Source code for zensols.grsync.distribution

""""Contains the class needed to thaw the distribution.

from __future__ import annotations
__author__ = 'Paul Landes'
from typing import Dict, Any, Iterable
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import platform
import zipfile
import json
from zensols.persist import persisted, PersistedWork
from zensols.grsync import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Distribution(object): """Represents a frozen distribution. """
[docs] def __init__(self, path: Path, defs_file: Path, target_dir: Path, path_translator: PathTranslator): """Initialize the distribution instance. :param path: points to the distribution file itself :param target_dir: points to the directory where we thaw the distribution :param path_translator: translates relative paths to the thaw directory """ self.path = path self.defs_file = defs_file self.target_dir = target_dir self.path_translator = path_translator self.params = {'os': platform.system().lower()}
[docs] @classmethod def from_struct(cls: type, struct: Dict[str, Any], target_dir: Path) -> Distribution: """Return a distrbution directly from the data structure created from :class:`.Discoverer`. :param struct: the data structure given by :meth:`.Discoverer.freeze` using ``flatten=True`` :param target_dir: where the distribution will be *thawed* """ self = cls(None, None, target_dir, PathTranslator(target_dir)) self._struct = PersistedWork('_struct', self, initial_value=struct) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_discoverer(cls: type, discoverer: Discoverer, target_dir: Path) -> Distribution: """Return a distrbution directly from the data structure created from :class:`.Discoverer`. :param discoverer: a discoverer instance created by the *freeze* state :param target_dir: where the distribution will be *thawed* """ fspec = discoverer.freeze(True) return cls.from_struct(fspec, target_dir)
@property @persisted('_struct') def struct(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return the JSON deserialized (meta data) of the distribution. """ with zipfile.ZipFile(str(self.path.resolve())) as zf: with as f: jstr ='utf-8') struct = json.loads(jstr) return struct @property def version(self) -> str: """Get the distribution format version, which for now, is just the application version. """ if 'app_version' in self.struct: return self.struct['app_version'] @property @persisted('_files') def files(self) -> Iterable[FileEntry]: """Get the files in the distribution. """ return map(lambda fi: FileEntry(self, fi), self.struct['files']) @property @persisted('_empty_dirs') def empty_dirs(self) -> Iterable[FileEntry]: """Get empty directories defined in the dist configuration. """ return map(lambda fi: FileEntry(self, fi), self.struct['empty_dirs']) @property @persisted('_links') def links(self) -> Iterable[LinkEntry]: """Pattern links and symbolic links not pointing to repositories. """ return map(lambda fi: LinkEntry(self, fi), self.struct['links']) @property @persisted('_repos') def repos(self) -> Iterable[FrozenRepo]: """Repository specifications. """ repos = [] repo_pref = self.struct['repo_pref'] for rdef in self.struct['repo_specs']: links = tuple(map(lambda fi: LinkEntry(self, fi), rdef['links'])) repo = FrozenRepo(rdef['remotes'], links, self.target_dir, self.path_translator.expand(rdef['path']), repo_pref, self.path_translator) repos.append(repo) return repos