sentences, MIMIC
separators (long dashes) and chunks item lists.
:param parent: the note document
:param doc: the section document
def filter_toks(t: FeatureToken) -> bool:
feat = t.mimic_ if hasattr(t, 'mimic_') else None
return feat != MimicTokenDecorator.SEPARATOR_TOKEN_FEATURE and \
len(t.norm.strip()) > 0
def filter_sents(s: FeatureSentence) -> bool:
return s.token_len > self.min_sent_len and \
s.norm not in self.filter_sent_text
# remove newlines that have space around them
sent: FeatureSentence
for sent in doc.sents:
sent.tokens = tuple(filter(filter_toks, sent.token_iter()))
# remove periods on lines by themselves
doc.sents = tuple(filter(filter_sents, doc.sents))
# chunk enumerated and itemized lists into sentences (if any)
if self.min_list_norm_matches > 0:
doc = self._norm_list(doc)
# replace mangled token norms from original text
doc = self._clone_norm_doc(doc)
if doc.token_len > 0:
doc.text = parent.text[doc.lexspan.begin:doc.lexspan.end]
if doc.token_len > 0:
return doc
def create(self, sec: Section) -> Iterable[FeatureDocument]:
include_headers: bool = self.include_section_headers
parent: FeatureDocument = sec.container.doc
doc: FeatureDocument
span: LexicalSpan
if include_headers:
doc, span = sec.doc, sec.lexspan
doc, span = sec.body_doc, sec.body_span
assert isinstance(doc, FeatureDocument)
# some section data is in the header, and thus, has no body
if len(doc.sents) == 0:
return []
# chunk sections into paragraphs
pc = ParagraphChunker(
# normalize documents and prune empty (resulting from pruned sententces)
return filter(lambda d: d is not None,
map(lambda d: self._norm_doc(parent, d), pc))