Source code for zensols.mimic.domain

"""Domain classes for the corpus notes.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import Dict, Any, Type, ClassVar, Set, Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar
import sys
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from io import TextIOBase
from zensols.util import APIError
from zensols.config import Dictable, Settings
from zensols.persist import PersistableContainer, persisted, Stash, FileTextUtil
from zensols.nlp import FeatureDocument

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class MimicError(APIError): """Raised for any application level error.""" pass
[docs] class RecordNotFoundError(MimicError): """Raised on any domain/container class error."""
[docs] def __init__(self, actor: Type, key_type: str, key: int): actor = actor.__class__.__name__ super().__init__(f'Actor {actor} could not find {key_type} ID {key}')
[docs] class MimicParseError(MimicError): """Raised for MIMIC note parsing errors."""
[docs] def __init__(self, text: str): self.text = text trunc = 50 if len(text) > trunc: text = text[0:trunc] + '...' super().__init__(f'Could not parse: <{text}>')
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class MimicContainer(PersistableContainer, Dictable): """Abstract base class for data containers, which are plain old Python objects that are CRUD'd from DAO persisters. """ row_id: int = field() """Unique row identifier.""" def __post_init__(self): super().__init__() if self.row_id is None: raise RecordNotFoundError(self, 'row id', self.row_id)
[docs] def write(self, depth: int = 0, writer: TextIOBase = sys.stdout, dct: Dict[str, Any] = None): if dct is None: dct = self.asdict() del dct['row_id'] self._write_line(f'row_id: {self.row_id}', depth, writer) self._write_object(dct, depth + 1, writer)
def __str__(self) -> str: return f'id: {self.row_id}' def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class Admission(MimicContainer): """The ADMISSIONS table gives information regarding a patient’s admission to the hospital. Since each unique hospital visit for a patient is assigned a unique HADM_ID, the ADMISSIONS table can be considered as a definition table for HADM_ID. Information available includes timing information for admission and discharge, demographic information, the source of the admission, and so on. Table source: Hospital database. Table purpose: Define a patient’s hospital admission, HADM_ID. Number of rows: 58976 Links to: * PATIENTS on SUBJECT_ID :see: `Dictionary <>`_ """ subject_id: int = field() """Foreign key. Identifies the patient.""" hadm_id: int = field() """Primary key. Identifies the hospital admission.""" admittime: datetime = field() """Time of admission to the hospital.""" dischtime: datetime = field() """Time of discharge from the hospital.""" deathtime: datetime = field() """Time of death.""" admission_type: str = field() """Type of admission, for example emergency or elective.""" admission_location: str = field() """Admission location.""" discharge_location: str = field() """Discharge location""" insurance: str = field() """The INSURANCE, LANGUAGE, RELIGION, MARITAL_STATUS, ETHNICITY columns describe patient demographics. These columns occur in the ADMISSIONS table as they are originally sourced from the admission, discharge, and transfers (ADT) data from the hospital database. The values occasionally change between hospital admissions (HADM_ID) for a single patient (SUBJECT_ID). This is reasonable for some fields (e.g. MARITAL_STATUS, RELIGION), but less reasonable for others (e.g. ETHNICITY). """ language: str = field() """See :obj:`insurance`.""" religion: str = field() """See :obj:`insurance`.""" marital_status: str = field() """See :obj:`insurance`.""" ethnicity: str = field() """See :obj:`insurance`.""" edregtime: datetime = field() """Time that the patient was registered and discharged from the emergency department. """ edouttime: datetime = field() """See :obj:`edregtime`.""" diagnosis: str = field() """The DIAGNOSIS column provides a preliminary, free text diagnosis for the patient on hospital admission. The diagnosis is usually assigned by the admitting clinician and does not use a systematic ontology. As of MIMIC-III v1.0 there were 15,693 distinct diagnoses for 58,976 admissions. The diagnoses can be very informative (e.g. chronic kidney failure) or quite vague (e.g. weakness). Final diagnoses for a patient’s hospital stay are coded on discharge and can be found in the DIAGNOSES_ICD table. While this field can provide information about the status of a patient on hospital admission, it is not recommended to use it to stratify patients. """ hospital_expire_flag: int = field() """This indicates whether the patient died within the given hospitalization. 1 indicates death in the hospital, and 0 indicates survival to hospital discharge. """ has_chartevents_data: int = field() """Hospital admission has at least one observation in the CHARTEVENTS table. """
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class Patient(MimicContainer): """Table source: CareVue and Metavision ICU databases. Table purpose: Defines each SUBJECT_ID in the database, i.e. defines a single patient. Number of rows: 46,520 Links to: ADMISSIONS on SUBJECT_ID ICUSTAYS on SUBJECT_ID """ row_id: int = field() """Unique row identifier.""" subject_id: int = field() """Primary key. Identifies the patient.""" gender: str = field() """Gender (one character: ``M``/``F``).""" dob: datetime = field() """Date of birth.""" dod: datetime = field() """Date of death. Null if the patient was alive at least 90 days post hospital discharge. """ dod_hosp: datetime = field() """Date of death recorded in the hospital records.""" dod_ssn: datetime = field() """Date of death recorded in the social security records.""" expire_flag: int = field() """Flag indicating that the patient has died."""
