Source code for zensols.db.dataclass

"""Contains utility classes to persist :class:`dataclasses.dataclass`.

__author__ = 'Paul Landes'

from typing import Type, List, Tuple, Any, ClassVar
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
import dataclasses
import logging
from string import Template
from pathlib import Path
from . import DynamicDataParser, BeanDbPersister, Bean

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class DataClassDynamicDataParser(DynamicDataParser): """An SQL data parser that replaces ``${cols}`` in the SQL file with the :class:`dataclasses.dataclass` fields. :see: :class:`.DataClassDbPersister` """ ID_FIELD: ClassVar[str] = 'id' """The name of the column that has the unique identifier of the row/object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dd_path: Path, bean_class: Type): super().__init__(dd_path) if not dataclasses.is_dataclass(bean_class): raise ValueError(f'not a dataclass: {bean_class}') cols = map(lambda f:, dataclasses.fields(bean_class)) cols = ', '.join(filter(lambda c: c != self.ID_FIELD, cols)) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f'cols: {cols}') self.context = {'cols': cols}
def _map_section_content(self, lines: List[str]) -> str: content: str = super()._map_section_content(lines) templ = Template(content) return templ.substitute(self.context)
[docs] @dataclass class DataClassDbPersister(BeanDbPersister): """Persists instances of :class:`dataclasses.dataclass` by narrowing the columns from select statements. Instead of ``select *``, use ``select ${cols}`` in the SQL resource file. :see: :class:`.DataClassDynamicDataParser` """ bean_class: Type[dataclass] = field(default=None) """The data class that is CRUD'd for DB operations.""" def __post_init__(self): self.row_factory = self.bean_class super().__post_init__() def _create_parser(self, sql_file: Path) -> DynamicDataParser: return DataClassDynamicDataParser(sql_file, self.bean_class) def _get_insert_row(self, bean: Bean) -> Tuple[Any]: idf = DataClassDynamicDataParser.ID_FIELD return tuple(map(lambda f: getattr(bean,, filter(lambda f: != idf, fields(bean))))