Source code for zensols.grsync.freeze

"""Includes classes that read the configuration and traverse the file system to
find matching objects to use to freeze the distribution.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import Dict, Any
import os
import stat
import socket
import logging
import json
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from zensols.persist import persisted
from zensols.grsync import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Discoverer(object): """Discover git repositories, links, files and directories to save to reconstitute a user home directory later. """ CONF_TARG_KEY = '' TARG_LINKS = '' REPO_PREF = 'discover.repo.remote_pref'
[docs] def __init__(self, config: AppConfig, profiles: list, path_translator: PathTranslator, repo_preference: str): self.config = config self.profiles_override = profiles self.path_translator = path_translator self._repo_preference = repo_preference
def _get_repo_paths(self, paths): """Recusively find git repository root directories.""" git_paths = [] logger.debug('repo root search paths {}'.format(paths)) for path in paths: logger.debug('searching git paths in {}'.format(path.resolve())) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path.resolve()): rootpath = Path(root) if == '.git': git_paths.append(rootpath.parent) return git_paths def _discover_repo_specs(self, paths, links): """Return a list of RepoSpec objects. :param paths: a list of paths each of which start a new RepoSpec :param links: a list of symlinks to check if they point to the repository, and if so, add them to the RepoSpec """ repo_specs = [] logger.debug(f'repo spec paths: {paths}') for path in paths: logger.debug(f'found repo at path {path}') repo_spec = RepoSpec(path, self.path_translator) repo_spec.add_linked(links) if len(repo_spec.remotes) == 0: logger.warning(f'repo {repo_spec} has no remotes--skipping...') else: repo_specs.append(repo_spec) return repo_specs @property @persisted('_profiles') def profiles(self): if self.config is None: raise ValueError('no configuration given; use the --help option') return self.config.get_profiles(self.profiles_override)
[docs] def get_discoverable_objects(self): """Find git repos, files, sym links and directories to reconstitute later. """ paths = [] if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): path: Path = {self.config.config_file}'finding objects to perist defined in {path}') for fname in self.config.get_discoverable_objects(self.profiles): path = Path(fname).expanduser().absolute() logger.debug(f'file pattern {fname} -> {path}') bname = dname = path.parent.expanduser() files = list(dname.glob(bname)) logger.debug(f'expanding {path} -> {dname} / {bname}: {files}') paths.extend(files) return paths
def _create_file(self, src, dst=None, no_path_obj=False, robust=False): """Return a file object, which has the relative (rel) to home dir path, absolute path (abs) used later to zip the file, and mode (mode and modestr) information. """ dst = src if dst is None else dst if src.exists(): mode = src.stat().st_mode modestr = stat.filemode(mode) modify_time = os.path.getmtime(src) create_time = os.path.getctime(src) elif not robust: raise OSError(f'no such file: {src}') else: logger.warning(f'missing file: {src}--robustly skipping') mode, modestr, create_time, modify_time = None, None, None, None # the mode string is used as documentation and currently there is no # way to convert from a mode string to an octal mode, which would be # nice to allow modification of the dist.json file. fobj = {'modestr': modestr, 'mode': mode, 'create_time': create_time, 'modify_time': modify_time} if no_path_obj: fobj['rel'] = str(self.path_translator.relative_to(dst)) else: fobj['abs'] = src fobj['rel'] = self.path_translator.relative_to(dst) return fobj
[docs] def discover(self, flatten) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Main worker method to capture all the user home information (git repos, files, sym links and empty directories per the configuration file). :param flatten: if ``True`` then return a data structure appropriate for pretty printing; this will omit data needed to create the distrubtion so it shouldn't be used for the freeze task """ files = [] dirs = [] empty_dirs = [] pattern_links = [] path_trans = self.path_translator # find all things to persist (repos, symlinks, files, etc) dobjs = self.get_discoverable_objects() # all directories are either repositories or base directories to # persist files in the distribution file dirs_or_gits = tuple( filter(lambda x: x.is_dir() and not x.is_symlink(), dobjs)) # find the directories that have git repos in them (recursively) git_paths = self._get_repo_paths(dirs_or_gits) # create symbolic link objects from those objects that are links links = tuple(map(lambda l: SymbolicLink(l, self.path_translator), filter(lambda x: x.is_symlink(), dobjs))) #logger.debug(f'links: {links}') # normal files are kept track of so we can compress them later for f in filter(lambda x: x.is_file() and not x.is_symlink(), dobjs): files.append(self._create_file(f)) # create RepoSpec objects that capture information about the git repo repo_specs = self._discover_repo_specs(git_paths, links) # these are the Path objects to where the repo lives on the local fs repo_paths = set(map(lambda x: x.path, repo_specs)) # add the configuration used to freeze so the target can freeze again if self.config.has_option(self.CONF_TARG_KEY): config_targ = self.config.get_option(self.CONF_TARG_KEY) src = Path(self.config.config_file) dst = Path(config_targ).expanduser() files.append(self._create_file(dst, dst)) logger.debug(f'files: {files}') # recusively find files that don't belong to git repos def gather(par): for c in par.iterdir(): if c.is_dir() and c not in repo_paths: gather(c) elif c.is_file(): files.append(self._create_file(c)) # find files that don't belong to git repos for path in filter(lambda x: x not in repo_paths, dirs_or_gits): logger.debug('dir {}'.format(path)) dirs.append({'abs': path, 'rel': path_trans.relative_to(path)}) gather(path) # configurated empty directories are added only if they exist so we can # recreate with the correct mode'using profiles: {", ".join(self.profiles)}') for ed in self.config.get_empty_dirs(self.profiles): logger.debug('empty dir: {}'.format(str(ed))) empty_dirs.append(self._create_file( ed, no_path_obj=True, robust=True)) # pattern symlinks are special links that can change name based on # variables like the platform name so each link points to a # configuration file for that platform. if self.config.has_option(self.TARG_LINKS): dec_links = self.config.get_option(self.TARG_LINKS) for link in map(lambda x: x['link'], filter(lambda x: 'link' in x, dec_links)): src = Path(link['source']).expanduser().absolute() targ = Path(link['target']).expanduser().absolute() pattern_links.append( {'source': str(path_trans.relative_to(src)), 'target': str(path_trans.relative_to(targ))}) # create data structures for symbolic link integrity files_by_name = {f['abs']: f for f in files} for f in files: if f['abs'].is_file(): dname = f['abs'].parent files_by_name[dname] = dname if flatten: del f['abs'] f['rel'] = str(f['rel']) # unused links pointing to repositories won't get created, so those not # used by repos are added explicitly to pattern links for link in links: if link.use_count == 0: try: pattern_links.append( {'source': str(link.source_relative), 'target': str(link.target_relative)}) except ValueError as e: logger.error(f'couldn\'t create link: {link}') raise e if in files_by_name: dst = files_by_name[] # follow links enhancement picks up here logger.debug(f'source {link.source} -> {dst}') else: logger.warning(f'hanging link with no target: {link}--' + 'proceeding anyway') return {'repo_specs': repo_specs, 'empty_dirs': empty_dirs, 'files': files, 'links': pattern_links}
@property def repo_preference(self): """Return the preference for which repo to make primary on thaw """ return self._repo_preference or \ (self.config.has_option(self.REPO_PREF) and self.config.get_option(self.REPO_PREF))
[docs] def freeze(self, flatten=False): """Main entry point method that creates an object graph of all the data that needs to be saved (freeze) in the user home directory to reconstitute later (thaw). :param flatten: if ``True`` then return a data structure appropriate for pretty printing; this will omit data needed to create the distrubtion so it shouldn't be used for the freeze task """ disc = repo_specs = tuple(x.freeze() for x in disc['repo_specs']) files = disc['files']'freeezing with git repository ' + f'preference: {self.repo_preference}') disc.update({'repo_specs': repo_specs, 'repo_pref': self.repo_preference, 'files': files, 'source': socket.gethostname(), 'create_date': timespec='minutes')}) return disc
[docs] class FreezeManager(object): """Invoked by a client to create *frozen* distribution . """ CREATE_WHEEL = 'discover.wheel.create'
[docs] def __init__(self, config, dist_file, defs_file, discoverer, app_version, dry_run: bool): self.config = config self.dist_file = dist_file self.defs_file = defs_file self.discoverer = discoverer self.app_version = app_version self.dry_run = dry_run
def _create_wheels(self, wheel_dependency): """Create wheel dependencies on this software so the host doesn't need Internet connectivity. Currently the YAML dependency breaks this since only binary per host wheels are available for download and the wrong was is given of spanning platforms (i.e. OSX to Linux). """ wheel_dir_name = self.config.wheel_dir_name wheel_dir = Path(self.dist_dir, wheel_dir_name)'creating wheels from dependency {wheel_dependency} in {wheel_dir}') if not wheel_dir.exists(): wheel_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) from pip._internal import main pip_cmd = f'wheel --wheel-dir={wheel_dir} --no-cache-dir {wheel_dependency}' logger.debug('pip cmd: {}'.format(pip_cmd)) main(pip_cmd.split()) def _freeze_dist(self): """Freeze the distribution (see the class documentation). """ dist_dir = self.dist_file.parent if not self.dry_run and not dist_dir.exists(): dist_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) data = self.discoverer.freeze() data['app_version'] = self.app_version if not self.dry_run: with zipfile.ZipFile(self.dist_file, mode='w') as zf: for finfo in data['files']: fabs = finfo['abs'] frel = str(Path(finfo['rel'])) logger.debug(f'adding file: {fabs}') zf.write(fabs, arcname=frel) del finfo['abs'] finfo['rel'] = frel'writing distribution defs to {self.defs_file}') zf.writestr(self.defs_file, json.dumps(data, indent=2))'created frozen distribution in {self.dist_file}')
[docs] def freeze(self, wheel_dependency=None): """Freeze the distribution by saving creating a script to thaw along with all artifacts (i.e. repo definitions) in a zip file. """ self._freeze_dist() script_file = self.config.bootstrap_script_file if not self.dry_run: bg = BootstrapGenerator(self.config) bg.generate(script_file) script_file.chmod(0o755) # wheel creation last since pip clobers/reconfigures logging if self.config.has_option(self.CREATE_WHEEL): create_wheel = self.config.get_option(self.CREATE_WHEEL) if create_wheel and wheel_dependency is not None: self._create_wheels(wheel_dependency)