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class HospitalAdmissionContainer(MimicContainer): """Any data container that has a unique identifier with an (inpatient) non-null identifier. """ hadm_id: int = field() """Primary key. Identifies the hospital admission."""
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class ICD9Container(MimicContainer): """A data container that has ICD-9 codes. """ icd9_code: str = field() """ICD9 code for the diagnosis or procedure.""" short_title: str = field() """Short title associated with the code.""" long_title: str = field() """Long title associated with the code."""
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class Diagnosis(ICD9Container): """Table source: Hospital database. Table purpose: Contains ICD diagnoses for patients, most notably ICD-9 diagnoses. Number of rows: 651,047 Links to: PATIENTS on SUBJECT_ID ADMISSIONS on HADM_ID D_ICD_DIAGNOSES on ICD9_CODE """ pass
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class Procedure(ICD9Container): """Table source: Hospital database. Table purpose: Contains ICD procedures for patients, most notably ICD-9 procedures. Number of rows: 240,095 Links to: PATIENTS on SUBJECT_ID ADMISSIONS on HADM_ID D_ICD_PROCEDURES on ICD9_CODE """ pass
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class NoteEvent(MimicContainer): """Table source: Hospital database. Table purpose: Contains all notes for patients. Number of rows: 2,083,180 Links to: * PATIENTS on SUBJECT_ID * ADMISSIONS on HADM_ID * CAREGIVERS on CGID :see: `Dictionary <>`_ """ _DICTABLE_WRITE_EXCLUDES: ClassVar[Set[str]] = {'hadm_id', 'text'} _PERSITABLE_PROPERTIES: ClassVar[Set[str]] = set() _PERSITABLE_TRANSIENT_ATTRIBUTES: ClassVar[Set[str]] = { '_trans_context_var'} subject_id: int = field() """Foreign key. Identifies the patient. Identifiers which specify the patient: SUBJECT_ID is unique to a patient and HADM_ID is unique to a patient hospital stay. :see :obj:`hadm_id` """ hadm_id: int = field() """Foreign key. Identifies the hospital admission.""" chartdate: datetime = field() """Date when the note was charted. CHARTDATE records the date at which the note was charted. CHARTDATE will always have a time value of 00:00:00. CHARTTIME records the date and time at which the note was charted. If both CHARTDATE and CHARTTIME exist, then the date portions will be identical. All records have a CHARTDATE. A subset are missing CHARTTIME. More specifically, notes with a CATEGORY value of ‘Discharge Summary’, ‘ECG’, and ‘Echo’ never have a CHARTTIME, only CHARTDATE. Other categories almost always have both CHARTTIME and CHARTDATE, but there is a small amount of missing data for CHARTTIME (usually less than 0.5% of the total number of notes for that category). STORETIME records the date and time at which a note was saved into the system. Notes with a CATEGORY value of ‘Discharge Summary’, ‘ECG’, ‘Radiology’, and ‘Echo’ never have a STORETIME. All other notes have a STORETIME. """ charttime: datetime = field() """Date and time when the note was charted. Note that some notes (e.g. discharge summaries) do not have a time associated with them: these notes have NULL in this column. :see: :obj:`chartdate` """ storetime: datetime = field() """See :obj:`chartdate`.""" category: str = field() """Category of the note, e.g. Discharge summary. CATEGORY and DESCRIPTION define the type of note recorded. For example, a CATEGORY of ‘Discharge summary’ indicates that the note is a discharge summary, and the DESCRIPTION of ‘Report’ indicates a full report while a DESCRIPTION of ‘Addendum’ indicates an addendum (additional text to be added to the previous report). """ description: str = field() """A more detailed categorization for the note, sometimes entered by free-text.""" cgid: int = field() """Foreign key. Identifies the caregiver.""" iserror: bool = field() """Flag to highlight an error with the note.""" text: str = field() """Content of the note.""" context: InitVar[Settings] = field() """Contains resources needed by new and re-hydrated notes, such as the document stash. """ def __post_init__(self, context: Settings): super().