Source code for zensols.grsync.repospec

"""This module includes repository domain classes.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import List, Dict, Any
import logging
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from git import Repo
from zensols.persist import persisted
from zensols.grsync import LinkEntry, RemoteSpec, PathTranslator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MASTER_SECTION = 'branch "master"'

[docs] class RepoSpec(object): """This class represents a git repository and all the symbolic links from the distribution (usually the user's home directory) that link into it. """ DEFAULT_FORMAT = '{name}: {path}, remotes={remotes}, dirty={dirty}' SHORT_FORMAT = '{name}: {path} ({remotes})'
[docs] def __init__(self, path: Path, path_translator: PathTranslator, repo: Repo = None): """Create with the path to the repo and optionally a git.Repo. :param path: the directory where the repository will be thawed (cloned) :param path_translator: translates the distribution root :param repo: the git repository to use in this instance, otherwise it will be created that points to what the ``path_translator`` resolves """ self.path = path self.path_translator = path_translator self._repo = repo self.links = ()
@property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the repository. """ return @property def repo(self) -> Repo: """Return the Git repository instance. """ if self._repo is None: self._repo = Repo(str(self.path.resolve())) return self._repo @property def master_remote(self) -> str: """Return the first (preferred) remote that is used as the master for pull, fetch and push. """ if not hasattr(self, '_master_remote'): config = self.repo.config_reader() if config.has_section(MASTER_SECTION) and \ config.has_option(MASTER_SECTION, 'remote'): self._master_remote = config.get(MASTER_SECTION, 'remote') else: self._master_remote = None logger.debug('path: {}, master remote: {}'. format(self.path.resolve(), self._master_remote)) return self._master_remote @property def remotes(self) -> List[RemoteSpec]: """Return a list or remote specs used as the repo's remotes. """ remotes = [] master_remote = self.master_remote for remote in self.repo.remotes: is_master = == master_remote remotes.append(RemoteSpec(remote, is_master)) return remotes def _is_linked_to(self, link): is_linked = str( if is_linked: link.increment_use_count() return is_linked
[docs] def add_linked(self, links): self.links = tuple(filter(lambda l: self._is_linked_to(l), links))
[docs] def freeze(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Freeze the data in this instance in to a tree of dicts usable in a JSON dump. """ return {'name':, 'path': str(self.path_translator.relative_to(self.path)), 'links': [lk.freeze() for lk in self.links], 'remotes': [r.freeze() for r in self.remotes]}
[docs] def format(self, fmt=None, writer=sys.stdout): """Human readable format. """ if fmt is None: fmt = self.DEFAULT_FORMAT remotes = map(lambda x:, self.remotes) remotes = ' '.join(sorted(remotes)) rs = {'name':, 'path': self.path_translator.to_relative(self.path), 'dirty': str(self.repo.is_dirty()).lower(), 'remotes': remotes} return fmt.format(**rs)
[docs] def write(self, writer=sys.stdout): """Human readable output. """ path = self.path_translator.to_relative(self.path) untracked = self.repo.untracked_files diffs = self.repo.index.diff(None) writer.write(f'{}:\n') writer.write(f' path: {path}\n') writer.write(f' dirty: {str(self.repo.is_dirty()).lower()}\n') writer.write(' remotes:\n') for r in self.remotes: writer.write(f' {}: {r.url}\n') if len(self.links) > 0: writer.write(' links:\n') for lk in self.links: source = self.path_translator.to_relative(lk.source) target = self.path_translator.to_relative( writer.write(f' {source} -> {target}\n') if len(diffs) > 0: writer.write(' diffs:\n') for d in diffs: writer.write(f' {d.a_path}\n') if len(untracked) > 0: writer.write(' untracked:\n') for f in untracked: writer.write(f' {f}\n')
def __str__(self): return self.format() def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] class FrozenRepo(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, remotes: List[Dict[str, str]], links: List[LinkEntry], target_dir: Path, path: Path, repo_pref: str, path_translator: PathTranslator): """Initialize. :param remotes: a list of dicts with keys ``name``, ``url`` and ``is_master`` representing a git repository remote :param links: symbol links that link in to what will become the new repository after thawed (cloned) :param target_dir: the root target directory of where the repository will be thawed (cloned) :param path: the directory where the repository will be thawed (cloned) :param repo_pref: the remote to use as the first remote when thawed :param path_translator: translates the distribution root """ self.remotes = remotes self.links = links self.target_dir = target_dir self.path = path self.repo_pref = repo_pref self.path_translator = path_translator
@property @persisted('_repo_spec') def repo_spec(self) -> RepoSpec: """Return the repo spec for this frozen repo. """ return RepoSpec(self.path, self.path_translator) @property def exists(self) -> bool: """Return whether or not the repo represented by this frozen repo already exists. """ return self.path.exists() def _split_master_remote_defs(self): not_masters = [] master = None for rmd in self.remotes: if rmd['name'] == self.repo_pref: master = rmd else: not_masters.append(rmd) if master is None: not_masters.clear() for rmd in self.remotes: if rmd['is_master']: master = rmd else: not_masters.append(rmd) if master is None: master = not_masters[0] not_masters = not_masters[1:] return master, not_masters
[docs] def thaw(self) -> RepoSpec: """Thaw a RepoSpec object, which does a clone and then creates the (remaining if any) remotes. This also creates the symbol links that link into this repo. Then return the object represented by the new repo. """ if self.path.exists(): logger.warning('path already exists: {}--skipping repo clone'. format(self.path)) repo_spec = self.repo_spec else: master, not_masters = self._split_master_remote_defs() name = master['name'] url = master['url']'cloning repo: {url} -> {self.path}') repo = Repo.clone_from(url, self.path, recursive=True) repo.remotes[0].rename(name) for rmd in not_masters: repo.create_remote(rmd['name'], rmd['url']) repo_spec = RepoSpec(self.path, self.path_translator, repo) for link in self.links:'thawing link {link}') if link.source.exists(): logger.warning(f'refusing to overwrite link: {link.source}') else: par = link.source.parent if not par.exists():'creating link directory: {par}') par.mkdir(parents=True) link.source.symlink_to( repo_spec.links = self.links return repo_spec
def __str__(self): return f'{self.path} -> {self.target_dir}: {self.remotes}' def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()