Source code for zensols.mednlp.entlink

"""Contains the classes for the medical token type and others.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import List, Dict, Any, ClassVar
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar
import logging
from scispacy.linking import EntityLinker
from scispacy.linking_utils import Entity as SciSpacyEntity
from zensols.persist import persisted, PersistedWork
from zensols.config import Dictable
from zensols.nlp import FeatureToken, FeatureTokenDecorator
from . import MedicalLibrary

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class Entity(Dictable): """A convenience container class that Wraps a SciSpacy entity. """ _DICTABLE_ATTRIBUTES: ClassVar[List[str]] = 'cui name definition'.split() sci_spacy_entity: SciSpacyEntity = field(repr=False) """The entity identified by :mod:`scispacy.linking_utils`.""" @property def name(self) -> str: """The canonical name of the entity.""" return self.sci_spacy_entity.canonical_name @property def definition(self) -> str: """The human readable description of the entity.""" return self.sci_spacy_entity.definition @property def cui(self) -> str: """The unique concept identifier.""" return self.sci_spacy_entity.concept_id def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{} ({self.cui})' def __repr__(self): return self.cui
[docs] @dataclass class EntitySimilarity(Entity): """A similarity measure of a medical concept in cui2vec. :see: :meth:`.MedCatFeatureDocumentParser.similarity_by_term` """ similiarty: float = field()
[docs] @dataclass class EntityLinkerResource(object): """Provides a way resolve :class:`scispacy.linking_utils.Entity` instances from CUIs. :see: :meth:`.get_linked_entity` """ params: Dict[str, Any] = field( default_factory=lambda: {'resolve_abbreviations': True, 'linker_name': 'umls'}) """Parameters given to the scispaCy entity linker.""" cache_global: InitVar[bool] = field(default=True) """Whether or not to globally cache resources, which saves load time. """ def __post_init__(self, cache_global: bool): self._linker = PersistedWork( '_linker', self, cache_global=cache_global) @property @persisted('_linker') def linker(self) -> EntityLinker: """The ScispaCy entity linker.""" self._silence_scispacy_warn() return EntityLinker(**self.params) @staticmethod def _silence_scispacy_warn(): """This warning has should have no bearing on this application as we're simply doing a CUI looking. """ import warnings s = '.*Trying to unpickle estimator Tfidf(?:Transformer|Vectorizer) from version.*' warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message=s)
[docs] def get_linked_entity(self, cui: str) -> Entity: """Get a scispaCy linked entity. :param cui: the unique concept ID """ linker: EntityLinker = self.linker se: SciSpacyEntity = linker.kb.cui_to_entity.get(cui) if se is not None: return Entity(se)
[docs] @dataclass class LinkFeatureTokenDecorator(FeatureTokenDecorator): """Adds linked SciSpacy definitions to tokens using the :class:`.MedicalLibrary`. """ lib: MedicalLibrary = field(default=None) """The medical library used for linking entities."""
[docs] def decorate(self, token: FeatureToken): e: SciSpacyEntity = self.lib.get_linked_entity(token.cui_) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'entity: {token.cui_} -> {e} ({id(token)})') if e is not None: token._definition = e.definition