__post_init__() if self.hadm_id is None: raise MimicError('NoteEvent is missing hadm_id') self.category = self.category.strip() self.text = self.text.rstrip() self._trans_context = context.asdict() @property def _trans_context(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self._trans_context_var @_trans_context.setter def _trans_context(self, trans_context: Dict[str, Any]): if hasattr(self, '_trans_context_var') and \ self._trans_context_var is not None: self._trans_context_var.update(trans_context) else: self._trans_context_var = dict(trans_context) self._trans_context_update(self._trans_context) def _trans_context_update(self, trans_context: Dict[str, Any]): pass @property def _doc_stash(self) -> Stash: return self._trans_context['doc_stash'] @property @persisted('_truncated_text', transient=True) def truncted_text(self) -> str: """A beginning substring of the note's text useful for debugging.""" return self._trunc(self.text.strip(), 70).replace('\n', ' ').strip() @property @persisted('_doc', transient=True) def doc(self) -> FeatureDocument: """The parsed document of the :obj:`name` of the section.""" return self._get_doc() @property @persisted('_id') def id(self) -> str: """The unique identifier of this note event.""" return FileTextUtil.normalize_text(self.category).lower()
[docs] def get_normal_name(self, include_desc: bool = True) -> str: """A normalized name of the note useful as a file name (sans extension). :param include_desc: whether or not to add the note's desc field, which adds an extra dash (``-``) for any subsequent file name parsing """ nfn: Callable = FileTextUtil.normalize_text if include_desc: return (f'{self.row_id}--{nfn(self.category)}--' + nfn(self.description)) else: return nfn(f'{self.row_id}-{nfn(self.category)}')
@property def normal_name(self) -> str: """A normalized name of the note useful as a file name (sans extension). """ return self.get_normal_name() def _get_doc(self) -> FeatureDocument: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'getting doc for {self.row_id} ' + f'from {type(self._doc_stash)}') return self._doc_stash[str(self.row_id)]
[docs] def write(self, depth: int = 0, writer: TextIOBase = sys.stdout, line_limit: int = sys.maxsize, write_divider: bool = True, indent_fields: bool = True, note_indent: int = 1, include_fields: bool = True): """Write the note event. :param line_limit: the number of lines to write from the note text :param write_divider: whether to write a divider before the note text :param indent_fields: whether to indent the fields of the note :param note_indent: how many indentation to indent the note fields """ if include_fields: dct = self._writable_dict() if indent_fields: super().write(depth, writer, dct) else: self._write_object(dct, depth, writer) if line_limit is not None and line_limit > 0: text = '\n'.join( filter(lambda s: len(s.strip()) > 0, self.text.split('\n'))) if write_divider: self._write_divider(depth + note_indent, writer, char='_') self._write_block(text, depth + note_indent, writer, limit=line_limit) if write_divider: self._write_divider(depth + note_indent, writer, char='_')
def __str__(self): return f'{self.row_id}: ({self.category}): {self.truncted_text}'